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[Fan Fiction] Short story : Battle for Andeym (in frenglish !)

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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 2:12:41 PM
I don't have bought the game yet, but a friend explained to me what the game is about, and how each faction works (plus informations on the website)...

As far as I know, a fleet haven't more than twenty spaceships. But for me, it's only a part of the gameplay, not roleplay : fleets will be, in my story, constitued of hundred or thousand of vessels, with thousand or millions of fighters on each side (for the biggest battles)

Here are two versions, one in english, just to improve myself in this language (don't hesitate to correct me), and one in french, for the french readers, better written.

Battle for Andeym, part I

- Captain, their troops are landing in the bay !

The shout interrupted the war council, making them rise their eyes for the first time in four hours of deliberation. Bayoud frowned, surprised. His commands were clear : no break while they were preparing the defense of the city. With one gesture of his head, he allowed the soldier to go further. The four others members of the council kept a neutral face, waiting for the disruptor to explain himself more. Bayoud headed toward the man, who seemed to just have recovered his memories, remembering the previous orders. His face turned pale, and his mouth opened, without leaving out a sound. Few paces later, the Captain was in front of him, and by his severe expression make the soldier recover his words.

- Hisshos... The Hisshos are in the bay !

- We already know it, soldier, say the captain in a calm but threatening voice, you said it few seconds before. A clear report, now !

The leaking eyes of the roughed man found Bayoud's gaze for the first time, and he announced it, in one breath :

- They outnumbered us in the first ten minutes, the bay is lost and the whole third division have been whiped out. They came from nowhere !

Bayoud let the soldier breathe again, thinking about these bad news.

- Ten minutes, and eleven thousand men have been defeated, he whispered for himself.

He stayed here, confused. That was the first ground encounter with those "Hisshos". How the hell could they outnumber and destroy an entire division, while this division was prepared for it and ready to fight ? He took a look at the United Empire banners, hung near to the door, behind the messenger. His superiors had told him the Hisshos were an alien specie evolved from birds, which liked jungle planets as Andeym.

As a pragmatic man, the Captain had always made sure to know his enemies before he had to fight them, but in this case the only informations he got were about their bird origin and the appearance of some of their vessels. Not really helpful, in the end.

Now, an unknown number of those bird soldier was in the jungle, where humans couldn't stand against a well trained force originating from a jungle world.

A move of his hand, and the soldier left the place. He stood a minute here, turning his back to his four advisors. Then, he took a deep breath and faced them. He watched each of them, straight but worried. He made the five paces that separated him from the holographic map, and stared at it for a while. The room was silent, but the atmosphere oppressive. Desirous to break the silence, Daun, a lieutenant Bayoud appreciate for his cold blood and his audacious tactics, pointed a piece a water at the limits of the map, half surrounded by cliffs, with a little beach.

- There is the bay, he started.

His hand rubbed his chin, and he continued :

-They must have come from the sea. Maybe underwater.

- Underwater ? stopped him Ark, the man in charge of logistics.

He smirked at him, shaking one's head. But before an other sarcastic phrase came out his lips, Bayoud demanded explication.

- Look, he continued, at this point, near to the beach, there is fifty meters of depth. Enough to keep a destroyer underwater, if we admit it's equipped correctly.

- They are birds, not fishes...

- Stop it, Ark ! It's concious entities we're fighting, not a wing of finches. A destroyer, you said ? If it has invasion modules, it may transport two or three thousand ground soldiers.

- If you add the turrets on the top, one or two artillery pieces above water, and a great experience in jungle fighting...

- You have a cocktail that can burst our lines and annihilate a division in ten minutes...

- The complete report have been downloaded, Captain, warned Reth, a Commander's advisor who had been sent to help Bayoud protecting the city.

The last man, a noble named Eithunisla, opened it without waiting for the orders. Bayoud didn't take it as an offense and examined the map, covered with new informations.

United Empire's units were in red, whereas the invaders were in green. All the bay posted up green points, and three lines, starting from the beach, stretched to the first control points out of the city, only four kilometers away from it. The red dots were dispatched all over the east part of the map, the side where the bay was situated. Two quick moves and one click after, the council learned that more than six thousand men of the fourth division were missing, and the others five thousand were fighting without any kind of organisation.

Bayoud threw a glance at the clock. Only twenty minutes had past, and their enemies had managed to reduced their distance from the city by half. For the operation safety, decisions had to be taken.

When Bayoud had landed first on the planet to defend it, the Commander, leading all the defense of this world, had let him six divisions to keep his positions. The better equipped, the fourth division, had to establish an important control point at the bay, the only place where vessels could land their troops quickly and safely. With all the city full of anti-aircraft positions, disembark there was the only solution with land troop from the air into the jungle, with no heavy ground support.

Four of his divisions were among the street, prepared to stand against the menace. The last covered all the numerous control points in the jungle.

The map began to change frequently, adding all the news sent by the differents units. The first control point, halfway to the bay, showed five green points heading to a single red one. A number appeared, counting the losses. All the council remained silent, stunned by the operation turning. Bayoud left his passive attitude to speak :

- So, here is what we're going to do...

Bay's point, 01 control point

Bullets were crashing everywhere around him, bursting the trees into deadly splinter. He was hidden behind a fallen trunk, hanging his weapon like it could save him from an explosion. Shouts sometimes ocurred, between two salves. His left flank on the trunk and a tree on his back, he could only see some men of his division, running around or dying, shot down by a bullet.

Suddenly, three Hisshos entered in his sight, rushing a group of soldiers in a concrete position. The first one jumped over some sandbags, and used his blade to decapitate a human soldier, surprised by their vivacity. Most of them died without fighting, lacking of melee weapon. Even if two of the bird warriors fell down, only three of them had been able to neutralize twelve men.

To reassure himself, his left hand unsheathed his own blade. For one time in his soldier's life, maybe his skills at melee fight would save him. Stuck by fear, he curled up, hoping that the last Hissho wouldn't spot him. It seemed to work, and the sound of the battle moved away, until three others warriors passed over the trunk. The nearest one immediatly found him, and warned his companions. They started to make a curious strident noise, that he identified as a laugh. The Hissho who had spotted him approached, storing his gun to use a kind of wrist knife. The last thing he saw of him was his dispising eyes.

And then, he disemboweled the Hissho in one quick move, with a deadly and steady hand. With his other hand holding his weapon, he fired at the two remaining soldiers. The bullets didn't reach their target due to the important recoil he couldn't take with only one arm, except one, pulverizing a knee. While his partner fell screaming, the last standing try to pull out his gun, but a blade in the stomach stopped him.

He marched toward the Hissho not dead or dying, and without any word shot him in the head.

He was now alone, and alive, behind the enemy line. The only thing he had to do was to hide somewhere in the jungle, and survive. He always had been a coward, but a coward with melee skills and a strong desire to live. His father would think him dead, whereas he would be surviving in the forest. That was a decision he couldn't refuse to take. He was about to sink among the trees, when he heard a whistling sound, and an artillery fire shocked on the ground fourty meters away. Panicked, he try to disappear in the jungle before a shot scattered him into bloody pieces.

All over this part of the jungle, artillery shot crashed on the ground, putting fire or razing. At the control point 01, a sergent tried to contact his superiors, but communications seemed to be blocked. The building, attained by three fires, exploded in pieces of glass and metal. The operation drew a line of fire and mud on the front, pushing back the Hisshos, and reaching some control points. For a few hours, the battle was over.

Next, the enhanced version, in french.
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13 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 10:26:11 PM
Very nice i especially liked the solders point of view. Will you continue the story?
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