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The N´gulls - An entire new race

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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 3:38:19 AM
Well, for something different today, i wish i write about a new race i invented while i played Space Empires IV (what an awesome game).

General Info:

Name: Havodah Index


Government type:Geniocratic Democracy

Leader Title:Premier

Current leader:Aul Dhrommon


Sun: They have actually a trinary system, with 2 white dwarf stars orbiting a sun-like star. This translates in their culture as the myth of Rois Jaggar Nie´hll Bar (do n´t try to speak it, their language have a very different phonetic system and is a simplification), which is roughly translated as "Single father and his two daughters". A curious fact is that the Main Sun is "sucking" the mass of the other 2 dwarfs, astrophysicists theorizes that will take more 60 million years to the mass transfer to be complete. At this time, the sun will have 1.26 times of its actuall size and will be 1.35 times hotter, leaving the Hummbar Bhrotck planet, completely non habitable.

System: Thei system is called in their language as Jyshka Bor Khra, this is their name for "The Grandsons" (this will be explained in the Religion and Mythology sections). This system have a consistent number of 16 planets which 2 to 102 moons on each one.

Homeworld: Humbarr Bhrotck (The translation of this name is something like "Our Home"), have 6 moons, Vrill, Brill, Prill, Hrill, Jrill and The Sixth.

Moons: Hummbar have 6 of them, but only one is worth mentioning, The Sixth. Entirely by chance, Sentient life developed there too, their name was Kbnoyshak but they were bombarded almost to extinction by the N´Gull and had to fled their home, this moon, once a place full of life and diversity, now is a nuclear waste, inhabited only by mutated fauna and flora and by N´Gull colonists on the gigantic dome representing their victory.

Atmosphere composition: A complex of stabilized gases, which 46% Hydrogen, 34% Oxygen, 12.6% Argon, 3.4% methane, 3% of Nitrogen and 2% of others gases.


Organs: They have a highly complex and peculiar biology, they have no organs as we know it, only a large, multicameral organ that do all metabolic functions, the only one separate organ is their brain, but it has not a grey mass, but 4 tentacles in their head (they have no hair) called "Tendrills" unified by a large central nervous system in their had (with the approximate size of our brain), they have not a nervous system in their body, instead, they have hundreds of microbrains scattered in the body, each one with the size of a bean, each one of them have a concentrated amount of synapses and neurons), these brains act as "nodes" conected by a unique system of "cables" that connect them with the Central Nervous System, each one of them acts in a similar manner as "core processing" and give "independent" orders to the Main Organ many functions and to their muscular-endoskeleton interactions. Apart from these "differences" they have everything else in similar places of our own bodies, they have 2 eyes that captures a little wider spectrum range, a tricameral nose, no hair, no fur. Another big diference is their reproduction system that will be detailed in the next section of this dossier. External look will have

attention, this part can be considered a little disturbing to some people, some i advise some discretion.

Reproduction, Gestation and Development: They have 3 sexes and 2 ways of reproduction, the "normal" sexual way and a assexuated form similar to parthenogenesis where each of their sexes can reproduce without needing of other 2 genetic material or "semen", but this way of reproduction is actually in rapid decline because of problems derived to genetic variance. The sexuated form is a day-long ritual that involves 3 sexes, any of them acting as "mother", first they connect their "Trendrils" on each other (2 tendrils connected to other 2 tendrils) and then the "fathers" groin open a little and a tiny tentacle connects to the "mother" groin and dispense a little amount of semen-like liquid directly to the ovaries (they have up to 20 ovaries) and fecund them, this process is aways successful and and is not pleasure-based (they feel no pleasure in the act), so their only motivation is the reproduction itself. They have 3 gestation phases, one internal and another external, first phase is the mother ovary cells multiplication at a very slow pace, then in the end of 5 months they expel 20 egg-like masses and then, they enter on the second phase, the external one, where the "egg-lavae" acts as a sentient organism that feed himself with insects, bacteria and organic material during another 4 months, during that time, they gradually grows into a crysalid, the third phase and the shortest one, during 10 days they prepare themselves to "leave" their shell (during this phase, they are actually a prototype of N´Gull living entirely conscious inside the larges mass. The standard "baby" have 12 Kg and develo at fast rate (to their standard) and continue to grows and emotionally developing until they reach maturity at 30 years old.

