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(Factions and Setting) The Sayyanid Revolution of Sector Zeta-4

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2015, 11:09:14 PM

Rayyan, the portagonist, a Sahhosi slave, morally grey character, anti-hero. Working as slave councillor to his master´s industry, designing high-efficiency machinary to his master, turning him into one of the most respected mechanical engineers of the Galaxy, his all-emcompassing multi-volume series on Industrial Engineering is considered a neo-classic among academics in the field and his techniques, widely researched and applied throught the galaxy in the most diverse fields, his contirbutions the economy, says Sichahssi and Human analysts, are greater than to the individual contributions of an immense majority of planets, of course, this transformed his master, Rashid, in one fo the richiest industrialists of the galaxy. But he seems to have a greater plan that involves all this, but this is known to one of but himself.

Emir Mahmoud, the loca human governor., feels unapreciated by the Sultan ny needing to govern a small, poor, backwards planet like this, it is a generaly good, if petty and greedy, man.

Bahram, the local Human diplomat, formed by the Shahad University, the oldest academic institution fo the galaxy and feel overqualified for this job and is doing an exceptionally good job avoiding direct conflict with the Sahhosi Planetary Council, in hopes of impressing the Sultan and getting a better jobs on the centrla worlds.

Sara, another Sahhossi slave and hildhood friend of Rayyan, love interest, a extremely inteligent and cunning woman, who is prone to unecessary violence when prompted.

Omar, human slave caretaker, a good, albeit coward man, helps the slaves whenever he can.

Rashid, Sahhosi slave owner, subservient to the humans and reward as such, isn´t encessarily a cruel man, but can aprtake into cruelty if necessary to maintain the status-quo, desires Sara but doesn´t do anything beyond sexual harassment due to gears of pjnishment from the human overlords. Mohhamed Sod, the youngest human ever to achieve vice-admiralship in the history of the Sultanate, deeply religious man and an outstand military mind, is unusually honourable when compared to his bloodthirsty fellow generals, is also the first Sahhosi ever to rech such high ranking in the Royal Navy of the Sultanate.

Sultan Rashid Aminid IV, the young Sultan, coronated after the unexpected (and suspect) death of his father, Sultan Omar Aminid II, he bagan ruling at the young age of 15 years old ,is inexperienced and unmotivated to rule, mostly relegates his duties to his (mostly corrupt) councilors, who fight each other for power and influence on the Sultanate, Rashid spend his days writing admitedly beaultiful poetry, patronizing art and music, studying philosophy and history, altough a incredibly inteligent and educated intelectual, seems blind to his dominion´s plight and msot wuld say that if he suddenly got interested in ruleing, he would be the greatest Sultan since Amin I, the foudner of the dynasty and the first Sultan.

Sultan Saad Aminid II, the pretender to the Throne of the Sultanate, if Rashid IV is a uninterested intelectual, Saad II is an agreesive, mostly brutish and uneducated ruler, a great general and tactician, but not overly good at grand-scale strategizing, he´s inteligent, but he coudn´t care less about the artistic and intelectual pursuits of his older brother, he is intereste din one thng: war. He s a cruel, expansionist and cruel (some say he´s adept at raping int he battlefield and encourages his solders to do it). Hes widely feared because of his harsh fame. Paradoxically, he is a surprisingly gentle man with his family, friends and rewards those who serves him well, his hartred seems to be n the enemy.

Setting: Sector Zeta-4 of the Milky Way, home to dozens of empires, most important to this specific story is the Aminid Sultanate and by extension, the Uvello Consortium and the Oro Republic.

The are 3 major races and several minors:

Humans: One of the most powerful but not the greatest species to dot the Galaxy with their empires and petty kingdoms, is the most diverse and have a rich cultural and etnographic baggage, it would take several volumes t describe the apth of humanity from humble origins in the little Earrth in the seemingly insignificant Sola System, to reach the stars. A highly adaptitva race, both mentally and physical, beng able to asismilate cultures and religions to their own with incredible ease.

Sichahssi: The Sichassi are generaly considered the greatest economic power of the Galaxy, may nto be rulers of many states, but their financial empires are some of the most efficient even seen. They are a highly bureocratic, efficiency-minded and charismatic species, this contrasts with their great fury acesses that generaly result on damage to themselves and to others, and interesting impact of this, are their alws prohibiting infuriated Sichahs to make any kind of decision, they have adrenaline and other homonal detectors that upon finding the hormonal signals of stress and rage, prohibits Sichahs to acess their financial and other important decisory-making softwares and equipments, effectively impeding them to make decisions on emotion, rather than the highly-valued rational, cold analysis that made them famous, because of this, Sichahs also have little history of economic crashes,a nd msot of them were caused by other species and corrected by them.

