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The Theran Republic

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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 12:44:46 AM
((This is a lore write-up for my custom faction, The Theran Republic. I went a bit overboard, as I usually do. Write into their history, homeworld, language, etc. I'm still working on their language and intend to write a story up about them as well. I will add the faction traits that I use in-game, but I'm still working on these a bit. I decided to post this here rather than in the custom faction topic, because its so involved. smiley: wink Hope you enjoy it. ))

The Theran Republic

Their Homeworld of Thera

An inst, dael akoa [An-een-s-t-daey-l-ah-ko-a] “A cold, shadow world”

Thera is the second world from their solar system’s star. The system orbits a yellow star and Thera is within the near side of the habitable zone, however, the dense atmosphere and unusual weather patterns of the planet tend to forms its skies into an almost perpetual overcast. It is a dimly lit world with a host of low-light adapted flora and fauna. Because of this, the majority of the planet is more akin to a tundra world; with the majority of plantlife cultivated underground and in select areas that are more habitable. To make matters more difficult, the planet is surrounded by a wide ring, occasionally resulting in (usually harmless) ‘meteor’ showers.

Their planet is medium sized with occasional, harsh windstorms. Earthquakes are also common in many places on Thera, though these are generally mild. To combat the harsh and often bleak appearance of their world, the Theirans have build sprawling cities of great beauty. For centuries, their hearts went into the labor of beautifying a rather desolate world. Their buildings are often tall and narrow, generally built of lighter colored stone using arches but few columns or other apparent support structure. Like their ships, they prefer seamless designs that appear to be of one piece. The exteriors of building are often primarily one color.

Theran Appearance and History

Va aetosh vameti [Va-Aey-to-sh-Va-me-ti] “Two people united”

In the early years of their civilization, there were two distinct branches of theran peoples. The first, the Amagni, dwelled primarily in deep caverns. These Therans were even less accustomed to light and tended to be short and stocky. While most of Thera is habitable (if at some degree of difficulty), the Terani dwelled primarily along the most inhabitable surface areas of the planet. These people were taller and more lanky of form; and although all Therans are starkly pale of coloration, these bore a noticeably darker pigmentation than that of the Amagni.

Both grew in relative seclusion to the other for centuries, only interacting through occasional trade. However, as industry developed both began to delve and to spread. The Amagni delved deeper and deeper into the planet as the Terani found technology enabling them to adapt to wider areas of the planet. Soon the Amagni found that the planet could only harbor so much of their delving into it, and their productions began a series of violent earthquakes. These quakes collapsed many of the ancient Amagni dwellings, killing thousands of their people.

Tensions grew between the two cultures as the Amagni attempted to reclaim their ancestral lands, making matters worse and worsening the planetary quakes. The deepest and youngest of their cities collapsed and the Amagni realized that the underground was no longer safe for them. With the Terani now threatening war, the Amagni struck first. They charged out of their caverns and beset the Terani with war.

The conflict was violent and protracted, but the Amagni had difficulty gaining a secure foothold above ground. The Terani had taken to the skies and could strike easily from great distances with their artillery. Bombardments closed off several of the essential cavern exits and the Amagni army was cut off from its supplies. Soon after, they were forced to surrender or starve under besiegement.

The Amagni fell under service to the Terani and were forced out of their caves. This would mark the beginning of a new Terani calendar with all dates hereafter being ‘Ethat Zex’ (EZ, After Union). However, over time, the Terani would learn of the Amagni’s expert skill as artisans and metalworkers. Although it would take another century of social conflict, the two would eventually merge into the modern Theran. No longer as tall and lean as the Terani of old, the Therans are still much taller than the Amagni were. Their eyes tend to be large and adapted to the dim light of their homeworld and tend to range in coloration from a silver to pale blue to a more rare indigo.

Theran Culture and Society

Ethelãn va aeo [Eh-th-eh-l-aah-n-va-aey-oh] “Ambition and Hierarchy”

Therans: Ambitious, Inquisitive, honorable, and a little greedy.

Generic Values: Wealth, Comfort, Success, Honor.

-Common Philosophies-

The Principles of Supply and Balanced Competition: All of life boils into a race, a competition for success. Life is about securing the comforts and pleasures that one desires; but the greater the luxury, the lower the supply. One does not compete solely to claim for him or herself, but to earn that which is desired. If one is to acquire luxury, one must inevitably take it from another who might enjoy it. But fair opportunity for competition must be allowed if all are to seek a measure of success. Only by the maintenance of honor and fair competition can the universe be balanced. If competition is unduly put down, competitors will cast honor aside and the universe will descend into chaos.

