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The 'Tohari' Developement

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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 11:39:16 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Good point with that, totally forgot that amphibians were the water ones... and I imagine Hissho-Reptile (or amphibian) hybrids due to cross... breeding?

Its an idea... the only problem is that... THAT cannot happen without the use of genetic science; like nowadays where we have Spider-Goats that produce a milk that contains milk and a particular spider, thing, that... can be used in stuff. Heck, science and stuff.

Cross-breeding is almost impossible and cross-genetics would probably be outlawed and frowned upon by anything except a mad scientist to be honest, they are close but not that close. Although that gives me a CRAZY idea for a weird random event; crazy scientist and ultra evil co. use genetic material across the galaxy to create a 'super race' and one thing leads to another. *Evil scientist laugh*
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 11:18:53 PM
stasik28 wrote:
Don't remember if it's UV unwrap or UVW unwarp... IIRC, UV mapping is just changing the size and position of the map... Whereas Unwrap is the little box where you have to export the object and all it's sides (that you want to work on) and put it on something like Photoshop, placing the map(s) correctly on top of the shapes (that represent sides) then import them back in.

That was probably a horrible if slightly incorrect explanation of it....

Oh, I've always known UVW wrapping as UV mapping. So thats what I meant lol
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12 years ago
Mar 29, 2013, 1:06:15 AM
Shouldn't this be in the lore or modding area?
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12 years ago
Mar 29, 2013, 2:50:18 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Shouldn't this be in the lore or modding area?

The problem i have is that it contains lore and design ideas... and i need to sleep... right now.
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12 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 9:45:45 PM
Sorry i was away without adding any new content, i was quite busy. Battleship sketch, and the Draconian was worked on more. I'll try to get the battleship top down done tonight and get the Dreadnought teaser up, and then i have to think about how the cruiser should look.
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 1:37:34 AM
Dreadnought Teaser up, have fun im going to bed now. I'll polish the dread and battleship for tomorrow and I'll get more work done on the Draconian... maybe start the Hissho one as well as a initial sketch; and once again think about what i want to do with the cruiser, im however open to some helpful shape ideas on this one based on what i have of course.
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 10:25:15 AM
Is it not just awesome when you get a signed art-book with all the races sizes in it compared to a human figure, all the Hissho ship designs AND have down armoured Hissho so i can do a proper study on what i want to do. Heck yeah it is.
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 2:10:24 PM
I noticed my drawings using GIMP is a little heavy handed looking and not intricate enough compared to what i have in this Art-book and what i want to do so i'm going to redraw them using a pencil, trace, draw again and repeat until i get a clean concept. Then ill scan it and put it up here.

EDIT: Thats the corvette done softer and better than the basic version.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 1:19:32 PM
Moving house is sucking up all of my time so development is postponed for now. I'm moving in to it tomorrow or the day after that.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 5:25:19 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:

Awesome! I'm impressed with your skills. lol What program did you use?
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 8:59:29 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Or wheeled?
Or a pogo-stick. But seriously, why do all aliens have to develop bipedal gait and locomotion?
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 9:06:09 PM
Nasarog wrote:
Or a pogo-stick. But seriously, why do all aliens have to develop bipedal gait and locomotion?

Because people always want to see the same thing - humanoids as aliens.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 9:21:22 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
Because people always want to see the same thing - humanoids as aliens.
But in an Endless Space, variety is bound to happen.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 9:24:51 PM
Nasarog wrote:
But in an Endless Space, variety is bound to happen.

Indeed, that's one of the motives that I am developing my custom faction as tripods.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 10:05:29 PM
Well most intelligance spicese we know of are bipedal.

Humans, Neanderthals.....even Velociraptors were kinda closing on the intelligence level of modern apes.

Its useful to have few legs as possible, while retaining tool using hands, err... claws.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 10:54:23 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well most intelligance spicese we know of are bipedal.

Humans, Neanderthals.....even Velociraptors were kinda closing on the intelligence level of modern apes.

Its useful to have few legs as possible, while retaining tool using hands, err... claws.
Yea, not even close. Your sample size is non-existant. As our concept of intelligence expands and leaves our conceited people-centric thinking, we'll discover plenty of intelligent life on our planet. The tool use is being disproven every single day.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 11:14:37 PM
Nasarog wrote:
Yea, not even close. Your sample size is non-existant. As our concept of intelligence expands and leaves our conceited people-centric thinking, we'll discover plenty of intelligent life on our planet. The tool use is being disproven every single day.

Is it? With what examples? Chimps are nearing our intelligence, we might see Planet of the Apes happen. How is the tool concept being disproved?
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