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[FANART] [UESDC] United Empire Stealth Diplomatic Cruiser

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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 5:09:52 AM
Pretty cool, but I feel it could be improved with a more dynamic design rather than being just a huge pod. Still looks very good, though, but the Pod design seems a bit simple.
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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 9:51:20 AM
I really, REALLY like the idea of like a massive open deck under a ('transparent aluminum? smiley: smile ) dome... i can imagine a diplomatic conference where this ship sits in the middle between to massive fleets and all the diplomats can argue under the primed guns of both sides. Would add a certain spice to everyone's arguments i think.

Two minor things to consider:

1) If its a UE ship, maybe add some plating to the engine area, just to make it just kinda compatible with the UE design philosphy?

2) Not too sure a 'diplomatic' cruiser would ever have a stealth function. Stealth implies a lot of 'sneaky, sneaky, stabby, stabby'...which isn't diplomatic. smiley: smile

But other than that, very nice. It doesn't scream 'warship' which is what you want in negotiations...
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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 6:05:21 AM
Just needs a few addon modules to make the pod ship look 'busy' and it'll look even better!
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13 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 9:53:45 PM
Reminds me of something you'd see in Vaughn Heppner's Doom Star series. Good job.
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