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Modding Release Notes

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12 years ago
Aug 27, 2012, 9:57:28 AM
In order to facilitate your modifications, I'll post modding release notes here. Basically, it will list which xml files were changed. I'm not including them in the official Release Notes in order not to clutter them.









Some XML files aren't correctly loaded, we're working on that issue.
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12 years ago
Oct 2, 2012, 4:38:48 PM


  • CivilianShipDesign.xml
  • DefenseModule.xml
  • EmpireDescriptor.xml
  • EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml
  • Faction.xml
  • FactionColor.xml
  • FactionTrait.xml
  • GalaxyConfiguration.xml
  • GalaxySettings.xml
  • GalaxyShapes.xml
  • GameDifficulty.xml
  • GameDifficultyDescriptor.xml
  • Hero.xml
  • HeroDescriptor.xml
  • Hull.xml
  • NarrativeEvent.xml
  • Personality.xml
  • PlanetColonization.xml
  • PlanetImprovement.xml
  • PlanetInfrastructure.xml
  • RandomEventDescriptor.xml
  • Registry.xml
  • ShipDescriptor.xml
  • ShipDesign.xml
  • ShipDesignTemplate.xml
  • StarSystemDescriptor.xml
  • StarSystemImprovement.xml
  • StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml
  • SupportModule.xml
  • SupportModuleDescriptor.xml
  • Technology.xml
  • TechnologyDiplomacy.xml
  • TechnologyExpansion.xml
  • TechnologySciences.xml
  • TechnologyWarfare.xml
  • Term.xml

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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 4:33:27 PM


  • AI\Personality.xml
  • AI\ShipDesignTemplate.xml

  • AI\Parameters\AIParametersBuilding.xml
  • AI\Parameters\AIParametersTechnolobgy.xml

  • Simulation\CivilianShipDesign.xml
  • Simulation\DiplomaticStatus.xml
  • Simulation\EmpireImprovement.xml
  • Simulation\Faction.xml
  • Simulation\GameDifficulty.xml
  • Simulation\GameDifficultyDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\Hull.xml
  • Simulation\PlanetColonization.xml
  • Simulation\PlanetInfrastructure.xml
  • Simulation\Registry.xml
  • Simulation\ShipDesign.xml
  • Simulation\StarSystemImprovement.xml
  • Simulation\StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\SupportModuleDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\Technology.xml
  • Simulation\TechnologyExpansion.xml
  • Simulation\Term.xml
  • Simulation\Unlock.xml

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12 years ago
Oct 30, 2012, 2:27:24 PM


  • Simulation\Anomaly.xml
  • Simulation\EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\Faction.xml
  • Simulation\FactionTrait.xml
  • Simulation\Hero.xml
  • Simulation\PlanetDescriptor.xml

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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 5:30:03 PM


  • AI\Parameters\AIParametersBuilding.xml
  • AI\Parameters\AIParametersHero.xml
  • AI\Parameters\AIParametersHeroAbility.xml
  • AI\BailiffDistrainee.xml
  • AI\DiplomaticBehavior.xml
  • AI\StarSystemAssignation.xml

  • Simulation\CivilianShipDesign.xml
  • Simulation\DiplomaticStatus.xml
  • Simulation\ExplorationEvent.xml
  • Simulation\ExplorationEventDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\GalaxyFXEvent.xml
  • Simulation\GameDifficulty.xml
  • Simulation\GameDifficultyDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\GameSpeed.xml
  • Simulation\Gui.xml
  • Simulation\Hero.xml
  • Simulation\HeroAbility.xml
  • Simulation\HeroDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\NarrativeEvent.xml
  • Simulation\PlanetDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\PlanetImprovement.xml
  • Simulation\RandomEvent.xml
  • Simulation\RandomEventDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\Registry.xml
  • Simulation\ShipDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\ShipDesign.xml
  • Simulation\StarSystemDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation\StarSystemImprovement.xml
  • Simulation\Technology.xml
  • Simulation\TechnologyExpansion.xml

