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Question about AI use of strikecraft

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9 years ago
Jul 7, 2015, 3:59:06 AM
I've been playing for some time and noticed that the AI simply refuses to use to use strikecraft whatsoever. Even when they're getting pummeled with an entire fleet loaded down with Bombers. I've also noticed that, despite their fleet superiority being higher than mine (so sayeth the strength wheel before a battle unfolds), I more often than not win engagements and take few losses, even when things aren't in my favor. This happens even on Serious difficulty. What exactly is going on with all of this??? Anyone know how I can make the AI use fighters and bombers as much as I do, via modding or other means?
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9 years ago
Jul 15, 2015, 5:03:22 AM
Seriously? No one knows why the AI won't use fighters and bombers, or how I can correct that problem? Ignore the second part of my request, what with my own fleet being invulnerable. I think I've fixed that issue, which only leaves this. I reduced the weight for fighters and bombers to 0, thinking the AI allocates space on ships and then applies fighters if there's anything left over, but I haven't seen any results on that yet. Really, people, I desperately want my Freespace style battles!

AIL! I know you still post to these boards! Come give me a hand with this!
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9 years ago
Jul 18, 2015, 4:11:10 PM
Hey, I've just started tinkering around with the game files myself. I think I have a lead:

In ShipDesign.xml, it looks like it has the AI's decision weights for various modules, and which specific modules they should have. When I looked at the scout, I see this




So my theory is that you may be able to get the AI to start building strikecraft if you add in to some ship designs something like SpecialFighter1Spec2.

Good luck, I'm doing some strikecraft rebalancing myself, and I'd love to see the AI using more of them so I can actually see some dogfights happen.
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9 years ago
Jul 26, 2015, 6:19:19 AM
greavance wrote:
Hey, I've just started tinkering around with the game files myself. I think I have a lead:

In ShipDesign.xml, it looks like it has the AI's decision weights for various modules, and which specific modules they should have. When I looked at the scout, I see this




So my theory is that you may be able to get the AI to start building strikecraft if you add in to some ship designs something like SpecialFighter1Spec2.

Good luck, I'm doing some strikecraft rebalancing myself, and I'd love to see the AI using more of them so I can actually see some dogfights happen.

did you actually have any luck with this approach and coding? I've been busy with irl things and haven't had the time to test ES properly. Are you getting fleets that field strikecraft?
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9 years ago
Nov 12, 2015, 5:57:10 PM
Pondera wrote:
did you actually have any luck with this approach and coding? I've been busy with irl things and haven't had the time to test ES properly. Are you getting fleets that field strikecraft?

Hey, so it's been forever and a half since we were talking here, but I did finally figure it out haha. I decided to pop up a mod thread over here: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16318-strikecraft-strike-back-ver-0-1
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