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[G2G Vote] The Apparatus' Background, über special english extended edition

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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 4:33:24 PM
Well, because it seems "legal" to release any ~modification/add~ of his proposition for the custom faction contest, here is a better english written background for my faction, The Apparatus. It is not longer but surely less dramatic for the eyes of the English grammar lovers.

A big Thank You to Chewie from the CPC Community how helped me to translate my french original text.

I am pretty sure that it will not modify the results ofthe contest but it could be sad to let this work on the side:


It tooks some time for every self-conscious species in the universe to realize that in every gas giant and asteroids belt you could find traces, although tiny, of extraterrestrial life. Deserted operations sites, emptied shells as hard as rock,...everything was there, well hidden, in the majority of solar systems. For a long time these signs were believed to be another proof of the Endless existance. This was only a part of the truth. The shells had no ties with the Endless themselves but with the Apparatus, self-conscious living tools engineered by the Endless Concrets faction in order to improve and optimize the extraction and processing of precious resources found in such naturally hostile environment.


When Endless Exporers and Engineers designed the Apparatus genome it was for them nothing more than a a way to exploit at a minimal cost the resources which could be found in asteroides and at the heart of the majestic Jovian.

Everything had be prepared and planned in the slightest details: a rounded shell with a specific aerodynamic profile protecting a set of multiples tentacles and pliers, all of which could be retracted while allowing smooth movements in both space and in the turbulent atmosphere of gas giants. Sensitive to touch and with an extended but still precise vision thanks to the presence of ocular appendages on each of their tentacules the Apparatus were a perfect design for their assigned labor. Living in small, simple et autonomous, communities they grew and performed their task flawlessly and tirelessly following directives from their makers withouth noticing it, through the regular spread of pre-programmed Dust. The Apparatus were of a strong constitution, dociles and above all highly efficient. They were not worried or even intrigued by the unexplained vanishing of the resources they were collecting.

In the contrary to the Endless other creations which were were able to develop on their own and expand after they had disappeared, the Cravers, Hisshos and Sowers being the obivous evidence, the Apparatus were not able to do so. Most of their colonies struggled and simply went extinct: although well spread in the galaxy showed poor capabilities of adapation and most of them continued their repeatitive tasks untiel their death, without a sign from their makers. Nonetheless a young group did stand apart, exploiting a rich gas giant they were able to gain their autonomy and successfully develop a true civilization. Free from the orders and influence of their old masters they however kept instincts and traits particular to their genetic code: a gift for industry and engineering and a complete lack of capacity for abstraction. Thereby they were able to become great architects and builders however curiosity and abstract concpets such as art had no real space in their society. An external observer could argue that while observing the Apparatus courtship display, displaying colored patterns similar to the Terrans jellyfish. As a result, and although they rarely had intraspecies destructive wars or conflicts, the Apparatus suffered from this lack of intellect curiosity and had a slow civilization development.

Currently at its zenith, ready to colonize distant space, the Apparatus culture is mainly functional driven where each individual has a defined role which contents him fully. When one becomes unable to work his

task changes and focus is to be given to the species reproduction or to political life, sharing experience and following the still active and valid individuals. The Apparatus is therefore trully gerontocratic and respect to the ancients is a fundamental value shared by all its members.

Space is full of ressources and wealth yet undiscovered, awaiting for the Apparatus to do so. Something they are fully aware of.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 4:36:24 PM
Sadi wrote:
Well, because it seems "legal" to release any ~modification/add~ of his proposition for the custom faction contest, here is a better english written background for my faction, The Apparatus. It is not longer but surely less dramatic for the eyes of the English grammar lovers.

See the result of applying modpowers, here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13107-endless-competition-the-grand-final ^^
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 4:44:58 PM
Sadi wrote:
Ha! You really want that people votes for me instead of Panzer, allowing you to take advantage, isn't it? smiley: biggrin

You are more evil than I though. ^^

More seriously, Thank you very much!

I admit it! I'm totally evil! smiley: twisted

On a more serious note: np, all the final contestants should have a story behind them. That's only fair, especially since the text was existing at the point the competition started, just not translated. (While adding extras afterwards like timelines and artworks will surely not be added to the list by me... smiley: stickouttongue)
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 6:29:59 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I admit it! I'm totally evil! smiley: twisted

On a more serious note: np, all the final contestants should have a story behind them. That's only fair, especially since the text was existing at the point the competition started, just not translated. (While adding extras afterwards like timelines and artworks will surely not be added to the list by me... smiley: stickouttongue)

Ill just keep writing more Fiction for the Automatons now that I know your game Nosferatiel! We could have kept this nice and peaceful, but I guess not >smiley: smile Oh and since it states that Modifying/adding is allowed then technically what I am doing should be added to the original post same as this translated story smiley: smile But, you are the moderator so I guess its up to you ^.^
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 6:41:13 PM
Panzer wrote:
Ill just keep writing more Fiction for the Automatons now that I know your game Nosferatiel! We could have kept this nice and peaceful, but I guess not >smiley: smile Oh and since it states that Modifying/adding is allowed then technically what I am doing should be added to the original post same as this translated story smiley: smile But, you are the moderator so I guess its up to you ^.^

