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10 years ago
Jul 20, 2014, 6:36:21 PM
For Disharmony something like that isn't necessary since the diplomacy was reworked.

There now is a very simply modifyable parameter in the Personality.txt

It is located in "Endless Space\Public_xp1\AI\Personality.txt".

Search for these blocks:










Each Race has one of these. Copy&Paste the Block of the UE, Cravers or Hissho over the Blocks of the other Empires and they will actl like the UE, Hissho or Cravers.

Maybe you only want to modify the Sophon, Pilgrim and Amoeba, since they are particularly peaceful. My finding is, that most of the neutral-factions (everyone except those mentioned yet) are quite aggressive already and it really only are the Sophon, Pilgrim and Amoeba who are a little bit too peaceful.

Edit: Note, if you are playing on lower difficulty-levels there is a hit to the alien aggression. Below the races there are blocks for the difficulty levels. They look like that:










So very similar to the ones of the races but they are multipliers. This example is from Impossible. The WarTreatyThreshold is halved here, which means, that the AIs are even more likely to go to war.
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10 years ago
Jul 20, 2014, 7:52:23 PM
Ail wrote:
For Disharmony something like that isn't necessary since the diplomacy was reworked.

There now is a very simply modifyable parameter in the Personality.txt

It is located in "Endless Space\Public_xp1\AI\Personality.txt".

Search for these blocks:










Each Race has one of these. Copy&Paste the Block of the UE, Cravers or Hissho over the Blocks of the other Empires and they will actl like the UE, Hissho or Cravers.

Maybe you only want to modify the Sophon, Pilgrim and Amoeba, since they are particularly peaceful. My finding is, that most of the neutral-factions (everyone except those mentioned yet) are quite aggressive already and it really only are the Sophon, Pilgrim and Amoeba who are a little bit too peaceful.

Edit: Note, if you are playing on lower difficulty-levels there is a hit to the alien aggression. Below the races there are blocks for the difficulty levels. They look like that:










So very similar to the ones of the races but they are multipliers. This example is from Impossible. The WarTreatyThreshold is halved here, which means, that the AIs are even more likely to go to war.

Thanks Ail. Which mods (if any) do you use when playing Disharmony? Thanks in advance.
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10 years ago
Jul 20, 2014, 10:50:32 PM
No. If I would, I would just add them to my mod. Which I actually did.

There's 2 things in the mod that have nothing to do with AI-ship-designs/retreat-behaviour.

Different color-codes for planet-specialisation and a tweak to the "Balanced"-AI-Governor, so it does not build defense-buildings.
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10 years ago
Jul 20, 2014, 10:52:42 PM
Ail wrote:
No. If I would, I would just add them to my mod. Which I actually did.

There's 2 things in the mod that have nothing to do with AI-ship-designs/retreat-behaviour.

Different color-codes for planet-specialisation and a tweak to the "Balanced"-AI-Governor, so it does not build defense-buildings.

I bought Disharmony when it first came out, but I'm about to play it for the first time. Is diplomacy in general much better with Disharmony? Thanks in advance.
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10 years ago
Jul 21, 2014, 6:27:21 PM
Much better? Well, it depends on what you expect.

It's mainly improved in AI factions acting more logical and more fitting to their race.

The relations play only a side-role in their decisions now. If you are the only available target to one of the more aggressive races, there will be a war-declaration anyways.

Also alliances now are working a lot better. You are always asked if your ally wants to do something. And your ally is asked when you do.

But the options you have haven't changed much. There still will be pointless trade-offers, random gifts and stuff like that.

Cool stuff like AI trying to deceive you or warning you about someone who is plotting against you, like in Civ5 diplomacy is not in here.
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10 years ago
Jul 25, 2014, 11:31:48 PM
Ail wrote:
Much better? Well, it depends on what you expect.

It's mainly improved in AI factions acting more logical and more fitting to their race.

The relations play only a side-role in their decisions now. If you are the only available target to one of the more aggressive races, there will be a war-declaration anyways.

Also alliances now are working a lot better. You are always asked if your ally wants to do something. And your ally is asked when you do.

But the options you have haven't changed much. There still will be pointless trade-offers, random gifts and stuff like that.

Cool stuff like AI trying to deceive you or warning you about someone who is plotting against you, like in Civ5 diplomacy is not in here.

If the AI no longer uses diplomatic relationship status to determine it's diplomatic actions, then what are relationship numbers (friendly, neutral, suspicious, etc) used for? Thanks in advance.
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2014, 8:17:36 PM
JetJaguar wrote:
If the AI no longer uses diplomatic relationship status to determine it's diplomatic actions, then what are relationship numbers (friendly, neutral, suspicious, etc) used for? Thanks in advance.

