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The Enigma

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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 10:01:09 PM
The Enigma

Scythe Corvette class UEMS#73708864400

Designate: Archangel

Role: Scientific exploration and mapping of constellation Centauri

Entered Centauri constellation on the 21st of April 3047

Start Geological scan of Orion system

Initial scan indicates 2 small Barren C-Class planets, 1 Helium Gas Giant and 1 Jungle A-Class planet

:Mir protocol initiade:

--Mir Protocol Dictations--

During any scan if a planet changes designation to A-Class start Biological Scan followed by a SIT team equipped with Tiger power suits guarded by two honor guard teams armed equipped with rifles armed with both lethal and non-lethal ammunition.


0005 since Mir Protocol start:

SIT team dispatched without honor guard team due to slow cyro thawing and a malfunction in the Bio-Scanner due to wormhole travel.


SIT unit arrived on Jungle A-Class planet ( now designated as Cyril )

Com Chatter

SIT unit "Landing on Cyril wasn't all to hard, seems like there are 4 layers of atmosphere here, lowest being the most habitable. Oxygen level at 22.5% optimal for Human living, still no lethal air-Bourne chemicals found. No vegetation visible apart from trees. Ground is covered in a very thick "mud", requesting a ATV-S to aid in transportation"

Cpt.Anders " Request acknowledged, ATV-S enroute with honor guard teams. Expect arrival to be at 0235. Remain radio silent until 0230 and report on location or if you encounter any hostilities."

:SIT unit HU-CAM:


Night sky is visible along with stars and the planets two moons. HU-CAM user appears to be using a local Bio-Scanner, Bio-Scanner shows multiple life sign all around the member, other SIT members are seen doing the same thing. Scanner indicates life signs in local proximity, but no actual life-forms are visible apart from vegetation, SIT members become extremely frustrated. SIT leader attempts to radio Archangel for additional Bio-Scanners, attempt failed.


Spores appear to be coming out of the ground, SIT members become shocked by, some start taking samples immediately. A loud scream is let out from one of the SIT members, HU-CAM user faces direction of sound, a SIT member appears to be waist deep in the ground. Four members rush and attempt to get SIT member out of the ground, buried SIT member lets out a shrill scream followed by a 5 second spasm. SIT member has been confirmed dead. At this rate spores have caused a thick mist leading to low visibility.


Dead SIT member lets out another scream, all remaining SIT members avert attention to the dead member, some pulling out their firearms. A 50cm stalk erupts out of the SIT members mouth shattering the front visor and sending multiple glass shards into the air, some shards penetrate the Tiger powersuits of multiple members rendering them immobile. Dead sit member jumps out of the ground, the legs appears to be infected by a sort of fungus, infected SIT member takes out firearm and shoots multiple SIT members in the legs rendering the hall SIT unit immobile. 3 meter long stalks are seen coming out of the ground and engulfing the SIT members, multiple screams are heard from the SIT members.


All SIT members are now on the ground, all appear to be infected by the same fungus. All start standing with firearms out, SIT leader radios Archangel, Cpt.Anders acknowledges and sends the 2 honor guard teams for evac. Infected SIT members become engulfed in the ground, HU-CAM only records darkness due to being buried by the ground.


Low hum of a UE drop ship can be heard above the ground. Chatter of multiple soldiers can be heard, most complaining about the fact that the fog is to thick to see anything. All SIT members are shot out of the ground all landing on a honor guard unit and stabbing stalk coming out of their arms and mouth into the honor guards, leading to infection. Infection rate has now been increased from 5 minutes to a matter of seconds, average being 3. All infected members approach the drop ship which appears to be stuck in the ground, infected members tear open the air-lock leading to the cockpit, they then drag out the pilot.



INFECTED SIT MEMBER-"Oh please human, you are so weak yet so intelligent. What a pity that such powerful minds are stuck in the bodies of weaklings, well there is no need to worry, because WE are your next evolutionary step"

Infected member lets out a stalk which goes into the the mouth of the pilot, the pilots face can be seen, infections process appears to spread underneath the skin BEFORE termination. Small green lines are seen forming along the skin, some bursting out and creating small stalks. These stalk then cover up a lot of the skin. During the whole process the pilot seems to be crying and "alive", assumption can be made that fast infection keeps the victim alive and infects them without properly killing them anymore. The now infected pilot cockpit starts the engines and radios Archangel requesting medical teams to be on stand by on the bridge and that there is something the captain needs to see as soon as they arrive. Most infected members can bee seen arming stun rounds into their rifles and firearms and others are forming into big "monsters" 2.5 meters high with big claw like stalks and multiple pores letting out the same spores as seen on the Cyril


Archangel can be seen from the drop ship, infected members start roaring, and getting ready for what pears to be a boarding party


Found on the crash site of Archangel on Taurus after the human "disappearance"
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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 8:38:13 PM
I read this and thought of the "Hell Gourds" anomaly. Obvious why it's a negative trait... This would tend to put anyone living on, near or headed to such a planet in a bad mood. Good fan-fic though, I enjoyed it!
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