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The Thousand-Year War--Community Project!

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 12:20:53 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Boo! Secret organization won smiley: frown But OMG! did you see those new affinities?

What affinities? Do tell Oo.

Anyways I have three different pages on the go for an Empire of Rebels, one for the factions and how things began, one for the whole five year event itself, and one for the final days of Emperor Maximilian.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:35:12 AM
stasik28 wrote:

Pema kill heroes, make retreat of any kind useless and see construction inside systems (wouldnt make sense without the secret organization winning)

Final days of Max? Already? D:

Informer, has the most useful gameplay attributes without being overpowering, and makes the most sense given their new orientation.

We were discussing this for a while now. Still, nothing is final. I could a) have the event happen farther in the future, say the end of the 3800's, b) make the war last longer (I wouldn't advise that, seeing as the UE would just keep getting smaller until it was torn to shreds) c) Have the Emperor escape the attack on his homeworld, and flee into exile in the void or finally d) let him die. Here's the link to the page I wrote for the final battle:

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:54:34 AM
I didn't think that we'd either actually KILL him, or: make the empire of rebels successful. But 3800s is too early, I think. If we have the empire of rebels fail, we'd need to make Max a total military dictator then :P
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:17:16 AM
stasik28 wrote:
I didn't think that we'd either actually KILL him, or: make the empire of rebels successful. But 3800s is too early, I think. If we have the empire of rebels fail, we'd need to make Max a total military dictator then :P

I don't know, I'm really starting to warm up to Zukrov through writing this. He seems like the no-nonsense badass counterpart to Maximilian who was more mysterious and insane. I think I'll keep the same events, just move them forward to the end of the century.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:23:48 AM
Are we even allowed to kill Max? that's my main concern. Alsojames stated that we can't kill any major faction, does the canonical leader of a empire count? :P
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:51:20 AM
Any faction, the emporor is but a man. But anyone who replaces him as the head of the UE better get their crap together quick or this war will be over in a few years.

Zukrov as a possible contender would likely change the military docterine of the UE to allow the system governers of each system more indipendant freedom in exchange for allowing the local dukes to construct their own defencive flotillas.

Think about it, each UE system getting more freedom, more indipendance from a long time enslaving and brutal empire in echance for allowing you the rights to better defend your own home? Hell by the end of this war the UE could end up being ever so slighlty redeemed of its sins, leading to a better humanity.

Of course lossening the leach just like in zend might have rebellious repercussions, so what is the cost of saving a dieing empire?

And as for Max's mysterious insanity......I feel there should be some method to his madness, he needs a end goal and possibly a trick up his sleve incase of an attempt on his life.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:25:09 AM
Yes, but if we end up killing him and making the Empire less... evil... then there's no chance it will be canonical because its ruining what the lead designer/writers, whomever thought it, was thinking while writing their lore. smiley: frown

But oh well, we'll make this into a book that happened... long after the event of the game and make it canon that way LOL

Supreme Commander Zukrov took complete control of the Empire from that moment forward, and reassigned the capital to the more Imperial supporting system of Lupanis. He took the title of Commandant, claiming the Empire as the new United Human State. The Star Alliance, convinced now that no recognition from the Navy was forthcoming, reached out for support from the Republic instead. Sensing defeat, the Empirical Succession relinqueshed it's own control of territories, on the condition that all ministers and the prince himself would be granted amnesty within the new regime. The body of Maximilian Zelevas was never seen again, reports varying from preservation inside the Commandant's fortress, to incineration by being launched into a star.

My god that was fast, seems a bit too easy to capture haha, how did the Sherydan fall so easily?
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:47:07 AM
Well just becuse it gets less hellish doen't mean that as a whole the UE would become moraly correct.

Humans first and all that.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 4:48:46 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
UE could end up being ever so slighlty redeemed of its sins, leading to a better humanity.

