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Fool's Bluff Update Thread

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11 years ago
Apr 2, 2014, 7:25:11 AM
Hey guys. I recently started a fan fiction series called Fool's Bluff. I post the stories in my User blog, approximately weekly. I thought perhaps for the convenience of those reading I could put up a thread for your use so I can keep in touch with you for ETAs and such.

For those of you who have read it you'll know the premis of the story so far but for those who are interested in trying my stories I'll paste the URL down below.

Anyway hope you guys are enjoying yourselves I'll be posting hopefully during this weekend. Saturday for any of you over the dateline, eg. Northern America, England, Europe. That'll be Sunday for anyone west of around India.

Thanks smiley: biggrin


First Chapter: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/entry.php?513-Post-No-1-Fan-Fic.
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10 years ago
Jan 5, 2015, 5:17:39 AM
To complete the 2nd part of this quest I have to not be in a state of war with any other empire. Unfortunately one of the AI opponents is the Necrophages who don't do peace so I'm always at Cold War with them, which isn't letting me complete the quest.

Besides completely eliminating the Necrophage (which seems to be antithesis to the spirit of the quest) is there any possible way of completing this quest? Seems dumb that I'm unable to complete it because of who my opponent is.

Thanks in advance for any insight! Great game!
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