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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 4:50:20 PM


  • AI/BailiffDistrainee.xml
  • AI/Personality.xml
  • AI/PirateDifficulty.xml
  • AIParameters/AIParametersBattleCard.xml
  • AIParameters/AIParametersBuilding.xml

  • Simulation/Anomaly.xml
  • Simulation/BattleCard.xml
  • Simulation/ExplorationEvent.xml
  • Simulation/FactionTrait.xml
  • Simulation/GUI.xml
  • Simulation/Hero.xml
  • Simulation/HeroAbility.xml
  • Simulation/HeroDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation/NarrativeEvent.xml
  • Simulation/PlanetDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation/PlanetImprovement.xml
  • Simulation/PlanetInfrastructure.xml
  • Simulation/RandomEvent.xml
  • Simulation/RandomEventDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation/Registry.xml
  • Simulation/StarSystemDescriptor.xml
  • Simulation/StarSystemImprovement.xml
  • Simulation/StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 4:32:18 PM


  • Simulation/BattleCard.xml
  • Simulation/MoonDescriptor.xml

  • AI/AIParametersBuilding.xml

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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 3:47:30 PM


  • Simulation/FactionTrait.xml

    (Linked to an issue on cease fire, cf public release note)

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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 11:58:00 AM


  • AIParameters/AIParametersBuilding.xml
  • AIParameters/AIParametersHero.xml
  • AIParameters/AIParametersTechnology.xml

  • Fixed micromanagers/legendary heroes traits

    - Simulation/FactionTrait.xml

  • Fixed battle cards effects

    - Simulation/BattleCardDescriptor.xml

  • Correction of path bug on Unique Sower Improvement

    - Simulation/Anomaly.xml

    - Simulation/PlanetImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/PlanetDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyExpansion.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyWarfare.xml

  • Changed defense depending on influence zone

    - Simulation/StarSystemDescriptor.xml

  • All design changes & addition depending on speed factor

    - Simulation/GalaxySettings.xml

    - Simulation/GameSpeed.xml

    - Simulation/GameSpeedDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/Hero.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/Registry.xml

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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 4:16:22 PM


  • AI/Parameters/AIParametersBuilding.xlsx
  • AI/Parameters/AIParametersHeroAbility.xlsx
  • AI/Parameters/AIParametersTechnology.xlsx
  • AIParameters/AIParametersHero.xlsx
  • AI/Personality.xml

  • Adding 4 heroes from WE rewards

    - Simulation/Hero.xml

    - Simulation/HeroDescriptor.xml

  • Adding 10 events from WE rewards

    - Simulation/Achievement.xml

    - Simulation/ExplorationEvent.xml

    - Simulation/ExplorationEventDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/RandomEvent.xml

    - Simulation/RandomEventDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovement.xml

  • Adding buildings, anomalies and technology from WE rewards

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/Unlock.xml

    - Simulation/PlanetImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyExpansion.xml

    - Simulation/Anomaly.xml

    - Plugins/GalaxyGenerator/GalaxySettings.xml

    - Simulation/PlanetDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemDescriptor.xml

  • Adding the victory progress notifications, changed achievement XML file to match

    - Simulation/Achievement.xml

  • All design changes & addition depending on speed factor

    - Simulation/GameSpeed.xml

    - Simulation/GameSpeedDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/Registry.xml

  • Adding faction traits Tolerant and blockade breakers by AI

    - Simulation/EmpireImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/Registry.xml

  • Reduced economic parameters related to hero hiring from 10 to 3

    - Simulation/Registry.xml

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11 years ago
Mar 25, 2013, 5:27:30 PM


  • Fixed the bug allowing Pirates to retreat

    - Simulation/BattleCard.xml

  • Removed the possibility for AI to scrap the Star System Improvement Building for Wonder Victory

