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The Thousand-Year War--Community Project!

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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 5:30:06 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
The conflict over the bridge was the bloodiest part of the conflict, with neither side willing to use their main weapons for the risk of hitting a major system that could cause the ships engine to overload, the battle lased over 2 hours with sword duels a common sight, the Sheridan captain of the vessel singled out the rebel commander for a 1 on 1 battle, lasting only 3 seconds when the rebel commander was decapitated by the captains claymore, a rare sight on board space going vessels, but to the captain it was a gift from the emperor and so glorifying it with the blood of the rebel was a symbol of the empires undying strength that boosted the Sheridan moral enough to start truing the tide of the battle.

Someone should draw that, it oozes with epicness smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 6:41:33 PM

I really like the idea, but we've already established that the assault on the Madrigal system was an utter success for the Empire. Change the name of the system and I'll add it

Igncom1 wrote:
3691: Attempted Regicide

Emperor Maximilian aboard the Sheridan cruiser the 'Agamemnon', his personal cruse ship.

During a trip to the loyal system of Fracture the Agamemnon is caught by Rebel FTL jammers during transit through a nearby nebulae, The 'concrete cloud' named by scientists excavating endless concrete ruins, a Rebel corvette of unknown name hit the Agamemnon with a EM pulse and the ship went dark, requiring 30 minutes to restart the ships systems but fortunately the ship was equipped with secondary and auxiliary life-support systems, the Agamemnon's design was meant for the cruiser to be serviced via shuttles and to be resistant to enemy energy weapons on the armored sections of the hull, preventing the Rebel corvette from simply blasting the ship at range, without room for docking Rebel marines land on the cruiser and physically cut their way in with plasma cutters, making sure to enter sections of the ship not usually occupied by the crew.

Emperor Maximilian was rushed to his quarters and placed under guard of 6 Sheridan guards, each a decorated officer, and was even handed a sidearm in case the worst should occur.

The ensuring conflict sees Sheridan elites going toe to toe with Rebel Spec op forces, each side armed with heavy power armor and equipped with powerful kinetic assault weapons, requiring direct hits to successfully kill each other in a single shot, in the dark. Traditionally Sheridan troopers are equipped with a standard assault weapon for long range and the use of a custom built combat sword for close combat defense, a weapon famed for its cut out teeth, able to rend flesh at an impeccable speed when used by a well trained soldier.

Rebel Spec op officers can be found with a multitude of armaments and weapons, but in this case the officers were using Hissho Katina's, famed for their impossible sharpness and ability to even pierce tank armor, Hissho sword holders had to be a certified magnetic coil, to prevent soldiers from killing themselves.

The conflict over the bridge was the bloodiest part of the conflict, with neither side willing to use their main weapons for the risk of hitting a major system that could cause the ships engine to overload, the battle lased over 2 hours with sword duels a common sight, the Sheridan captain of the vessel singled out the rebel commander for a 1 on 1 battle, lasting only 3 seconds when the rebel commander was decapitated by the captains claymore, a rare sight on board space going vessels, but to the captain it was a gift from the emperor and so glorifying it with the blood of the rebel was a symbol of the empires undying strength that boosted the Sheridan moral enough to start truing the tide of the battle.

The resulting battle ends with Sheridan losses totaling with 80% of the crew before the Agamemnon's engines could be restarted, allowing them to track the locations of the intruders, Rebel marines got to 97% casualty's when attempting to breach the emperors private quarters 5 minutes later, only 6 rebel marines made it back to their corvette.

When retreating from the battle the rebel corvette was targeted and hit by the Agamemnon's main energy weapon, a gift from the Sophon ambassador, but provided without additional blueprints, causing a reactor shield breach that within minutes killed the rest of the crew via radiation poisoning.

The analysis of the rebel corvette suggested that the rebels had been planing this attack for over 3 years, and were only unsuccessful down to the fanatical nature of Emperor Maximilian's Sheridan guard.

The result of the battle was not only the commission of a stronger and better equipped cruse ship for the emperor, but also the full and proper introduction of a Sheridan command structure, this was the formation of the Sheridan on a strategic level. Soon there would be plans for an entire royal fleet to be used by the Sheridan and the emperor for the policing of the inner empires territory, but only time will tell if this strength will be borne upon the rebellion.