The Tenets of Honor:

1. Honor that which another has earned.

2. Compete using only that which you have earned.

3. One's word, once given, is binding.

The Honor of the Challenge:

One honors that which another earns. One does not deny their achievement nor does one disrespect its worth. The pinnacle of respect lies in challenging that achievement; not through deceit or destruction, but through balanced competition. One strives to be more worthy of it than another. There is no shame in failing, only shame in not striving for that which is desired.

On Meeting a Challenge:

One must strive to acquire the luxuries they desire. Yet others will come to challenge those acquisitions and one must ever prepare to defend them. There is great shame in conceding to a challenge, especially an unworthy one. If one does harm unto another either in their possessions or health, then that one must rise and reciprocate. Balance is achieved and respect is shown for one another's strength.

On Possessions:

There are many forms of possessions and many forms of wealth. An object’s value is defined only be the quantity of people desiring that object and the depth of that desire. There is no such thing as an item given freely. Something is always received, whether respect, affection, or possession. Each will make transactions based upon what he values.


Therans bond together in mutual, monogamous relationships. These relationships are long-term, but young Therans rarely pursue such bonds until later in life. Marriage is a serious commitment wherein two offer the value of their own lives to the other, and such is seen as a great sacrifice. Younger Therans are often too ambitious and self-focused to desire such a commitment. In joining together, their fiscal values are combined on an equal basis. Thus, separations (while possible) can become very convoluted as they try to ascertain what should go to whom. Favoritism tends to be shown toward whomever has the highest position, but separations can still be very involved and thus are sometimes avoided for fear of losing a great degree of resources. This can, on occasion, lead to bound couples living apart and having little to do with one another except on a legal basis.
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 12:47:16 AM
((Sorry, too much text for one post. I had to post this in two. smiley: wink I actually had to delete some to fit it into two.. but I'll add that stuff later. :\ Don't want to make three posts. ))

Position and Status:

Theran society is highly hierarchical. Every position is placed within a hierarchy within its field, within its territory, within its company. This includes everything from the military down to the farmer’s guild. A well-off Theran farmer might be the ‘second farmer of Ditzen’, meaning precisely that he is the second most successful farmer in the territory of Ditzen. An admiral of the fleet might likewise be the twentieth admiral of Republic fleet. While any admiral is in a prestigious position, being twentieth is not a very high honor amongst the other admiralty, and he would likewise be paid less than those above him.

The methods for comparing and deciding position changes for every field. For most merchant-fields, amount of income is the primary basis. In military rankings, the range of proficiencies, perceived skills, experience, and battle results are the primary determinants. Each domain of ranking has an office that manages these ranks, called a Sotosh. Whereas income determines rank amongst mechant-fields, in most other fields rank determines payment. Theran society has a well stratified array of people at all economic levels from immense wealth to destitution, but the system is designed to allow upward and downward mobility. Ranks are revised annually.


The Theran Republic (formerly the Unified Theran Republic) is comprised of many governing bodies. Each system is governed by a council of representatives from the planets within that system, as apportioned based on population and planetary wealth. The central Republic government is called the Triumvirate, because it is comprised of representatives from three different areas. The first and largest body of representatives are the System Delegates. These are representatives of each Theran solar system. Every solar system gets a base of three delegates, plus one for every colonized planet after its first. Additionally, solar systems receive a number of additional delegates according to their position in the hierarchy of systems. The first system receives three additional representatives, the second receives two, and the third receives one.

The second body of representatives, and second largest, are the Trading Guild Delegates. The trading guild wields great influence and the majority of money within the Republic. Their total number of delegates is almost half that of the system delegates, but they can often arrange influential deals with helpful system delegates. The final body of representatives is the Science Commission. The Science Commission is the smallest body, numbering only 10 delegates who (because of their numbers) serve almost more of an advisory capacity than anything else. Membership amongst this commission is split between the Universities Board, the Cartographer and Explorer Union, and the Military Science division. Atop this governmental structure are three chief judges who vote as well as preside over deliberations. Many factions vie for control of the Theran society through economic power and this governmental structure.