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovement.xml

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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 12:26:56 PM

CHANGES [ClassicVersion1.0.87]

  • Fixed a bug on Emperor Affinity for the Vanilla: -50% Buyout wasn't working

    - Simulation/EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml

  • Update on some icons, techno and dependancies in tech tree

    - Simulation/EmpireImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyExpansion.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyDiplomacy.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologySciences.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyWarfare.xml

    - Simulation/Hull.xml (automatons ships)

  • Updated Factions with the new faction traits

    - Simulation/EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/Faction.xml

    - Simulation/FactionTrait.xml

    - Simulation/Registry.xml

  • Updated Tutorial

    - Simulation/NarrativeEvent.xml

  • Changed the invasion icon

    - Simulation/Gui.xml

  • Fixed issues with the path of the AI governor icons

    - AI/Gui.xml

  • Changed the colony base values

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

  • Added the auto-survey and auto-reduction buttons

    - Simulation/PlanetImprovement.xml

    - Simulation/TechnologyExpansion.xml

  • Adding Hero78 in vanilla version : Serena Tora

    - Simulation/Hero.xml

  • Update LayeredMusic.xml new battle music

    - Simulation/LayeredMusic.xml

  • Adding Golden Age feature

    - Simulation/StarSystemDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/Registry.xml

  • Added some sim properties to vanilla version to handle monopoly revamp

    - Simulation/EmpireDescriptor.xml

  • Arrival of Sheredyn faction/affinity

    - AI/Personality.xml

    - AI/ShipDesignTemplate.xml

    - Simulation/EmpireDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml

    - Simulation/Faction.xml

    - Simulation/BattleCard.xml

    - Simulation/FactionTrait.xml

    - Plugins/GalaxyGenerator/GalaxySettings.xml

    - Simulation/CivilianShipDesign.xml

    - Simulation/ShipDesign.xml

    - Simulation/Technology.xml

CHANGES [DisharmonyVersion1.1.0]


Every new xml requested for the Disharmony pack is now located in another public folder with the extention "xp1"


In order to make your new mods appear in the mods list of the game while you are playing Disharmony, you need to put them in the folder "My Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding[nameofyourfolder]". Then to link your mods to the Disharmony expansion pack, you also need to tag them adding the marker Disharmony as a child of the marker in the file Index.xml

Even if we can't guarantee that your old mods are still working using Disharmony, you can still link them to this expansion pack.


"ConstructionDescriptors". It is a descriptor applied on a system during construction of an element with the descriptor (module, hull, improvement).

"StarSystemAffinity" (ollowing the same behavior of StarSystemOwner). It allows to apply descriptors according to the affinity of a system.

"EventsToActivate". We can launch any type of random event after unlocking a technology with this new marker (only one limit, the event will be on your faction only).

Exemple: Achievement_SpeedBonusEmperor

Otherwise considering each file has a bit of new content for a first modding note please don't be mad at me for not listing every existing files in the folder smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 1:00:40 PM



  • BattleCard and BattleCardDescriptor.xml

    -Applied the nerf on Nano Repair & Barrier
  • GalaxyGenerator/GalaxySettings.xml

    -Modified probability for the different Planet Per System to be relevant regarding the localization
  • FactionTrait.xml

    - Increased cost of the different HeadHunter to match with cost in Disharmony
  • GameDifficulty.xml

    - Added the new newbie difficulty
  • NarrativeEvent.xml

    - Narrative event launched after the first Golden age


  • RandomEvent.xml

    - Removed an option which weren't working for Endless Facility
  • RandomEventDescriptor.xml

    - Fixed bug on Endless Facility linked to Academy Hero Cap
  • Simulation/EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml

    -Fixed a bug on Emperor Affinity for the Vanilla: -50% Buyout wasn't working
  • StarSystemDescriptor.xml