(Better, worse?)

Much better. Adding now.
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 7:48:49 PM
Sweet, thanks!

Also, feel free to edit it if you want make it fit better on the wiki, or to adjust the lore. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 9:03:39 PM
Alsojames wrote:

I really like the idea, but we've already established that the assault on the Madrigal system was an utter success for the Empire. Change the name of the system and I'll add it

Sure, change it to several years and three systems later, after the Empire's MAC had won them countless victories. Let's see, after the loss of a third priority system to the Empire's MAC cannon, the Republic had just about given up all chance of success. Countless systems had defected back to the Empire, and talk was that the Amoeba were thinking of cutting their losses and pulling their ships and planets out of the coalition. Those were dark days for the Republic, when Zend appeared.

-Continue events from there, but change system name to Beleus III and star date to 3725.
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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 9:54:34 PM
Fixed, added. Also made the star system an uncolonized one that was later captured by the Republic and named after the hero himself.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 1:41:47 AM
Great, thanks. I might write more after I see what else people will contribute.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 7:35:20 PM
I made sure to read it all first before posting to be sure I wasn't stepping on any toes. I thought the MAC story was great, but if the war was to continue something had to happen to it or the Republic was doomed. That's how I thought of a one-off superhuman that could keep the Republic alive without making them miraculously stronger than the Empire. Thanks for putting my stuff on too, like the ending smiley: biggrin.
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 10:41:28 PM
No problem smiley: smile

If you read the page on the MAC, it explains the limitations of the MAC.

For one, the big gun is so damn strong that the reactor is unable to power any other weapon systems. Life Support, Engines and big nasty gun. To that extent, it's useless in pretty much every mission except where it can fire at an enormous, stationary target (like a planet or moon), and requires a fleet to protect it.

In addition, it costs trillions of credits to produce, not including food/clothing/bed/pay for its operators and takes over a year to build, so it's almost impossible that something that big could ever become mainstream.

But maybe we could have an epic space confrontation where the Empire desperately tries to defend one of these MACs. Could be interesting.
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 1:45:18 AM
Defend it from the republic?

Or from a power who wants the chance a greatness?

Hell you could turn it into a Mexican stand off!
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 3:01:34 AM
If I may, I would like to write on this. lol


Ten years after the incident on the system Zend the joint Sophon-Human research team known as Pekko has been dispatched to analyze the MAC wreckage on Zend I. At landfall they were merely One Hundred kilometers from their destination and greeted with hostility. The citizens often intimidate and even shown signs of violence for they consider their "research venture" sacrilegious to the Cult of Zend. But what dangers lay on the still smoldering fallout the MAC now stands, the cult considers a "sacred place". And what benefits and discoveries the research team (and the Republic) reap from this?

I would like to hear from you guys and is open for suggestions smiley: smile

Note: Will further this if allowed so
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 4:45:43 AM
Wouldn't the military of these governments step in to police the cult?

And what would the cult even do to stop them?

What do Pekko have to learn from the wreak? are they attempting to find out how to build one? In the current one is salvageable? Some type of advanced mass acceleration technology?

What have the local authority's done in the ten years since the weapon landed?

Did any Empire forces attempt to retrieve the weapon since the miracle event?

What were the effects of the weapon landing there? (Mass global winter from the crash? Global warming? Extinction of local wide life).

As a tourist attraction (As said on the wiki) what parts of the planets economy are benefiting from the weapons presence? Is there corporate involvement?

And of course, any other information tidbits on the planet in question. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 6:05:18 AM
My two cents on the matter:

Igncom1 wrote:
Wouldn't the military of these governments step in to police the cult?

I would think they would

And what would the cult even do to stop them?

Good question. This cult could develop into something interesting.

What do Pekko have to learn from the wreck? are they attempting to find out how to build one? In the current one is salvageable? Some type of advanced mass acceleration technology?

I would think they'd try to figure out the technology behind the weapon. But I thought Zend's shockwave had annihilated it?

Did any Empire forces attempt to retrieve the weapon since the miracle event?