Sahhossi: Some say the Sahossi are the unluckiest race in the Galaxy, until 300 years ago, they were living their own medieval-like age, a race of a profound rationalist, pragmatist and atheist beliefs, was living a their greatest apogee, with the recent unification of their polities, and were formng their won one-world state. All this ended when the Aminid Sultanate, a human empire, under the leadership of their founder Sultan Amin Aminid I, quickly took control of Planet Sahyr, of the Sahhosi, it is said that Amin had mre trouble trying to explaiknt he concept of religion to the Sahhossi than to conquering them, the offer was simple: either they convert and turn into slavery to the service of the Sultan, or they were to be exiled fro the planet in order to give space to more subservien species and humans, alternatively they would be killed en masse. Faced with conversion to an extremely alien idea, exile and death, most, save some of the msot determined of the Sahhossi prefeered conversion (although not very sicerely, but that would come with time to them), that created two separate but not completely distinct cultures: the Homeborn Sahossi, who prefered conversion, are, obviusly, religious and still conserve a reaosnable rationalism, something generaly shunned but usually tolerated by the Sultanate. Their exiled cousins, the Starborn Sahhossi, who choose exile rather than conversion, live on throughout the Galaxy, they are found in the most diverse of enviroments and societies, there are prostitutes on the great Megaloplanets, engineers working to Sichahssi Conglomerates and Consortiums, as scientists working on wondrous projects on technologies that promisses revolutionize the Galaxy, and finally, some took the mission to retake their Homeworld, those live primarily in Biome-Ships, refusing to accept to live in other planet than theirs as nomads, living as the best miners and refiners the galaxy has ever seen, theya re today essential to innumerable states and industries, due to their extreme proeficiency at çprovidng rare minerals at incredible purity rates, some Sichahssi analyst fears that, altough nto strong enough to be of any threat to the Sultanate, they seem to be getting richer and richer and it wouldn´t be impossible for them to amasse a great fleet of mercenaries throughout the galaxy and bring enough firepower to anihilate the Sultanate, if this happens, it could mean disaster to the Galactic economy due to their highly efficient services, now considered essential to many thoousands of states and corporations, this could cause an economic crash nto seen since the failing of the old version of the hormonal regulators, it could cause massive inflation and great problems, some fear their hormonal regulators would fail again due to massive amounts of stress, causing futher problems to the galaxy due to Sichahssi taking wrong decisions, others fear they already did when acepting the sevices of the Exiled Nativist Mineration Fleet services and now the collapse is innevitable.

On the Homeborn side, they live on somewhat more primitive condition, rebellions rates were unusually low, due to the great proeficiency of the Sahhossi at social and philosophical adaptation, they mostly suceeded at adapting their deeply held values of rational thought to the religion imposed on them, they see no coflict anymore to see the world rationaly and adoring Allah, some human historian have compared this Yamohid-Islamism (Yamohid comes from their greatest philosopher Yamoh, who has a great influence in Sahhossi philolsophical thought, an influence compared to the influence of Plato) to the islamic school of thought of the 8[SUP]th[/SUP] century philosopher Al-Basrah, the Mu'tazili school of rationalist islam, this interesting renaissance of rationalism in islam has attracted some atropologists,sociologians, philosophers and generally all kinds of intelectuals to Sahyr, including the Sultan himself, who gone trough 2 years of study on the planet, to study with their Philosophers and Wisemen, this had several effects on the planet´s society, sahhossi mostly escaped physical labour, they were put to better use to their owners by doing all kinds of intelectual work, from accounting to researching and even fiction and non-fiction writing (censored of course, by the Sultanate), also, laws were created to limit what kind of powers the masters would have over their slavers, sexual slavery was abolished, and Sahhossi slaves live generally at better conditions than most free citizens of other states, having just recently being allowed to marry and have families. Still, some say, they are slaves, and the mere lack of freedom is enough to led some of the Sahhossi to rebelion, those are promptly crushed by the army, but some fringe guerrilla still exists and are heavily hunted both by militaries and civil mercenaries looking for the large bounties.

So that´s it for now, in the next few days iw ill try t flesh out the idea more, refining what i can, this is not so much a faction as it is a story, but the idea can be used to make a mod or can even be introduced to the Endless universe. Ill be back in a frew hours with more material.

obs: also note that it isn´t revised for grammar or textual estructure. Enjoy. smiley: biggrin
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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2015, 6:40:40 AM
Its a shame people dont post more often in the Temple of the Flourishing Mind as their is an Endless universe to fill with ideas, races and stories.

I realy liked that you have given your story that much of thought. And the idea of an space empire based on muslim empires (was thinking about the Ottoman Empire as shining example) is quite nice. I am looking forward to read more.


- Sovereign
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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2015, 3:09:28 PM
It is, indeed, sad.

My idea actually came after i saw your Legion faction idea, i thought, why not making ym own faction based on a entirely different setting? i mean, the potential for modding on this is enourmous, im still fleshing out the ideas, but there is many other factions im writing about, not onyl the muslim-influenced ones, there are many alien species in my setting, of course, those are just the most important for the story im writing now, but there´s much mroe context than that. I even imagined an hindu-like kind of empire.

Anyway, i will be posting stuff he in the next days.

Thanks for comenting
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