I didn't say they don't use it. But it now only plays a side-role. I don't know to how much the impact is. I'm just repeating what the devs (I think it was Meedoc) said about it, when I asked roughly the same question.

I think a good relation is still required for forming alliances but I'm not sure about that either.

I just can say, that I'm quite content with the AIs behaviour in DH. They act much more than a player would react.
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8 years ago
Mar 21, 2016, 6:12:45 PM
But, but that's the whole point of the relations system: to decide who they'd like to kill and who they'd like to help.

Why is trading gold bad for the AI? Why is receiving gold from the AI bad for them? It sounds like you want to rebalance the diplomacy system's weights and attitude rather than just cutting out a part of the game.

And consider this: I play harmony at eternal war! I never use diplomacy or trading dust! And I'd still never use this mod! It's just awful.
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 4:15:49 PM
JetJaguar wrote:
What are the most noticeable effects of this? Does the AI do lots tech trading in vanilla (with other AIs)?

Nope, the AI doesn't seem to use this feature at all. The effect is, that as a player, you can use trading to get far ahead in tech very easily. So the effect of disabling it shall make the game much harder on higher difficulty-levels, where players used trading excessively to keep up with the AI.

JetJaguar wrote:
Is there any way that I can use this mod, but mod it so that I can still trade resources with the AI? Thanks in advance

Yes, that should actually be pretty easy. When I'm at home in an hour or so, and I remember, I can have a look at the files and then tell you what to do to reenable Ressource-Trading.
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 11:23:34 PM
And, to pre-empt the people who will complain they cannot download the forum attachment, please try:

1. Log out and log in again

2. Try a different browser (IE vs firefox)

3. Clear your browser cookies.
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12 years ago
Jan 17, 2013, 5:02:48 PM
Hister wrote:
Can this be used with Aeterna mod?

Haven't tried to merge them yet.

Since both mods change quite a number of files, it could well be that there are some merge-conflicts which would have to be manually resolved.

The Total-Commander offers a neat compare- and merging-tool, I've used for this purpose in the past.

But you could start off by copying the contents of one mod into the folder of the other and if it asks you if you want to overwrite a file, then at least you know it isn't that simple. If it doesn't ask, then you're lucky and it should work.
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12 years ago
Jan 17, 2013, 7:34:40 PM
Index.rarIndex.rarIt's not compatible in the sense of drag and drop. There's lot's of stuff that would need to be properly merged.

I've been a modder in my past so I know things like that ain't that easy to do without prior knowledge of what code does what.

Thank you for the freeware tool suggestion - I've used trial programs and it was a ♥♥♥♥♥ to maintain them.

I've merged AggressiveAI with Scion Faction Traits mod. I'm not really sure that is WAD since I don't know what vanilla traits are in comparison to Scion traits. I'll run a vanilla game to check this out.

Edit: It works, I've merged the part of the code that needed to be merged in the Index file so both mods are up and running simultaneously.

I run Aetherna mod with Crymson's combo for it which makes things a bit more harder to merge with your AggressiveAI mod.


Your mod has for example while Aeterna has (that's in AIParametersBuilding file)

I would have an easier job if I would know what that line of code does and why there are such glaring differences between the two. Granted I could browse the modding tutorial but I'm not that eager to spend time in such a way.

It's a big undertaking and I'm not going to do it. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jan 17, 2013, 9:34:33 PM
This line alone is of little help. I would need to know what is around it. Usually that's for a building.

The only building that I have different from default in this file is the VictoryBuilding, where I removed all those values.

So I would assume that Aeterna has done a tweak there.

These values basically determine how likely the AI or the Governor is going to build something. The higher it is, the more likely.

Maybe I'll look and do it myself, if the Aeterna guys don't mind.
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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 10:27:47 PM
Ail wrote:
This line alone is of little help. I would need to know what is around it. Usually that's for a building.

The only building that I have different from default in this file is the VictoryBuilding, where I removed all those values.

So I would assume that Aeterna has done a tweak there.

These values basically determine how likely the AI or the Governor is going to build something. The higher it is, the more likely.

Maybe I'll look and do it myself, if the Aeterna guys don't mind.
It wasn't meant as a question but just as a point to how different thigns are set around the two mods. Code can't be ported with a little tinkering alone - balancing must be done.

Aeterna guys have been offline for some time - at least the mod leader. A port would be great.

Currently I'm enjoying playing your mod. Everything seems OK so far. Your AI changes work flawlessly. Am in the middle game now turn wise. Still learning some new things of the game on the fly.

Currently getting raped by the Cravers. smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Jan 19, 2013, 5:51:31 PM
Ail, you're heading in the right direction, the AI now is too peaceful (I'm playing on Impossible difficulty level). But the reason I haven't tried this mod yet is your decision to remove alliances. Amoeba and Pilgrims need alliances, some of their traits and unique technologies give you nothing without allies.
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