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13 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 12:36:43 PM
Race / affinity = Sophons

Selected traits :

Black thumbs 3/3 = -30% food

Cloning 3/3 = +1 food per pop

Dust impaired 2/2 = +50% ability cost

Entrepreneurs = +1 dust per pop

Feeble warriors 2/2 = -10 defense on system

Mineral poor = -1 dust / industry. -10 approval rating

Optimistic = +10 approval rating

Scientists 3/3 = +30% science on system

Sloppy sawbones 2/2 = +50% healing cost on hero

Strong alloys 2/2 = +40% life on ships

I would like to work 1 or 2 big fleets in there but I think the disadvantage would be too great.
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13 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 12:55:04 PM
Who are they supposed to be?

I guess, other than the mix/max races I would expect all customs to have a story.

Waiting for the day where custom races can be excluded from MP
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13 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 3:54:51 PM
otherwise its just another min/max and not a custom race. When people denote "custom race" I was hoping to have substance behind it, instead we get a contest to see who can mix/max the best.
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13 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 4:59:15 PM
Shivetya wrote:
otherwise its just another min/max and not a custom race. When people denote "custom race" I was hoping to have substance behind it, instead we get a contest to see who can mix/max the best.

But isnt this the strategy forum. I can understand how you feel and I do enjoy stories, but isnt the strategy forum about min/max ?

edit : btw my post was moved to the general forum. Dont know why though.
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13 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 3:26:47 AM

Seeks domination victory

Sower affinity

Builders 3

Crowded planets 1

Dust lode 1

Dust recyclers 1

Masters of destruction 1

Militarists 3

Optimal defense 3

Optimal structures 2

Optimistic 1

Black thumb 1

Deep roots 2

Dust impaired 2

Eternal war 1

Feeble warriors 2

Fragile hulls 2

Isolationists 1

Sloppy Sawbones 2

Slow travelers 2

Spendthrifts 1
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12 years ago
Apr 22, 2013, 5:32:25 PM
my current race/build for the save the sowers mod

The Imperium of Man: United Empire Affinity (i read a lot of 40k)

Sloppy Saw Bones -- (dark ages)

Dust Impaired -- (greed and corruption)

Feeble Warriors -- (only human after all)

Legendary Heroes ++ (cast style system trained from a young age to be heroes)

Optimistic ++ (faith in the Imperium)

Dust Archaeology ++ (a lost space hulk found in home system)

Optimal Structure ++(large ships)

Soil Xenobiology (gota eat)
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12 years ago
Apr 22, 2013, 5:38:33 PM
Shivetya wrote:
Who are they supposed to be?

I guess, other than the mix/max races I would expect all customs to have a story.

Waiting for the day where custom races can be excluded from MP
I don't know about that. How much fun would it be to play a custom race with a custom portrait and custom looking ships in MP. When you meet them diplomatically, they'd present you with some kind of racial document presenting a case as to why you should be bff's or their latest candidate for target practice.
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12 years ago
Apr 22, 2013, 7:55:53 PM
Dust impaired + feeble warriors + sloppy sawbones (why isn't this trait blocked by Horatio affinity?). Again and again and again...
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12 years ago
Apr 22, 2013, 9:47:40 PM
Vicarious wrote:
Dust impaired + feeble warriors + sloppy sawbones (why isn't this trait blocked by Horatio affinity?). Again and again and again...

I know, right? Far be it from us to let such an easily exploited combination of traits pass unmolested. At least you guys didn't cheat the faction.xml like I did in order to get more points.
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