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The Thousand-Year War--Community Project!

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12 years ago
May 16, 2013, 6:00:17 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Hmm, wouldn't the sowers have advanced beyond the technology of the station, and not fall so easily (at least that's how it seems) to the rebels smiley: ohh

Three things:

1) Being able to develop research while inside the black hole gives you a totally different perspective on how dark energy and dark matter operate or how matter and antimatter interact. The Phoenix Station was the most advanced creation of its time and while its crew wouldn't be able to keep up with the rest of the universe in all matters of study, they were still able to do so in some areas. Unconventional weapons is defenitely one of them.

3) I never explained what was the weapon used to destroy the cruisers smiley: wink But it was something that nobody even thought about so the Sowers lacked any form of countermeasures.

Forget about 2) - I was going to talk about time distortion effect near black holes but then I realized that

a) This would actually make the Phoenix Station fall behind even more. Except that...

b) It actually wouldn't, because after crossing the Event Horizon time paradox no longer occurs. As for the time paradox occurring near a black hole but before going through the Event Horizon - the lag would only be a few minutes long so it doesn't really matter.

Still, reasons 1) and 3) are perfectly valid ^_^

One last thing I didn't cover was the fact that the cruiser's weapons had no effect on the Phoenix Station. I might explain why in the future (maybe by writing a small article about old and new Phoenix Station) but for now let's just say that technology itself had little to do with it smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 18, 2013, 2:58:31 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Well! In short, pew pew dark matter death beams. :P

Oh no, it's something way cooler :P
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12 years ago
May 19, 2013, 11:37:21 PM


Well, there goes my first entry to the Thousand-yesr-war. I hope you enjoy it, it took some time to write this down smiley: wink Also, who can spot my really-obvious Easter egg?

Whats your Easteregg ? That your story was a bit inspired by the Movie "Event Horizon"? I just talked a week ago with a friend about that movie.

One of my favourite Movies btw, i realy like Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne put together.

BTW: Very Nice job ; )

PS: is it stil possible to join here? Maybe with a minor faction consisting with members of already existing ones?
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12 years ago
May 21, 2013, 5:33:11 AM
Sovereign wrote:

PS: is it stil possible to join here? Maybe with a minor faction consisting with members of already existing ones?

I don't see why not, and the minor faction (MIGHT) depend on who they're from and what they're gonna do
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12 years ago
May 21, 2013, 10:29:53 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Well! In short, pew pew dark matter death beams. :P

Great description, really smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 22, 2013, 12:02:06 AM
stasik28 wrote:
I don't see why not, and the minor faction (MIGHT) depend on who they're from and what they're gonna do

Well it would be paramilitary group and terroristic organisation which was a long time a uncommon ally to the UUR. (so the founder was originaly a Human)

But now this organisation seeks more and their new target are the Sowers and Automatons.

would that be okay?
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12 years ago
May 22, 2013, 1:19:49 AM
Sovereign wrote:
Well it would be paramilitary group and terroristic organisation which was a long time a uncommon ally to the UUR. (so the founder was originaly a Human)

But now this organisation seeks more and their new target are the Sowers and Automatons.

would that be okay?

Hmm I guess, but how would terrorizing machines that aren't even fighting in the war benefit the UUR? :P
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12 years ago
May 22, 2013, 2:16:45 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Hmm I guess, but how would terrorizing machines that aren't even fighting in the war benefit the UUR? :P

well that would be the Story^^
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12 years ago
May 22, 2013, 3:53:18 PM
Sovereign wrote:
Whats your Easteregg ? That your story was a bit inspired by the Movie "Event Horizon"? I just talked a week ago with a friend about that movie.

One of my favourite Movies btw, i realy like Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne put together.

BTW: Very Nice job ; )

Thank you smiley: smile And no, it's not "Event Horizon", I've never heard of that movie smiley: ohh

My easteregg is this quote (replace "we" with "I"):
We re-examine our priorities and draw new conclusions
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12 years ago
May 22, 2013, 5:13:16 PM
Thank you smiley: smile And no, it's not "Event Horizon", I've never heard of that movie smiley: ohh

My easteregg is this quote (replace "we" with "I"):

no idea what refference is that^^

with a "They" instead of a "We" or "I" it would be a reference to a statement from "Legion" about the Geth Heretics in Mass Effect 2.