    -Fixed a bug on Sower Affinity
  • ShipDescriptor.xml

    -Fix: The ai fleet does not attack anymore



  • AIParameters/AIParametersTechnology_Xp1.xlsx

    -Added TechG64Hissho (which allow to unlock Wargame Center)
  • BattleCard.xml

    -Nerfed Nano Repair: bonus divided by 2
  • BattleCardDescriptor.xml

    -Nerfed Armor: remove +X% Max Health added to Armor
  • BattleDescriptor.xml

    -Range affects Accuracy instead of Damage now

    -Modified accuracy modifier on Short Range Weapons: was 25% - 75% - 100% and now is 10% - 10% - 100%
  • CivilianModule.xml

    -Increased cost of the Module to force player to use the Colonisation Hull
  • DefenseModule.xml:

    -Increased industry cost of the different defense linked to strategic resources

    -Removed Titanium 70 prerequisites on Flak1

    -Added Hexaferrum prerequisites on Deflector2

    -Lower Military Power for a smoother progression

    -Added Interception to Defenses in order to reactivate FX

    -Modified Weight of the different defense modules
  • EmpireDescriptor.xml:

    -Increased CP BONUS OF MaxFleetSize1 from 2 to 3

    -Reduced CP BONUS OF MaxFleetSize2 from 2 per class unlocked to 1 per class unlocked

    -Created CP BONUS MaxFleetSize5 and MaxFleetSize6: each one five +2 CP and they are in the Warfare Tech Tree
  • EmpireImprovement.xml:

    -Created the improvement for MaxFleetSize5 and MaxFleetSize6
  • EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml

    -Added a growth penalty for Harmony with Tolerant

    -Nerfed Sheredyn Affinity: -50% Buyout Bonus become -33% Buyout Bonus
  • FactionTrait.xml

    -Increased cost of Hellgourds from -5 to -2

    -Increased Bushido Invasion length from 5 to 10 turns

    -Every affinity now has a base of 65 points for custom faction

    -Master of Illusion is more expensive

    -Added the new tooltip for Tolerant
  • GalaxyGenerator & GalaxyShapes.xml

    -Modified the spawn order to give some space to players when they are less than 8
  • GalaxyGenerator & GalaxySettings.xml

    -Modified probability for the different Planet Per System to be relevant regarding the localization.
  • GameDifficulty.xml

    -Added the new newbie difficulty
  • HeroAbility.xml

    -Enabled Power convergence again
  • HeroDescriptor.xml

    -Fixed Lethal Modder: now give + 100 damage per salvo (divided up the number of shots)
  • Hull.xml

    -Increased cost of medium & large

    -Replaced Freeze Growth by Slow Growth => -100% positive growth to -50% positive growth

    -Increase EvasionDisorientation from 0.05 to 0.15 (it's a malus on Evade for each Successful Evade)
  • NarrativeEvent.xml

    -Narrative event launched after the first Golden age
  • Personality.xml

    -Increased Invasion Coefficient for Amoeba's Research from 1.0 to 1.2

    -Added a Turn Cooldown for Very easy and Newbie in order to weaken the AI
  • PlanetDescriptor.xml

    -Modified loss of Approval from Hellgourds from -25 to -40

    -Moved Colonial Base effect here to avoid a specific case which provoked a 0 industry due to a negative anomaly
  • Registry.xml

    -Allow to run the AI with some turn cooldown

    -Modified the deal matrice: Resources weighted 0.1 against System and now weights 0

    - Increased Control Loss from 10 to 13: invasion can now be done in 8 turns instead of 10 in Normal Speed
  • ShipDescriptor.xml

    -Added a default RepairModuleRate: 20% on ally territory and 10% everywhere else

    -Modified descriptors of ShipClassLarge1Sower (removed the line affecting current health, else it was higher than the max health...)