Well, we could have the "you wrote extensions first"-stuff, but I'll just state the following:

  • I have only evened the odds for Sadi. If this benefits anyone, but Sadi, I cannot tell. I don't have sufficient data for proof, either way.
  • I will not add any extensions except the base storyline everyone but Sadi had (I cannot check if the original french version she had at that time is the one that was translated, since I don't speak french, but I assume so). Also I offered this here: /#/endless-space/forum/27-general/thread/9228-g2g-vote-custom-faction-contest-razing-affinity-custom-visual-trade-route-sum one week ago smiley: stickouttongue As you can see, the post is not edited, so not manipulated.
  • I will not write and/or publish any extensions to the Fal'Hadei til the end of the vote, nor will I authorize or hire others to do so.

This posts either proves no ill intent by me or just how paranoid I am. Your choice. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 6:54:05 PM
Oh don't get all technical I was only poking some fun at you :P besides, all the extensions that I have written and or drawn on are simply for fun, even if they might add to the vote counter ;D I don't mind Sadi having an equal chance at winning though so I don't mind you adding the translated history ^.^
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 6:56:24 PM
I sent many private messages to Steph'nie few weeks ago to know if she could and was allowed to edit my post in the faction contest topic with the new version of my background and the answer wasn't clear (seems to be "nop"). But nothing was said about a link or anything else. :s

For the original text, here it is:


Il aura fallut à toute race consciente un certain temps avant de découvrir que dans toute géante gazeuse et ceinture d'astéroïdes se trouvait des traces, certes minimes, d'une vie extraterrestre. Restes d'infrastructures d'exploitations, carapaces évidées et dures comme le roc... tout était là, bien caché, dans la majorité des systèmes solaires. Longtemps on pensa que c'était une preuve supplémentaire de l'existence des Endless. C'était vrai, mais ces carapaces ne leur appartenaient pas, c'était celles des Apparatus, outils conscients créé par la faction Endless des Concrets afin d'exploiter au mieux les ressources précieuses en milieux extrêmement hostile.


Lorsque les Explorateurs et Technologistes Endless mirent au point le génome Apparatus, ils y voyaient d'aller exploiter à moindre coût les ressources présentes dans les astéroïdes de passage et au cœur des majestueuses joviennes.

Tout était prévu dans le moindre détail: une carapace au profil sphérique et aérodynamique protégeait de multiples tentacules et pinces rétractables tout en permettant un déplacement rapide et souple aussi bien dans le vide spatial que dans les atmosphères turbulentes des géantes gazeuses. Avec une sensibilité au touché et une vision de précision grâce à leurs appendices oculaires présents sur chaque tentacules, les Apparatus étaient donc parfaits pour leur tâche. Vivant en petites communautés primitives et autarciques, ils croissaient et effectuaient leur labeur sans peine, recevant des directives de leurs créateurs sans s'en rendre compte, par le biais d’épandage régulier de Brume préprogrammée. Les Apparatus étaient donc de constitution robuste, dociles, efficaces et ne s'inquiétaient pas de voir disparaître comme par enchantement les ressources qu'ils extrayaient.

La disparition des Endless n'entraîna pas systématiquement leurs créations avec eux comme en témoignent les Cravers, Hisshos et Sowers. Les Apparatus pourtant assez bien dispersés dans la galaxie ne firent cependant pas capacité d'adaptation. Beaucoup continuèrent leur tâche jusqu'à dépérir, sans signe de leurs créateurs. Un jeune groupe cependant, exploitant une géante gazeuse riche de nombreuses ressources, parvint à gagner en autonomie et à développer une véritable civilisation. Affranchis de leurs anciens maîtres, ils gardèrent cependant des traits propres à leur code génétique: un don pour l'industrie et l'ingénierie et une capacité d'abstraction inexistante. De ce fait, s'ils parvinrent à devenir de grands bâtisseurs, l'art et la curiosité n'eurent pas de réelle place dans leur société. Un observateur extérieur pourrait cependant le contester en observant les parades nuptiales auxquelles se livrent les Apparatus, déployant une robe colorée similaire aux ombrelles des méduses Terriennes. Ainsi les Apparatus bien qu'ils ne connurent que rarement de guerre intra-espèce destructrice, pâtirent de ce manque de curiosité par un développement lent de leur civilisation.

A présent à son apogée, prête à coloniser l'espace lointain, la culture Apparatus se veut essentiellement utilitariste: chaque individu a son rôle et en est pleinement heureux. Lorsqu'un individu devient incapable de travailler, il se consacre alors à la reproduction de l'espèce ou s'implique dans la vie politique, partageant son expérience et encadrant les éléments encore valides. De ce fait la société Apparatus est fondamentalement gérontocratique et le respect des anciens est une valeur fondamentale.

L'espace regorge de ressources et de richesses qui n'attendent que les Apparatus, et ils le savent.

You can google translate it if you want to compare. smiley: smile

I don't mind Sadi having an equal chance at winning though so I don't mind you adding the translated history ^.^

I am not sure that it would have (and will) change the votes. ^^
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