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Rare heroes, and demi-heroes/demi-guardians born. Baby guardians

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8 years ago
Oct 21, 2016, 6:09:33 PM

Was, wondering, about the possibility, of rare events, where regular e units, become, heroes, under rare/ certain, conditions. Example , If the playing the broken, lord's. A group, of broken, units, wondering with a guardian, for 40 or so, turns, and then dying, perhaps, have a event where the guardian, cries, holding the dust ashes, of the broken, lords, that had fought with him, for so, long.  The Planet, hears the cry's of it's, guardian, and sends, a wind of gust, that would have the dust, of the broken units, combine to make a new being, maybe a baby guardian, that could grow, into a full fledged, guardian, or demi-guardian, having quests, of it being raised, or events of it being raised.Another possible example, units have a small, chance to be inspired by, being near a guardian, to be something, more, and the guardian, taking it up, as a apprentice, and, the unit, ending, up, becoming a rare, hero, or perhaps, a Gurdian, special guard.       Just a thought :) :) :) :) :) 

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8 years ago
Oct 21, 2016, 6:15:18 PM

Sorry, placed it in the wrong game, part

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