    -Modified ShipClassMedium1Harmony Bonus: now affect DefenseModule instead of PointDefense

    -Increased ShipClassColonizationSohpon on Civilian Module from 25% to 30%

    -Modified some defense side effects

    -Added Hullweakness here: now it's feedback on hull tooltip even if it's not elegant yet

    >Small 1 & Small 2: Hull Weakness increased from 100 to 300

    >Medium 1 & Medium 2: Hull Weakness increased from 100 to 200
  • SpecialModule.xml:

    -Improved battle performance of all the Fighters & Bombers

    -Removed collateral damage against improvement from Troops

    -Lowered Land Invasion for Fighters

    -Doubled Land Invasion for Bombers

    -Modified the level to fit with the incoming interface

    -Lower Tonnage for Bomber 4 from 60 to 40
  • StarSystemImprovement.xml

    -Removed the strategic prerequisite for Habitat4Automaton: it's an early game building

    -Reduced UniqueHarmony cost from 1000 to 500.
  • StarSystemDescriptor.xml

    -Capped BuyoutBonus to 10%

    -Added SlowGrowth descriptor
  • StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

    -Modified one of the effect of Trade1 in order to be correctly feedback through GUI
  • SupportModuleDescriptor.xml

    -Modified Armor Value: every module uses a percent now

    -Modified the Invasion6: its bonus is applied on ship instead of fleet now

    -Modified weight cost of all Armor module: 5% to 15%

    -Increased efficiency of all Armor
  • TechnologyDiplomacy.xml

    -Moved Harmonize Planet from 7th circle to the 3rd
  • TechnologyDiplomacy.xml &TechnologySciences.xml

    - Moved the Sower's technology which unlock ind to food from Science Tech Tree to Diplomacy Tech Tree and from the 5th circle to the 2nd
  • TechnologyWarfare.xml

    -Added TechG64Hissho, allowing to unlock Wargame Center
  • WeaponModule.xml

    -Increase industry cost of the different weapon linked to strategic resources

    -Lower Military Power for a smoother progression

    -Increased damage values to match with the update of the defenses


  • Achievement.xml & EmpireDescriptor.xml

    -Fixed a bug if the player decides to raze all his system

    -Added a ScoreVictory2 which is triggered when all stars systems are uncolonized.


    -Updated colonize and terraform parameters: they were the same in Vanilla and xpack
  • AI/PirateDifficulty.xml

    -Fix: Pirate has no invasion modules
  • BattleCard.xml

    -Fixed a bug on Adaptative Strategic
  • DefenseModule.xml

    - Fixed a bug: Point Defense weren't working anymore because descriptors were unactivated
  • DiplomaticStatus.xml

    -Moved Waiting Period of Cold War to 0 to fix a bug regarding cease fire
  • FactionTrait.xml:

    - Fixed a bug with AffinityEmperor: custom faction with their affinity cannot unlock Xenology anymore

    -Fixed bug on Dust Congruity (only 1 level was available)

    -Fix problem with bushido affinity update not showing
  • Hull.xml

    -Hull affinity for the Large Automaton was disabled

    -Fixed a bug on the Small2Terran

    -Fixed bug: some constructiondescriptors used descriptors marker
  • MoonDescriptor.xml

    - Fixed a bug on EmpireImprovementUniqueResistance2: the Temple were counted 1 per planet in the Star System
  • PlanetDescriptor.xml

    -Fix on Door to Infinity
  • RandomEvent.xml

    - Removed an option which weren't working for Endless Facility

    - Added the EffectDescription which was missing, and thus misleading the player.
  • RandomEventDescriptor.xml

    - Fixed bug on Endless Facility linked to Academy Hero Cap
  • ShipDescriptor.xml

    -Modified nomenclature for the different WeightBonus in order to fix GUI issue

    -Created the same type of bonus for the CostBonus
  • ShipDesign.xml

    -Fixed an issue: some design add level 2 kinetic at start

    -Fixed a bug: some initial ship design used level 2 module
  • StarSystemDescriptor.xml & PlanetDescriptor.xml

    -Moved the Colonial Base bonus on the Star System to avoid a bug provoked by Razing a system
  • StarSystemImprovement.xml

