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War Develops (ES Story, Newbie, language).

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13 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 5:08:34 PM
A story for you all... Fascinating game. Enjoying playing it a lot. I'll continue the story if you wish me to; it's based on a med difficulty 6+ game.

The commander straitened his tunic, hoping to hide the beer-stained bits from last night. The subspace connection hummed, annoyingly. It'd been doing that of late. Still, a colonial with whiny complaints would be contacting him and he had to deal with him for the Admiralty's sake.

The connection crackled, then erupted into a clean 3D image. An angry man stood there, his clothes ripped and burned. He gestured with a finger. "Damn it, we need help. This is the first transmission we've gotten out in days".

The commander responded, dryly: "Yes. We dispatched a cruiser last week when we hadn't heard from you."

"A cruiser? Are you ♥♥♥♥ing insane? We're faced with five enemy dreadnoughts, and at least a dozen battleships pounding the surface!"

The commander winced, inwardly. It was bad, and shameful that the Fleet hadn't reacted in time to prevent it. Outwardly he said simply "I appreciate the update. Your people need to feed more to our TacCentre if the connection remains open. In any event, a cruiser remains inbound".

His finger poised over the transfer button. The angry man erupted: "A ♥♥♥♥ing cruiser? Against 5 dreadnoughts and a dozen battleships and their escorts? You ♥♥♥♥ing coward! What do you know of war, you bloody bureaucrat."

The commander sighed. He moved his left hand, slightly. His comfortable hoverchair moved back a foot, to bring his withered legs into camera view.

"I fought at the Battle of Qarius, sir. See the Navy Cross on my tunic. I know a little of war, bureaucrat though I may be."

In the flickering holo, the angry man looked much like a volcano; filled with righteous rage, yet no target. "Fine! Patch me through to your tactical people; but a single cruiser is ♥♥♥♥ing useless!"

The commander did so and sighed. The angry man was right. The Imperial Navy was stretched perilously thin; war had broken out with the Hisso, a crazed reptilian race. Virtually the entire fleet was prosecuting that war. Unlike the war with the so-called "United Empire" that the angry man was a direct target of, Hisso conquest would mean literally being eaten. UE conquest would "merely" mean deaths and serious changes in laws.

The priority was clear; people resented being eaten a lot more than they resented sudden law changes. And the outbreak of war with the UE was unexpected. So all that the Navy had to bring to bear was a single cruiser, albeit a single super-heavy cruiser.


The heavy cruiser Aurora jumped in system. Her commander was no fool; she was girded for battle.

Her Majesty's Navy had designed her with a singular purpose: to Halt the enemy cold. Missiles were irrelevant; things you could simply throw at people you didn't like, much like a girl throwing a baseball. Kinetics, similarly. Oh you could shoot massive ball bearings, kinetics, but they were of no use. No, the Aurora was designed to open fire upon an enemy and not ponce about. She would close and kill, with beam weapons or die trying.

And Naval arrogance was replete: The Aurora, a heavy cruiser, did indeed face 5+ dreadnoughts, 12+ battleships, replete with escorts.

The contest wasn't even close. Would you like to know more?
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13 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 7:05:59 PM
An interesting start, although I have a few suggestions, if you don't mind:

1.) While swearing may be commonplace in real life talk, and most certainly in situation like the governor found himself in real life (and may very well be used in science fiction)...considering the board has filters, I'd suggest trying to leave it out of your writing. It makes the story look just a bit silly, seeing all those ♥'s in there. That's just my opinion, though. If you don't mind that, keep at it. The point still gets across, and is fitting.

2.) Check the ES lore a bit more. Read the race description in the game, check out the bio pages on Amplitude's website. Small details you can get from them that you miss in your story can help you a lot. For example, the Hissho are not reptilian, but avian in features. And I doubt they eat those they conquer (that strikes me as more prominently a Craver thing), but again, that is simply me opinion.

I'm also led to wonder who your characters are. They aren't the United Empire, as they're the ones that are attacking the governor's world. So who are these people? I gather these characters are human, but with the use of Imperial Navy, they can't be Pilgrims. Being Horatio is a possibility, seeing as we know little about their government and military structure, but I doubt that as well...If it is a faction of your own creation, find a space to tell us so, to eliminate some confusion.

3.) Proof read, if you can. I may be a hypocrite, as I rarely do it myself, but there are a few errors that could be fixed with a simple proof read. For example:

"Virtually the entire fleet was prosecuting that war."

"Prosecuting" is the wrong word, here. The navy isn't instituting legal proceedings against the Hissho. They're engaged in that war, fighting in that war, tied up in that war...They aren't taking the Hissho to court :P

Overall though, you do have something interesting here, and you can have something really good with some work and fleshing out. Nice job.
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