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[Fan Fiction] The Cherryllhan Trade Republic

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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 5:24:52 PM
Cause I'm currently doing a small ship mod for my ES ingame Civilization I fought it would be nice to present them smiley: wink

Trade Republics of Cherryllha

Cherryllhans Affinity:

+50% Science income via Trade routes.

+7.5% Science and + 5% Dust per civilization that is technologically behind the Trade Republics (I think it would be better to adapt the numbers on the number of players).

Cherryllhan Traits:

Optimistic II: Cause of the ultimate Liberalization in their society Cherryllhans are a very happy people.

Crowded Planets I: By reason of their very advanced Technology, Cherryllhan buildings are often as high as their cities long… Much place for the population!

Traders I: The Cherryllhan prosperity and their whole society are based on the Trading with High Tech Goods and the importing of Lower Tech Goods which provide a large net welfare.

Feeble Warriors I: Cherryllhans build High Tech Ships, but their Planets don’t have a big defense infrastructure… Cause: Who the hell expects Invasion fleets on Cherryllhan Territory?!

Sloppy Sawbones II: Cause of their liberal society even heroes don’t have privileges in the health system. A negative aspect that causes higher spending on security for heroes…

Scientists II: Cherryllhan Trade is based on their high Tech level. Their Motto: Be two steps in advance to other Civs and then sell them the goods which are one steps in advance to their technology.

Blockade Runners: Nobody can stop a Cherryllhan Trader. They are willing to take high risks to sell their goods and services.

Hyugenic Rings: Well this is Cherryllha… It was always there and creates science and dust to the population!


Cherryllha is a Jungle Planet with large oceans and some small desert in the equatorial zone of the planet. The Cherryllhans are a humanoid civilization who is known in the whole Galaxy for their huge scientific progress and their liberal trade based society. Cherryllha is organized as Confederacy of five Trade Republics with a common military fleet and basic law system.

The aim of the Trade Republics is to get the ultimate progress in terms of Technology, Economy and Expansion. They are very expansive to create new markets and to maintain a big population growth which is the basis of all scientific and economic growth.

The military of Cherryllha is very big to guarantee safe borders around the large empire and to secure the trade routes.

Visual Style:

Picture of the Independence Class Destroyer (Medium sized Ship):

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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 9:19:10 PM
I like it! But I've got to comment that the front and the color remind me of a Mon Calamari cruiser xD
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