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Looking for ships

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9 years ago
Oct 15, 2015, 10:36:28 PM
I use a sophon based custom faction and have a mid-game carrier based on the sophon battleship hull(+50% weapons weight, -25% defense weight), I put 2 bombers and 1 fighter on it and armor and defenses and the 10%/0.3 Module Repair and sometimes the fleet buffing power sometimes not and it generally does quite well; I usually use it in fleets off 1 Dreadnought, 2 Carriers and 8 Destroyers which works kinda well if I actually get it up right. The Carriers can be quite nasty against both players and AI, though spamming destroyer hulls with 2 bombers with them usually works better if you don't wanna use that fleet that way the enemy will destroy most of your fleet except the carrier, then, in mid-range, when he thinks he can finally destroy the rest of your fleet, boom, all his ships suddenly explode. Well, that happened to me once, but I suppose just using a decent fleet config would work just as good.
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