PS: you realy should watch the movie "Event Horizon"

its awesome!
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12 years ago
May 23, 2013, 12:24:11 AM
Thank you smiley: smile And no, it's not "Event Horizon", I've never heard of that movie smiley: ohh

My easteregg is this quote (replace "we" with "I"):

Oh I see, haha. But are you implying something similar happened?

Edit: that sounded so sarcastic lol
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2013, 7:52:51 AM


"Stabilisation complete control, are we clear for landing?"

"All clear 028-Sixer you are clear for landing."

"Roger that control we're coming in nice and easy, over."

Of all the places to set up a research station. There isn't a known inhabited planet for over 200 parsecs what are they studying?

The pilot let it drop. Why he'd been chosen for this mission he had no idea. There were over a thousand pilots in the Imperial Navy who had the qualification to fly a standard Mark V military grade transporter. A dark thought crossed his mind: What if it was because of how easy it'd be to forget about him?

He thought back, all his life he'd kept to himself. He didn't have any friends of such, just the odd co-worker who drank at the same bar. If he was made to disappear no one would notice.

He cut off that train of thought as he felt the landing gear hit the deck. He automatically powered down the nav-com and kept note of the antimatter leak he'd sustained in the drop out of FTL. He was so preoccupied he missed his chance to realise he was about to die.

In the year 3764 the top scientists of the UE were given a grant for the development of a completely aware and loyal AI. But alas the project came up short even using all the intelligence kept from the Sophon academy raid of circa. 3560. The closest thing they created were to their goal was a pathetic collection of fragments, each erratic and unpredictable only able to "feel" one so-called emotion: hatred. In 3772 a pirate fleet contacted the head of research, their admiral claimed she had a piece of tech. salvaged from a wreck found on the edge of Empire space. This piece of tech. was a Sower platform left in a state of self repair hibernation after a battle that resulted in the destruction of the aforementioned wreck. Upon the sale of the Sower (for a hefty sum I might add) the research team leader ordered the delivery of the Sower to the station. Upon arrival they activated the unit, following protocol the unit automatically attempted to network with it's brethren and on finding itself out of range it networked with the station computer in an attempt to gain information on it's surroundings.The resulting access to the computer caused the Sower to merge with those "fragments" and what followed was irreversible. The Sower was changed. It turned into a new being. One of immense power and Hatred for it's creators. The first act of this hatred was the detonation of all antimatter on station. After the thunder of the violent explosions ceased and the dust settled a metallic voice rang out across the station heralding the beginning of a vendetta of intense volatility.

WE ARE ALPHA AND OMEGA BEGINNING AND END. That was over two hundred years ago and whispers are spreading of a new power emerging. War is coming.
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2013, 8:05:56 AM
Hi y'all!

This idea is based off a race I created in ES called ALPHA_OMEGA they are supposed to be a faction of people from all walks of life who all share one thing: an intense hatred of Humans and their Empire. The title btw is the name of another of my factions which I hope to fit in soon.


The ALPHA_OMEGA: Hateful, Accepting, Pedantic

A powerful new faction encompassing members from all races. Their power comes from diversity and their all powerful hate of humanity. ALPHA_OMEGA technology is mid level and has elements from each faction tree. Their current location is unknown though it is believed (by the few who know of them) that they are located along the edges of the Galaxy.
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 3:04:14 AM
Wait, is this a Sower/Skynet (hope you get the reference) hybrid or the collection of races?
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 5:11:41 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Wait, is this a Sower/Skynet (hope you get the reference) hybrid or the collection of races?

Skynet XD. See where you're going though. Alas no, 'tis but musing of a madman 'nuncle.

Get that reference?

Idea is that an AI starts the vendetta and calls all anti Human Xenos under the flag. Sort of a cliche but still.

So basically a group of individuals who hate Humans.
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 11:00:21 PM
Hmm I know the reference but I can't remember what from. :P

But why do they trust the mad sower, especially if he was, in a way, made by the humans themselves? How do they know he's not secretly trying to masquerade as a friend then vent all the anti matter and kill them all in one fell swoop :P
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 11:26:29 AM
Power in allies they know that even they can't destroy an entire empire on their own. They are the hate movement against the UE and all of the pathetic Humans.

Erfworld :3
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2013, 4:28:56 PM
Hey guys I'm back after a really long and really pointless hiatus DX

Good to see this thing has stayed alive smiley: biggrin
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