General Ship Design

Aela naej [Aey-la-naey-zj] “Perfect design”

Therans are, if anything, perfectionists to a fault. Highly reluctant to speed through any production, Theran engineers and artisans tend to put out some of the most efficient, powerful, and beautiful creations. Attention to detail is the order of the day, and though it can have a tendency to drag out ship production, Theran vessels tend to be sleeker of design while packing a surprising degree of firepower via very accurate weaponry.

Theran ships tend to use designs that combine a sleek, organic look with more angular, efficient sections. Some parts might look smooth like the Sophon vessels, but tend on the whole to be more lean and built into a single, attached mass rather than having various loops and protrusions. Therans strive for efficiency without sacrificing a beautiful, seamless quality. Their ships are all armored in a bluish silver plating, with many glasteel viewports and gilded inlays over prominent areas. However, the smaller vessels tend to go for a more simplistic and seamless approach.

Ships by class

-The ships are named in Inalta (the Theran’s dominant language) in ascending order based on average ship tonnage, except for the colony ships.


Vist [Vih-ist] (Named after the long-lost city-ship: ‘Avista’.)

-One of the few vessels not quite sleek in design, the Vist class colony-ships are wide and almost disc-shaped, with a rounded curve to the front and somewhat less rounded curve to the rear. The engines run along the sides, forming rounded protrusions that jut out from the back. They are squared on the interior, but the outer walls are covered in rounded plates that curve back inward towards the ship.


Ferix [Feh-rix] (First [class])

-These small vessels have one of the simplest designs. Similar in shape to the transport, the Ferix class ships have an ovoid (egg-like) shape, narrow in the front while wider in the back. Like the Vist class ships, the Ferix tapers off at the rear to become almost flat, except that the engines are built into the main structure and exhaust opens up out of the back in a single large, rectangular vent.


Vaix [Va-icks] (Second [class])

-Vaix ships begin to see the first major deviation from the ovoid design. They more closely resemble pyramids or even stylized letter ‘A’s. They are longer vessels with mostly smooth designs along the front and middle of the ships; however, the engines protrude back at the rear points, one along each side. These engine segments are completely square and go back for a short distance before tapering off in exhaust vents that are angular and longer on the outside edge.


Corix [Cor-icks] (Third [class])

-The Corix class ships are much longer than previous classes. They begin with a smooth and slender front that curves up almost in a mirror of Horatio cruiser design. Its midsection is slightly more narrow, with a somewhat broader section for housing the engines. The exhaust barely shows out of the rear of the vessel and its vents are formed into D shapes facing outwards; one on either side.


Drakix [Dra-kix] (Fourth [class])

-The Drakix class ship is, if like anything, more akin to a smoother version of the Hissho battleship. It begins with an aggressively narrow tip that flares out into two wide inward-curving arcs. The midsection is covered with angular plates somewhat similar to the Hissho vessel of the same class, but with a gap at the rear; around which the sides curve back toward one another in that familiar arch shape, though they do not come close to reconnecting.


Vrokix [Vro-kix] (Fifth [class])

-The Vrokix class ship is similar to the Drakix in design, but larger. Also, the sides begin centered at the front and then angle down as if wilting. Atop this is a somewhat mirrored design with two more large branches that arc over the ship, angling up in a similar fashion before all curve back down towards the rear of the ship.

Tactics In This Age of Conflict

I meter she agix [Ee-me-ter-sheh-ah-gih-cks] “The cost of victory”

Therans value certain pursuits over others, set (as with most things in their society) to a hierarchy of importance: Economy, Military, Diplomacy, Science. Economy and trade are key aspects of Theran culture. One’s station determines one’s pay and vice-versa, one’s pay determines one’s station. The most successful and most powerful are also the ones with the most dust. This bleeds into their interactions with other civilizations as well. Those with the greatest resources are at the top of the food chain, as far as the Therans are concerned; and they intend to be on the top.

Therans are highly competitive and ambitious, seeking opportunities to exploit resources and other civilizations alike. They are a neutral faction that will seize opportunities when they can get away with it. In combat, they tend to prefer beam technology and mid-sized support vessels. Larger ships are generally used only for specialized purpose or command ships.
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12 years ago
Jan 22, 2013, 5:40:21 AM
Thanks, been pouring myself into that far more than I ought to be. XD I should be spending more time applying for new jobs, less time writing this stuff.
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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 5:07:44 PM
Any lore on their military?

How do they conduct system invasions?

What with?

How do they treat prisoners of war?

How do they treat captured civilian populations?

What are their usual diplomatic relations with the other races?

Is the race unified or are they many space borne factions?
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