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[FANFICTION] Tribal - The origin of the Tribals

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13 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 1:47:58 AM
Hey guys! This is a fanfic that will describe the origins of my race, the Tribals. They're something I'm looking forward to making once the race editor comes out.

Prologue: Conquest starts small

A Dictator's origins can be deceivingly small. Such was the case with Chass, the savior of the Tribals - he was born into a fairly normal tribe, a desert-roaming one. He was raised by two parents who didn't care much about him, the standard of his race. His mother eventually killed his father after a big argument. Chass wasn't surprised. In their chaotic society, domestic violence usually took the form of 'domestic murder'. Violence between Tribals was the number one cause of Tribal deaths. The second was accidental death. That's not to say the wildlife of their homeworld wasn't powerful - it was. Not a single sane man would try to attack a Rhonnos, the most powerful beast of the land. Entire villages would be demolished if an adult Rhonnos and it's mate thought the Village was a nice place to breed their young.

By all indicators, Chass should have been a normal young man. But he was a tribal only in the biological sense. Without the rugged orange skin and the devilish eyes, you couldn't tell he was a Tribal. Where other Tribals saw their regular lives, Chass saw unrestrained chaos, a race built to destroy itself. But he also saw potential. He saw potential for a race he could lead. He was charismatic, and a genius, a rare trait for one of his race. He saw opportunity, he saw insecure Tribals, and he recruited them. By his Sixteenth year, a few years after he graduated, he had his own gang of 'enforcers'. He dabbled in crime, only by necessity. Petty crimes were a small price to pay for the throne he would soon ascend.

There was no organized law on his homeworld, Morlann, also known as Pteru II. This made his acts simpler, although once he was suspected, the entire village turned against him, mob justice at it's finest. But after he fled, he found he had enough money to start another campaign of crime in a new village. Over the years, he traveled from village to village - his henchmen slowly grew in numbers, and his petty crimes turned into organized crime. He would set up his gang in a village, milk them out of their money, and move on to the next. Loan sharking, protection money - all were tactics he used. He occasionally felt disgusted with himself - but all it took was a reminder of what waited ahead - the salvation of his race. An entire race, unified under his rule. It would be possible. All he had to do was keep his eyes on the prize.

By the time the United Empire discovered his planet and sent a colonization ship to it, Chass was the most influential being on his homeworld. He had 47 tribes under his rule, all ready to do his bidding. And the other 529 tribes would join him soon enough. A small percentage, but no other Tribal had gotten anywhere near this level of unity. When the colonization ship was shot down by a group of tribals with heavy weapons, Chass arrived at the scene. He killed the group that shot it down, as they were naught but scavengers who would try and strip the ship of everything that made it important. And when he walked into the ship, he knew that his destiny wasn't on Morlann... it was in the stars.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 5:37:42 AM
Very nice! I'm looking forward to play your race when the faction editor comes out.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 5:09:31 AM
Chapter One: The Consequences of his actions

Chass' predictions had not been entirely incorrect. While it was true that he was the most influential individual Pteruan, a name coined by the United Empire, he still had to absorb 529 other tribes. And the things he had done during his rise to power had not been forgotten. Rumors of him being a 'leech', sucking villages dry of their money had spread explosively. Fear resonated through every one of the 529 tribes. This was the perfect time for an ascent to power - and other Pteruans knew this. As fear spread throughout the villages, intelligent men and women climbed the ladder to power, uniting tribes under their names. They were nothing more than warlords, however. Chass knew this. They would settle for no more than some respect and an ascent to sexual stardom.

Chass, however? Chass would settle for no less than the galaxy. He knew this. He knew that these new warlords would not use their influence to conquer other worlds. He knew that these new warlords would only wipe themselves out, as the Pteruans had been doing for centuries. But Chass would not wait for them to do so. He would not grow old, his skin turning brittle and his eyes growing old and red. But if he used force, this would do nothing but inspire the rise of more warlords. He would need to be careful, and so he was. He was not the petty thief he once was. The first warlord, Kannce, was easy enough to convince. He was an obese, lazy man hardly worthy of his throne, proof of the Pteruans' inability to select their leaders with rationality. With him came fourteen tribes, he now had 56 - a number made shorter by a few of the tribes under Chass' rule too afraid of what the rumors said to listen to reason.

The second warlord, Krinn, was more troublesome. Under the guise of peace, she launched a full strike against Chass' capital village. It was a very poorly planned attack and her men were slaughtered easily. Intimidated to the point of panicking, she was about to flee the tribe when a massive army invaded. She was killed without hesitation by a soldier paid a 'bonus' to do so, as long as he claimed it was an act of vengeance, so as to not give the impression it was under Chass's orders. However, due to the violent nature of their occupation, riots broke out. Most of the tribes under Krinn's rule were destroyed in suicidal riots.

The next seven were much like the first two - some tried to be 'clever' and assault Chass, while others caved in at the presentation of bribes of varying size. It was not until the tenth Warlord - Mott, that Chass was put to the test. Mott was a sly, malicious, possibly psychopathic ruler - and a man of amazing intellect and brutality. His brutality was unmatched. His enemies would be dissected and their heads would be stuck on poles surrounding the capital. It was an effective warning that scared the hell out of everybody. His soldiers were trained to be amazingly violent, and usually recruited from the very bottom of a tribe - the lowlife scumbags. Every campaign he waged turned into an unrestrained frenzy of rape and pillage - every tribe that opposed him was turned into a graveyard, everything of value stolen, every member of the tribe defiled and destroyed. It was not that Mott had a more powerful army than Chass - this was not the case. It was that Mott was willing to go to any lengths to terrify his opponents - and it worked. While Chass did not fear the brutal warlord much, his campaign of fear affected his warriors. It was not a matter of strength, but a matter of Morale - and in the field of Morale, Mott was a God.
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 6:31:11 AM
530 tribes O.O' holy s*

nice stories! didn't know u liked so much fan fictions
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13 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 3:02:52 PM
Actually it's more around ~570. But they vary largely in size. While some are as small as a tiny village, others are spread over many cities of their own. They have a planet slightly larger than earth and much more populated. Basically, tribe is a catch-all term for independent factions on Morlann / Pteru II. There isn't any central power large enough to be a nation...

Also, thanks. I severely enjoy writing - and especially so when it comes to making my own races.

Also, I'm not sure where to finish this story... I may just play it out as the start of the race or include some space travel... or detail the whole thing. XP
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13 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 7:27:55 AM
Good written story so far, I'm looking forward to read the other parts smiley: biggrin
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