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Taille de la galaxie

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12 years ago
Jan 30, 2013, 7:11:03 PM
Bonjour j'ai trouvé ce qui va suivre sur le forum anglais. Avant de triffouiller les fichiers, je voulais savoir si ça fonctionnait sur la version actuelle du jeu et si les modifications ne génaient pas les mises à jour du jeu merci.

Here is a really simple way to add the larger sizes that you can do yourself.

A. find ES in steamapps whereever you have steam installed

e.g C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space

B. Find the Galaxy Generator folder under Public\Plugins


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space\Public\Plugins\Galaxy Generator

C. Open 'GalaxySettings.xml' with notepad (not wordpad or Word)

Search for 'GalaxySizeLarge' the sizes are about 15% of the way down

D. After 'Huge' and before the '' which closes the block insert the details for larger sizes. Below, I added Gigantic and Enormous in keeping with the original intent

1) I thought the original made for sparse(r) resources on the largest sizes, so you can tinker with the resource values if you want. I don't know what the OP used, but these seem proportional.

2) I also thought there was much more room betwixt systems in some sizes. This is likely the ratio of stars to Width. To make them closer together, use a slightly smaller width.

4) add Massive and SuperMassive with appropriate values if you want.

E. Save the file and dont touch anything else unless you know what you are doing.

F. In the Localization folder under Public open the language folder you use (ie "English") and open the Localization_Locales.xml file in notepad.

G. Search for GalaxySizeHuge again (it is about 10% of the way down). Add the text title for the sizes you added:


104 star systems scattered in a 128-parsec galaxy


128 star systems scattered in a 140-parsec galaxy

2 lines for each size, one is the title and one is the tooltip description. The parsecs is the width.

Save it and play!

This changes the ES files rather than installs a mod, so it will get undone when you get a patch. Just do it again.


To 'merge' 2 mods such as bigger galaxies and More Anomalies, there is one more step. More Anomalies installs a new GalaxySettings file so that the new anomalies are added to the galaxy when it is generated. This will be true for any mod that uses a custom settings file. So, we have to copy the new galaxy size info to that settings file as well:

In your My Documents folder\Endless Space\Modding\More-anomalies (for instance)

go to Plugins\Galaxy Generator. Open the GalaxySettings file and make the same changes as you did in the other. Copy and Paste if you like.

We also should resolve the title and description which was added:

Next, in the Localization folder under more-anomalies open the English folder and add the text for the name and description to the more-anomalies.xml file. (this part wasnt tested, but should work).


This does not add the barred spiral and other new galaxy styles as the original one did and perhaps the new one from Truhan. It just makes bigger galaxies. And the larger ones take longer to create when you start a new game.

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12 years ago
Jan 31, 2013, 1:58:30 PM
Idéalement, pour éviter tout conflit, il serait préférable de passer par un mod, incluant la (les) nouvelle(s) taille(s) de galaxie.

Mais sinon, cela ne devrait pas impacter les mises à jour. Dans le pire des cas, si une modification actualise ce fichier, il faudra à nouveau rajouter la taille supplémentaire.
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