    -Corrected path prerequisites on Science3 (Optics Research Labs)

    - Modified AIPathPrerequisite for the Improvement AmoebaTradeRoutesGain
  • StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

    -Fixed issue on Silic Soil

    -Fixed a bug on StarSystemImprovementDefense4Harmony: it was 0.25 instead of 0.33
  • TechnologyDiplomacy.xml

    -Fixed an issue where TechT04EternalWar wasn't linked to TechT02Emperor (custom faction with Sheredyn Affinity and Eternal War)
  • TechnologyWarfare.xml

    -Fixed an issue on Kinetic2SRHissho
  • WeaponModule.xml

    - Fixed incorrect damage values

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11 years ago
Nov 19, 2013, 10:40:50 AM
RELEASE NOTES - Modding [1.1.31]



  • Modified Sheredyn Affinity: buyout bonus lowered from 50% to 33% (like in the xpack)


  • Capped buyoutbonus to -90% to avoid bugs when going over 100% buyout bonus

CHANGES AND ADDITIONS [Disharmonyversion]

AIParametersBattleCard_Xp1. xml

  • Lowered weight on Retreat
  • Lowered weight for Offensive Retreat
  • Updated weight on formation & targeting


  • Added missing parameters on a few improvements

AIParametersTechnology_Xp1. xml

  • Added missing parameters on a few technologies


  • New XML to configure which system will be targeted by an AI


  • Added a reduction on damage for weapon which are not firing during their range speciality: -50% damage


  • Modified MP to reflect the used tonnage


  • Added a property HasTolerantTrait
  • Fixed a bug related to the tax rate for the Sheredyn


  • Fixed a bug: some MoneyToConvert were missing
  • Fixed the bug regarding tolerant trait and starting technology reported by the community


  • Modified the Wide Image to display the faction mood instead of battle mood in the faction selection view


  • Lowered cost of Mineral Memory from 15 to 5
  • Modified the Wide Image to display the faction mood instead of battle mood in the faction selection view.


  • Rebalanced game difficulty progression for Harmony
  • Fixed a bug regarding Normal Difficulty reported on the forums


  • Modified the stats of the new heroes


  • Added a fake tooltip for the Temple Effect
  • Added the Temple for Auriga


  • Auriga's events are now global
  • Added Narrative Event for Auriga
  • Modified the spread of the event (now turning some of them to be local instead of global)


  • Added the Wonder for Auriga
  • Disharmony now affects the planet only and not the system anymore: thus the player can more easily colonize planets with dust and earn some industry / resources from it. However, the science and food will decrease faster than before but only on the planet
  • Fixed issue on several effect related to natural wonders


  • Added the Restoration Improvement for Auriga's Wonder
  • Fixed an issue on localization


  • Added a new planetary infrastructure for Harmony which increase the local deposit of a strategic resource by 1
  • Modified PathPrerequisites for the new Strategic Resource Improvement in order to show it only when the player discovers the strategic resource


  • Added a new planetary infrastructure for Harmony which increase the local deposit of a strategic resource by 1
  • Fixed a bug: some MoneyToConvert were missing


  • Reduced the final countdown to 1 second for battle


  • Improved default repair rate for the Harmony to compensate the Repair Button


  • Divided damage done by bombers per 2
  • Fixed a bug on the Fighter 2


  • Reduced cost of StarSystemImprovementUniqueHarmony from 500 to 300
  • Added a PathPrerequisites for StarSystemConversionDustToScienceSophon to avoid an exploit allowing to convert non-existent Dust on a purified system
  • Modified the image of StarSystemImprovementTrade1Harmony
  • Replaced the visual for StarSystemImprovemenTrade1Harmony because there are no assets for it for the moment
  • Modified the tooltip of StarSystemImprovementDefense4Harmony, thus the bonus in Food & Science is added to the list of modifier
  • Fixed a bug on a AIPrerequisite for the Ind to Food Improvement