Life expectative: 600 to 800 years old. but some cases ion their medicine history speak of some cases where the N´Gull that are immortals, these are extremely rare cases (in order of 1 to every 10 million N´Gull), this is due a still mostly unexplained genetic mutation that permits these individuals to live seemingly forever. In their medical history, no one they died of natural cases yet, but this theorized not to be a "immortality" but only a very extended life, but due the lack of individuals with his condition and the time the medicine actually developed in their history (something like 1200 years) they haven´t heard of any case as such one of them dying. this have an immense impact in their cultural development that will be detailed in the "culture" section of this dossier.


Prehistory and Feudal Times

The history of the N´Gulls is a long one, longer than the human´s one. Before the firsts stages of civilization, they lived as Hunter-Gatherers at the Great Central Plains at the equator of the planet, and they lived like this for thousand of years with little to none technological advancement, but, one day 18000 years ago, they had a mysterious singularity, that permitted them to jump from final pre-historical eras to the Feudal times in a short space of 800 years, its unkown how they did this because they had no documents on that facts, only pictographic references to this in caves and building they found almost intact, in this era, many historians speculate about how they could communicate and organize themselves with each other without advanced language and script, one of the most popular theories, says they communicated by a few basic words of a proto-language alongside advanced hand-languages. In this era, the N´gulls lives only at the warm equators, because of the planet´s geography and climate on their tropics. (details at the Geography/Climate sections). At this time, they lived in several communities and kingdoms and even a rustic form of democracy on a little village, they were aways warring with each other, until the Imperium was founded.

The Imperium Era

After 3000 years of Feudalism, the Central Plains where dominated, not by military force, but from an idea, the N´Gull civilization developed a strong sense of community, this allowed them to unify their warring nations, on a great United Imperium, commanded by the legendary leader Harath Kmminum, he established many of today´s traditions of the N´Gulls, like the Geniocracy (government of the most intelligent), organized religion (The Youjn Traditions), a highly complex bureaucratic body and a begin the initial constructions of the huge net of roads that linked all the Imperium connecting to the Central City. This road was so advanced that it did took at least 420 years to be complete with many outposts,forts, walls, bridges, towns, many theorizes that they had "external" help to do this, but historians have not conclusive proofs on that theory. Finally, after 7000 years of domination on all N´Gulls, the Imperium was divided by many other kingdoms because of the Thousand Years War that ravaged the Imperium by this time, all began because of the 40 Grand-grandsons of Harath, 20 of them was of one time he was a mother and by tradition, only the first egg-larvae to eclode would be the new Imperator, and only the eggs from the time when the last Imperator where a mother. so the Imperiumd ivided itself into many factions, the two strongest where the Fathers and the Mothers, each one defending its interests, in the end, evenreything that lefts was ruins and a huge abandoned net of the Roads.

Barbaric Era:

To be written.

obs: this is not on the FS Universe, so it will be not restricted by the game concepts.

obs²:Im not biologist, so if there is any error in my descriptions, say it, please, i did all by memory and invented many concepts.

obs³:Im not astronomer either, everything i t described was by research in wikipedia, so there will be some errors that i will gladly correct if necessary.
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 2:44:27 PM
So,i did written some nice details on the history, time, astrophysics and stuff was almost finished but then, a wild electric power cut apeared, and i lost ALL , i said ALL my progress so far. everything i written. LOST! ç_ç

im too frustrated to written more about it today. so it will take a long time before i take some courage and do everything again.

obs: to help me, you guys can sugegest me some astrophysics simulators and give me some ideas and feedback so i can write a even better civilization description.

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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 3:07:30 PM
Looks great! This is definitely NOT just another bumpy-headed humanoid.

More aliens = good aliens.
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 3:45:18 PM
Troodon wrote:
Looks great! This is definitely NOT just another bumpy-headed humanoid.

More aliens = good aliens.

Yea, i tried to make it as most realistic as possible.

It will be a in-depth vision of this race. so i can build a entire universe based on this. without the constrictions and limitations that the ESe unvierse impose me, i can invent almost everything that is not scientifically impossible.

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