Greavance's Strikecraft Strike Back Mod

My goal: Make strikecraft viable and a constant presence on the battlefield.

So I've been in love with Disharmony ever since it came out and have put far too many hours into ES over the last year or two than I'd care to admit. That said, this entire time the balancing of the strikecraft has been bothering me. Firstly, the AI almost never uses any until you start getting into the late game, so I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've seen an organic dogfight break out between fighters. Secondly, the tier 2 strikecraft seem like they were never given the love they deserve. Lastly, and most importantly, LR Kinetics are so dominantly the best choice for shipbuilding that battles are almost always over or will fizzle out in a stalemate by the time the medium range phase starts. All of these combined made strikecraft pretty much pointless except for some mutually assured destruction.

What this mod does/will do:

  • Reduce LR Weapon effectiveness
  • Increase Strikecraft effectiveness
  • Increase AI usage of Strikecraft

This is my first mod so please let me know if there are any problems running the mod and I'll try to fix it ASAP. Also, any feedback or suggestions you might have to help get this element of gameplay the love it deserves is much appreciated!

Ver. 0.1:

  • Dramatically reduced LR Kinetic damage. EV is about 40% of base game.
  • Overall fighter damage upgrade. Unchallenged fighters now capable of light damage vs. ships and should decimate bombers.
  • Reduced Tier 1 and Tier 2 bomber health. Significantly more vulnerable to fighters.
  • Substantial Tier 2 Bomber damage increase. (Why was it ever weaker than Tier 1??)
  • Tier 2 Fighter evasion reduced.
  • AI will now include fighters and/or bombers on many more hull types.

I think the damage potential of bombers was already in a good spot (except for tier 2), but the trick is getting battles to still be undecided by the time the medium range and close quarters phases start. That said, I'm trying to go easy on the LR nerfs and not allow LR glass cannons to be viable either. Let me know what you think about the changes so far!

DOWNLOAD: Strikecraft Strike