I would think they would

What were the effects of the weapon landing there? (Mass global winter from the crash? Global warming? Extinction of local wide life).

I believe the area became heavily irradiated for a time before it was opened as a tourist attraciton (I should know, I added it), so any nearby life would have died. It'd be a desolate wasteland at this point.

EDIT: added a tidbit to the Zend page saying that the MAC crash site on Zend I became heavily irradiated for a decade, then became a tourist attraction afterwords. So there are your effects right there.

Of course, the original author has the final say on all information, but that's just my point of view.

Igncom1 wrote:
Defend it from the republic?

Or from a power who wants the chance a greatness?

Defend it from any fleet large enough to pose a threat (first and foremost is the republic, of course). A weapon that powerful is both something that needs to be destroyed and something that needs to be stolen. Imagine how intimidated the Empire would be if the Republic were to steal MAC tech and have their Sophon scientists figure out a way to make it mass produce-able! That could turn the tables in a massive way!
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 8:49:41 AM
Thanks for the feedback smiley: smile

To answer these questions:

Wouldn't the military of these governments step in to police the cult?

Sure, unless these governments are in league with the cult (it was the civilian population that had their nostrils flaring on the idea)

And what would the cult even do to stop them?

1. Mass protest is the usual thing

2. Breakaway fanatics


What do Pekko have to learn from the wreak? are they attempting to find out how to build one? In the current one is salvageable? Some type of advanced mass acceleration technology?

1. I was thinking more on the lines of advance kentic weapon that relates somewhat like a Gyrojet (a real world equivalent of the Bolter and No, the cultist will not use it)

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrojet

2. It is salvageable to some degree

3. The advance accelerator technology could work too (will take note on that)

I would think they'd try to figure out the technology behind the weapon. But I thought Zend's shockwave had annihilated it?

The Sophons would take that as a challenge, plus they would like to know what type of frequency the Zend EMP (dont ask their sciences and methods are like magic) that not only damage electronics on pretty much the entire fleet (minus the one that got away) but enable for "direct control" over the ships systems. For it is a known fact that Imperial ship hulls are nearly 20 feet thick and made of high density materials but this does not count for weapons for they are made with separate materials and most targeting devices are exposed.

Did any Empire forces attempt to retrieve the weapon since the miracle event?

They did but ended disastrously for:

1. They did not expect any "local" resistance

2. The massive amounts of radiation

3. They word spread quickly around the system and reach the ear of the republic thus aborting the mission

And before you ask, they did not like the idea on retrieving the wreck that is a quarter the size of a moon and weighed more than half as much

Thanks for your feedback guys and making this experience a whole lot of fun smiley: redface

Still open for suggestions and ideas
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 8:58:49 AM
Just going to point out that something with that much mass, falling out of orbit.......would do a little moren the devastate a continent. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 12:41:52 PM
Can I guess that it would push Zend I out of orbit, herdeling towards the sun or fly of into the cold vastness of space. Either way, thanks for pointing that out smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 5:05:21 PM
Well not out ouf the suns orbit, but the planet might need a new....Mantle.....but good news your system will acquire several new moons and possibly an asteroid belt!
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 7:20:31 PM
Possibly, but as science fiction you could just hand wave away some of the normal science and say:

That most of the mantle was super cooled with ice comet strikes by the recovery republic fleet, and with the use of emergency Sophon artificial gravity emitters, most of the planets surface was restored, but at great ecological cost.

That the parts of the planet that were flung into orbit peaked the interest of multiple mining company's, bringing in a huge influx of industry and wealth to the system, allowing government tax to pay for the restoration of the planet and to pay for the cost of damages.

The influx of people and money into the system gave room for members of the cult to start infiltrating the government and parts of the economy, and begin turning it to their will.

After 10 years radiation levels have been effectively curbed, plant life has once again started to repopulate the continent with the crash site, the increase of infrastructure into the system and the large amount of wealth that has been accumulated that has allowed the population to thrive where they should have falter and are now in the position to start rebuilding the population centers outside of the major city's.

Crime is at a all time low due to ease of jobs and recruitment of the cult, and the government not corrupted couldn't be happier with the progress.

All was well until the republic started poking its nose where it didn't belong.
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