But you just... smiley: stickouttongue Yea... we'll never be good guys (except Pilgrims and UUR? O_O)

I'm finding it funny, almost all day today, most of the new comments made were from me XD (At least all day I was on the forum)
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 6:14:52 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Yes, but if we end up killing him and making the Empire less... evil... then there's no chance it will be canonical because its ruining what the lead designer/writers, whomever thought it, was thinking while writing their lore. smiley: frown

But oh well, we'll make this into a book that happened... long after the event of the game and make it canon that way LOL

Supreme Commander Zukrov took complete control of the Empire from that moment forward, and reassigned the capital to the more Imperial supporting system of Lupanis. He took the title of Commandant, claiming the Empire as the new United Human State. The Star Alliance, convinced now that no recognition from the Navy was forthcoming, reached out for support from the Republic instead. Sensing defeat, the Empirical Succession relinqueshed it's own control of territories, on the condition that all ministers and the prince himself would be granted amnesty within the new regime. The body of Maximilian Zelevas was never seen again, reports varying from preservation inside the Commandant's fortress, to incineration by being launched into a star.

My god that was fast, seems a bit too easy to capture haha, how did the Sherydan fall so easily?

All right, all right, calm down. Maybe I shouldn't have just dropped the ending on you guys all of a sudden, I just didn't want you to start posting things in the same timeframe and this was the first thing I had done. So here is your explanation:

This does not mean that the Empire is getting any less evil, in fact I believe it is simply going to make it worse but notably different. Whereas Maximilian led a diverse monarchic regime that was ruled by nobles and a general hatred of aliens, Zukrov is taking a very different route. His is the totalitarian side, a completely militaristic regime enamored with the ideals that every system that is part of "The State" is contributing to the Empire's war efforts. No more scheming, no more nobles trying to outdo each other, instead the hierarchy is based on military status and the contributions towards the Empire's victory (still calling it the Empire, hey we killed Maximilian didn't we, who says this guy will last forever?). This means that his rule is brutal, efficient, and somewhat dangerous to The Republic that was using political infighting to their advantage.

Your concerns about the Sherydan are noted, but like I said, this was the end of the war. Around the middle the great turning point battle takes place, where an enormous Sherydan mobilization goes head to head with the Imperial Navy, at that point in control of over half of the Old Empire. The battle is close, but "situations" (this thing isn't done yet people) result in a close Imperial victory. This actually gives us a chance to roll with the new Sherydan changes they are implementing, as the Sherydan is disgraced as a military power, and is forced to reform itself into the new organization (clever tricks here). At this point, the only ones protecting the rest of the Emperor's planets is a small force of Loyalists and Sherydan that refused to leave their Emperor unprotected, even with their disastrous defeat.

Any more questions? I might have missed something.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 7:25:09 PM
stasik28 wrote:
But you just... smiley: stickouttongue Yea... we'll never be good guys (except Pilgrims and UUR? O_O) ...

'Bad to the bone' concept? lol

Well, it isn't always easy to tell who are really the good and bad guys - both sides will think that they are the good ones and their opponent has to be the bad one smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Feb 9, 2013, 5:49:44 PM
You guys can go ahead and kill Max. Just as long as the war continues and the UE is still the UE.
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12 years ago
Feb 10, 2013, 1:29:26 AM
back from a busy week in uni, what'd I miss do I write an updated draft or what?
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 12:22:45 AM
Oh yeah, update: I had some people over and it was a busy couple of days, but I had my pages open constantly. At some point during that time the pages were closed, and as there is no save feature I've had to start all over again, and this hasn't been my highest priority. I'll get on it as soon as I can though.
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 12:33:26 AM
Javarino wrote:
Oh yeah, update: I had some people over and it was a busy couple of days, but I had my pages open constantly. At some point during that time the pages were closed, and as there is no save feature I've had to start all over again, and this hasn't been my highest priority. I'll get on it as soon as I can though.

Aw, that sucks. Did you write it in the wiki or on a word document? If on the wiki, you could have tried reopening it and it might have come back...
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 2:46:11 PM
I reccomend you write it in a word document then copy/paste it to the wiki. Just for future reference.
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 3:09:35 PM
Alsojames wrote:
I reccomend you write it in a word document then copy/paste it to the wiki. Just for future reference.

Yeah :P. Didn't think it would take that long to write either.
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