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Plocynos Faction

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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 8:46:51 PM
First of, this has got to happen. The addition of the race which Burra Techseeker belongs. If you remember him as a hero from within ES, he is the reddish turtle-without-a-shell / comodo-lizard which is so cute and cool it makes me giggle and laugh maniacly every time i get him per random chance smiley: biggrin

If the devs could make this a faction (perhaps just unlock the artwork for custom faction) or possibly make more heroes of that kind! smiley: wink

This is my favorite character, if more minor races of alien (organic) origin could be added i believe that would be swell smiley: smile i think there is quite enough machine faction as of now, so some lizard - turtle races would be cool smiley: smile

2 more little suggestions: first of please allow us to choose our random factions portrait among all the hero pictures ingame so it would be possible to make a custom Plocynos race without having fore example the pilgrims portrait smiley: wink

Second thing, i would like that we could be able to manually set which planet should be our homeworld ingame (amongst owned systems ofc), this i think is fine as in real life over time capitals change in favor of bigger cities etc, could be the same for ES universe smiley: wink and mostly i get a starting system with 3 planets, 1 asteroid, 1 lava, and one class 1 planet, thats a pretty depressing start to life in a map :P also, if you dont like that idea, allow for the settings in custom maps to be a bit more favorable for homesystems, so we get between 4-6 useful planets, where all the planets of your home system is useful to your faction smiley: smile

Thank you for you time, and sorry if i've been ranting smiley: wink
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