  • Modified the tool tip of StarSystemImprovementDefense4Harmony, thus the bonus in Food & Science is added to the list of modifier
  • Fixed a bug on StarSystemImprovementMoney6


  • Removed penalty related to ownership for Harmony: may be too strong
  • Modified the MinValue of OverColonizationApproval from Negative to 0 in order to fix a display bug: when the reduction is equal or exceed 100%; the malus is now undisplayed
  • Capped buyoutbonus to -90% to avoid bugs when going over 100% buyout bonus
  • Removed Disharmony on system
  • Fixed a nomenclature bug


  • Added the unlock to restore Auriga's Wonder
  • Added the unlock of the new planetary improvement for the Harmony


  • Fixed a Harmony technology which pointed on StarSystemImprovemenTrade1 instead of StarSystemImprovemenTrade1Harmony


  • Replaced one of the unique technologies of the Pilgrim which was not aesthetically positioned


  • Added a new XML to give feed back to the player on the AI diplomatic decision


  • Added a new XML which allow to configure new unique planets. The max quantity within a game is defined in registry.xml


  • Increased long range accuracy and efficiency
  • Modified MP to reflect the used tonnage

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11 years ago
Jan 15, 2014, 9:47:56 AM
RELEASE NOTES - Modding [1.1.42]



  • Implemented the new Harmony Resonance bonus: + 2 FIS / ORBITING SHIP UP TO 2x CP MAX


  • Added a new property to manage the dynamic cap of Harmony new bonus. This property is shown in the affinity tooltip (2*Max command pop)


  • Added new localisation key for Harmony Affinity to explain their new bonus


  • Increased the reduction on civilian modules (+10%) for all colonization hulls



  • Expansion disapproval multiplied by 3 for Vaulters
  • Systems with Portals aren’t count for expansion disapproval
  • Added new properties to manage the gain of Science smiley: science on Empire from Portals

StarSystemImprovement.xml & StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

  • The unique Vaulter improvement (the portal particle screen) now takes 15 turns to be built
  • The unique Vaulter improvement provokes a loss of Science smiley: science (- 66%) during its construction
  • Only one unique Vaulter improvement is needed to generate Science smiley: science from all the Portals



  • Fixed a bug with the creation of a Custom Faction, when selecting "Militarists" and "Make Science, Not War" at the same time was not possible


  • Fixed a bug regarding creation of colony ship when using the "Wasted Space" trait

0Send private message
10 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 3:39:08 PM




Modified the affinity mapping of the Vaulters (used to be “Emperor”)

ColonizationEvent.xml and ColonizationEventDescriptor.xml

Added new types of events that are activated by a planet colonisation

Added 2 new types of event effects that can add descriptors on systems or planets


Fixed an issue where AI and pirate ship designs could be designed with fake modules: /#/endless-space/forum/35-tech-support/thread/15140-getting-an-error-when-i-attempt-to-do-a-manual-battle

ShipDesignEmperor.xml / ShipDesignHissho.xml / ShipDesignTerran.xml / BattleCard.xml / EmpireDescriptor.xml / EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml / StarSystemDescriptor.xml / StarSystemImprovement.xml / StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

Fixed a bug with ship design: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?22504-Possible-errors-in-ShipDesignTerran.xml-and-ShipDesignHissho.xml



Added unique pictures for each hero

ExplorationEvent.xml and ExplorationEventDescriptor.xml

Added 8 exploration events


Increased interest of the Hissho for the Industry


Modified the retreat: it now takes 3 turns, and 2 if it counters the opponent's card

Modified the offensive retreat: it now takes 3 turns, and 2 if it counters the opponent's card

EmpireDescriptor.xml and StarSystemDescriptor.xml

Science now is not compound but recovers the value of ScienceNet from all systems


Added the ability to mod loading screens (new entries in FactionTrait.xml for AffinityMappings)
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