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13 years ago
Jun 27, 2012, 9:46:36 AM
"One morning the Craven Elder Benjamin Cricket woke up remembering a most wonderfull dream. He dreamt or maybee visited mentaly a place where all fauna and other stuff needed was replenished over night. Removing all need to move away when the place was depleted. He assembled all leaders from military, research and clerical for an impromptu meeting.

After finnishing his tale of his wonderfull dream all leaders was very excited.

He asked them what they thought if this and all was shouting ucontrollable so Benjamin told the Highest ranking Military leader to start.

"I think this a most usefull tale to tell young recruits so they fight harder knowing this will be there rewards when they die gloriously on the battle field."

Next was the High priest that anounced "This must be what we been looking for all this year. We must find this Holy planet. If u seen it in a dream u must be our holy leader for this search. I anounce you the protector of this endevour."

The science leader shaking his head saying "No no, you all wrong. This must be a scientific goal. We must put in all our effort to research this "Terraforming" for the glory of all Craven."
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 7:42:12 PM
Wonderfull! a real Craven religion! I like the deep implications, after tought and the relation to all other religiouse belives.
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