I did everything I can but this stupid game can't load faction's portrait... only white box and red '?' ...

I made new affinity and it works, but when I start the game with this faction, there is only a scout ship, no colony ship and it's model is crabers...

not what I want. And I cant's design colony ship in the game because there is no colony ship hull... but add it....

I write correct path for it like another mod, But game can't understand it........ I resetup ES but still bad.

And, most of all, how can I change or define faction's home planet? I dig every xml files I can, but there is nothing for home planet.

So I start with my new faction, there home is sometimes barren, or gas, or arid... and planet's size is not only medium.....

Well this game is good, but not good for modding I think. Anyone can answer this questions..?

1. How can I put faction's portrait? (Small, Large, Wide) I write path Documents/Endless Space/disharmony/Modding/Mymod/Gui/CustomFactions/

and Documents/Endless Space/disharmony/Modding/Mymod/images/ both are not work for me...

2. How can I put ships and make it work..? I use vaulters design for my faction and then use another design at Modding/Mymod/Templates/Factionname/shiptypes....

3. And how can I change or define faction's home planet..? I mean starting planet type...

Plz guys... or if these are not possible for now, plz tell me 8^8