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4 years ago Jun 13,2020, 18:04:40 PM

Register for OpenDev and leave your mark on HUMANKIND™!

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Welcome to HUMANKIND™ OpenDev!

"Getting feedback as early as possible from our players has always been our way of creating the best games we can. In fact, we designed the GAMES2GETHER platform and program 10 years ago to fill that missing link between our dev team and our players.

Today, we're very excited to present OpenDev: a new way for players to get early access into our developing games so they can help us make sure we're on the right path.

We're really excited to try this out with HUMANKIND™ -- we're looking forward to your feedback on our most ambitious game yet!" 
- Romain de Waubert


OpenDev is our new approach to community-driven game development. It allows you to join the dev team and help shape the game during its production. 

Starting June 13th, register and get a chance to get access to 3 time-limited scenarios focusing on specific core features of the game (exploration, tactical battles, basic city management). Each scenario concludes with a game design survey that will help our dev team level-up the game! 


Fill the form below and get a chance to be one of the first to play HUMANKIND™ . Once selected, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and the game will be automatically added to your Steam library. The number of players who get access will be increased as we release new scenarios, so stay tuned! 

UPDATE August 13th, 2020: Today, we will send the last wave of OpenDev invitations for now. The sign-up form will remain open until Monday for future OpenDev-related opportunities.

Registrations are now closed. If you want to stay up to date on Humankind news, you can sign up for the newsletter at Humankind.game

Thank you to everybody who participated in the OpenDev program.


How can I join?

By signing up/logging in to Games2Gether, you will get access to a registering form. After answering a few questions about your gaming habits and PC specifications, you will be registered on the waiting list. If selected, you will later receive a confirmation email and HUMANKIND™ OpenDev will be added to your steam library automatically.

Please note that you have to be 18 or over to join OpenDev.

In what regions will HUMANKIND™ OpenDev be available?

 OpenDev will be available worldwide, but will only be playable in English. HUMANKIND™ will however be localized in several other languages at its release. 

I haven’t been selected for the first scenario, what can I do?

OpenDev only has a limited number of spots, that will increase for each scenario release. Not having access to the first scenario does not necessaritly mean that you will not get access to the next one. Keep an eye open on your inbox ;-)

Is OpenDev free?

OpenDev is completely free! 

How long will the game stay in my Steam library ?

OpenDev is limited in time. Each scenario is accessible only for 4 days, and previously unlocked scenarios will remain playable during this period. Once these 4 days are over, the game will be removed from your Steam library. 

If you are having issues with form, and you are using Safari and/or Safari on mobile, please try another browser! Thank you for understanding. 

Are you ready to leave your mark on HUMANKIND™?

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4 years ago
Jun 18, 2020, 2:46:27 PM

my most anticipated game in recent memory. Good luck; I know the team will knock it out of the park. Hope I have the opportunity to chip in (even if in the most infinitesmally small way).

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4 years ago
Jun 18, 2020, 6:04:46 PM

Looking forward to seeing how this stacks up against Civ and helping with the development. ^_^

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4 years ago
Jun 18, 2020, 9:27:38 PM
I am so excited for the chance to try the game out!  I love how the game actively attempts to innovate accepted concepts in 4x games to make a truly breathtaking game.  (The city freaking grows, that's awesome).
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4 years ago
Jun 18, 2020, 9:51:11 PM

I'm really excited for this game. INHO Endless Legend is the best 4x out there, I can't wait to see this one. Hopefully I can be part of shaping this.

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4 years ago
Jun 18, 2020, 10:47:55 PM

I cant wait for Civilazation to have some competition!!! Hopefully this brings down there prices a bit!

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4 years ago
Jun 18, 2020, 10:59:39 PM

I've been following the media coverage on Humankind forever, and I'm excited to see that it's coming together at a quick pace. Now that I'm thinking about it, I need to revisit Endless Legend

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 12:56:30 AM

This seems really interesting, I've been hyped for this game since it was announced, hope I get picked!

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 4:22:18 AM

This game looks great! this game is definitely on my watch list. I look forwaed to seeing all the progress. I can't wait!

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 6:52:48 AM

Finaly, something equal or better, than Civilization)))

Hope, I can help develop this game. 

I also, as hobby, try learn and develop Civ-like game with Unity and C#.

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 9:43:43 AM

****FAO ADMINS****

I have read through all of the posts here on issues with the form (the "FINAL STEP" form never actually logs after completing, and the padlock remains unlocked, rather than showing a tick). Most of the posts highlighting this specific issue have not been responded to by admins and this is obviously an unvolved issue that has existed over the last week. I have now tried the form on 7 different browsers, and varying/shutting off plugins etc in each where relevant (and have exhaustively tried both the 'in page' and 'pop out' (by clicking the "Click here if you can't access the form" link) versions of the form in each browser). This has not solved the issue (I have not had any email confirmation so I assume the form has not logged). 

Some posters here have suggested that it might be an issue with the server (i.e. too many people signing up), this seems very unlikely given both the expected rate of sign up for this testing phase as well as the relatively light number of posts here in general. It's much more likely that it's a bug with the page/form.

If the admins could take a deeper look at this that would be fab, thanks.

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 9:59:14 AM

@finchmyster Hi. We have added the "Click here if you can't access the form" so people in your situation can complete the form. Have you completed the form to the end of it?

On our System it seems that you did, but feel free to correct me if not. Please be aware that the confirmation email can take up to 24hr to arrive, as it's a manual process that is done by batches.

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 1:38:15 PM

Thanks for the opportunity to help bring this game to life! My fingers are crossed!!!

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4 years ago
Jun 19, 2020, 2:59:31 PM

I am SO stoked for a non-Firaxis Civilization-esque game! I've disliked the route they've been going for years with releasing a base game that isn't very good, and then improving it with DLCs to make it playable. Hope you guys nail it, and looking forward to trying it!

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