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Fan Creation: The Colonial Union

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12 years ago
Apr 16, 2013, 1:43:12 PM
Okay so I know this is only my second post but I just thought I might share my little custom faction with you all, especially those of you that may have the same misgivings about the various human races represented in the game.

Now if you might indulge me for a moment I would like to explain why I am posting about another human faction when we have three already, of course if you can't be bothered reading that, just skip to the actual faction details and tell me what you think

I absolutely love ES, the originality of it is amazing and I've been playing it for a while now and having a great time conquering the stars (even though I've only recently joined the forum). One thing that struck me though was the way humans were portrayed, the UE, Pilgrims and the Horatio. Even though all are totally plausible and well fleshed out lore-wise it left me feeling quite disheartened about humans as a group, what would the other civilisations think of us! Here is a brief explanation on how they appear in my head:

United Empire: I must say a very accurate and plausible faction for the possible future of Humanity, economically driven with little respect for the individual and an arrogance and xenophobia that resonates through most of our history. My only problem is that i would hope that there would be a group of individuals within our civilisation (which there is of course) who would not except these conditions and strive for a better world yada yada ya... anyway, you may be saying "well we already have them in game, they're called the...

....Pilgrims: See I know they rebelled against the Empire and all that, but they just seem to be too much of a radical section of humanity, belief driven, overly zealous, and fervently seeking out their sacred Endless gods without too much else to occupy their minds. Much more religious than the humanist faction I'm looking for.

Horatio: Oh yeah, these guys :P I love to hate this faction, pretty much because they remind me of my own vanity and ego haha But again I can definitely see a really self absorbed future Bill Gates (money wise) type character running away and founding his own empire, of himself! Still this is not the human civ that I imagine in my head, or would want to be a citizen of.

So anyway if you are still with me i will explain a bit about my custom faction i have been playing with. "The Colonial Union" was basically inspired/plagiarised from a SciFi novel i read recently called "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi (if you want a fast paced, action packed novel for a quick read i suggest you pick it up ) and i basically took that name and built my custom faction around it, with a couple more ideas from the book.


Home Planet Type: Terran

Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral

Gameplay: Survival-->Expansion

Main Victory Type: Scientific/Expansion

Selected Traits: (as i have them for the custom faction atm)


United Empire= Seemed the most logical for them out of the options


Advanced Machining

Arid Epigenectics

Compact Fusion Reactors


Big Fleets+

Deadly Weapons+

Fast Travellers+

Fearless Warriors+




Dust Impaired--

Sloppy Sawbones--


Brief Description: (If you guys like it I will expand on lore and the rest, tis a bit vague i know, but it's just the description i use for the custom faction)

“To expand and protect the human race in a hostile universe, whatever the cost.”

When humanity originally took to the stars in earnest (long before the United Empire was founded) the few remaining superpowers and the powerful multinational corporations fought for control over the new colonial systems and their abundant resources. It was not until a sudden and terrible surprise assault on the most populous planet Eden by an unknown alien aggressor did the humans realise the need for unity. Though they were hugely outnumbered and technologically inferior, the humans put up a valiant resistance against the invaders and, presumably recognising the futility of a costly invasion for such little gain, the aliens left.

From the ashes of this conflict the Colonial Union was born. The survivors emerged to rebuild, calling the other human colonies together and severing all ties with their corrupt masters on Earth.

The formation of the Colonial Defence Force (or CDF) as the CU's military arm and the discovery of powerful alien technology, along with overwhelming public support saw exponential advances in science and the military.

From their rechristened capital of Phoenix the CU has a powerful fleet, intrepid colonists and diligent scientists. They are by no means warmongers but they are slow to trust outsiders; a first encounter of the kind they experienced does that...

Above all, the Colonial Union looks to maintain humanity's continued survival in the galaxy, and if it comes to it, assert their hegemony over those that would threaten them.


So there you are my friends, tell me what you think, suggestions etc. I will probably expand on the idea, just for fun, but i thought i would post it here anyway.

Cheers smiley: smile
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