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[FANARTS] Comics !

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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 12:25:12 AM
Those are beautiful drawings, please keep up the good work. Definitely look forward to seeing your new work you've been working on. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 8:59:15 AM
adder wrote:
Why don't you supply us with more, Photon_Ventdesdunes? smiley: biggrin

I know I didn't post new drawings but I'm working on another story right now...

I was accepted in a website, french, to publish my pages and I'm mostly working for this story now.

I'm not sure I can post a link because it has nothing to do with Endless Space.

I'll take it back if mods want : http://www.amilova.com/fr/BD-manga/7548/filippo/chapitre-1/page-1.html

With other occupations this summer, I'm even not playing so much... If I have time free, I will draw one. smiley: wink

Thank you for all your positive comments, I like them smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 2:23:17 AM
looks definitly fantastic! i guess there are lots of other comics you made before this, right? is there a possibility to look at some more of your masterpieces??? would love to check them out dude! smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 1:14:45 PM
Why don't you supply us with more, Photon_Ventdesdunes? smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 8:54:17 PM
Oh man, these are so f---ing epic! There needs to be more stuff like this posted in this forum.
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13 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 11:14:49 AM
I open my thread for the draw I already posted in the "Endless Space Art, Screenshots and Videos" post in the main forum "Endless".

As always, click on the pictures to have a bigger version.

I invite Vieuxchat to post the version of the draw with Cravers and Hissho with dialogue if he comes here. I very liked it.

Don't hesitate also to propose some ideas. I will maybe draw them if I have time. For a "one page-story", it doesn't have to be so long.

For example, the sowers and cravers, it's only : "Something fly in the air and bump a hill. We can see it was a craver who say :"It... hurts". On the other side behind trees, a sower comes, activating its defence systems...

Have fun !

United Empire :

Cravers and Hissho :

Sowers and Cravers :

Amoeba, Sophons and Pilgrims :

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13 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 4:52:24 AM
Nice work.

How about one with some pirates coming to raid an installation where they believe they have found some easy prey due to their scans.

"...but the sensors only picked up one life form!!" As an amoeba 'swallows' them whole and their shuttle like a gelatinous cube?

Alternative... The punch line remains the same, but the reasoning is that there are hundreds of identical Horatio manning the station and ambush the pirates.

Another idea...

A first contact diplomatic group of UE in a large room, with strange looking blobs (amoeba) and one human states (while indicating on a large star-map) "Our people come from here and ...next panel... our intended expansions include these systems. What sort of resources do your people need so that we can prioritize colonization?

Amoeba response... "It does not seem like this negotiation will yield results." (humans look annoyed and respond) "You haven't even made any requests! We want this to work so that our races don't end up at war!"

Amoeba again..."Do not think that you can pretend to ask us for permissions when it is known that you have colonized every one of those systems already. (Human looks shocked) For these proceedings to continue, it is required that the entity before us is replaced." (Two UE people drag him out... still shocked/puzzled)

Something like that anyway... I realize the later one is kinda wordy for a comic, but see if you can work with it?
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13 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 9:02:47 AM
adder wrote:
I already saw these in the "Endless Space Art, Screenshots and Videos" thread.

They are a true work of art smiley: approval

If I could draw half as good a you, I'd be a happy man!

True: he's really good. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 5:52:38 PM
I already saw these in the "Endless Space Art, Screenshots and Videos" thread.

They are a true work of art smiley: approval

If I could draw half as good a you, I'd be a happy man!
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13 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 5:47:28 PM
Very good work! The first one and the last one are imoh probably the best. The spirit of each races describes in one comic!

Very beautiful work, again!
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13 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 4:41:29 PM
Extremely nice work! Kudos!

I have plans of releasing an extremely thorough and spiced-up AAR, possibly via gdocs (it's less than 50 turns right now, but the file is almost 100Kb big, rich text format [wordpadstandard]).

It's something like chronicles, full of characters and locations, backed up with some hard SF flavor text.

I was hoping someone would illustrate at least some parts of it (some parts are extended and turned out to be quite epic, although not a single battle has been fought yet).

I fleshed out many of the game elements: the cosmic strings, the wormholes, the stellar systems -- with every anomaly, atmosphere constituents, and sudden arctic types (in between two lava planets) fully explained, in a couple of easy-to-understand but hard scientific sentences. The depiction of colonies, technologies, and improvements follow the same principle, and it really culminates into an overarching saga, full of immersive plots, adventures, and discoveries.

Each in-game turn is in fact a 5-year report comprised of several distinct debriefings (Space, Research, Leaders, Combat etc, as well as Miscellaneous, which is there for additional flavor). Each entry is further broken into gameplay decisions, but written as if it was some kind of retrospect.

It was an expirement of sort, I just wanted to see will the game generate an opera which can be refined to the minutest details (stories are truly fractal in design). Incredibly, some of the things that happened by accident surprised me. It's awesome when you write a story and you don't know how it ends. No, not how it ends -- actually -- but when it ends, because the whole race is struggling to survive, and achieve whatever they want to achieve, and I think that's what makes the whole experience (on such a scale) truly unique.
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13 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 12:45:05 PM
Wow, very nice work. Amazing job!

The only idea I have is something akin to the Sophon and Pilgrims: the first contact between the Hissho and the UE, and it goes...not quite so well.
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13 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 11:52:27 AM
Oh wow you have some fine stuff here! I have no ideas for you right now but I might come up with some some day, keep up the good work smiley: wink
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