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4 years ago Dec 11,2020, 02:39:40 AM

Humankind Lucy OpenDev Announced

17 788 Views

Hey everyone! 

Since our first OpenDev back in August, one of the most common questions we’ve been seeing has been: Will there be another OpenDev? 

The short answer is Yes. 

For the long answer, check out our awesome new trailer and all the details below:

Wait a minute... What was that at the end of the trailer? That’s right, we have narrowed down the release date to April 22nd, 2021 on Steam, Stadia, and the Epic Game Store

“But that’s still a long time off!” we hear you say. Don’t worry, we’ve got something to tide you over until the end of the year. From December 15th at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST, 7:00 PST) to December 28th at 16:00 CET, anybody who has pre-purchased Humankind on Steam can try out the new (English language, PC only) Lucy OpenDev. 

This is the biggest OpenDev scenario we have released yet: four full eras and seven AI opponents! Lead your people for more than 100 turns from the Neolithic to the end of the Early Modern Era and try any of the forty different cultures in these eras. Ten thousand potential combinations should keep even the most dedicated of our players busy for a while! 

So how can you play the Humankind Lucy OpenDev? Just follow these simple steps:  

  1. Make sure that HUMANKIND™ is in your Steam library. 
    1. If you have pre-purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition on Steam, it should be there already 
    2. If you have purchased a Steam key from another retailer, you must Redeem the key on Steam first before proceeding to the next step 
  2. Visit GAMES2GETHER 
    1. If you already have an account, go ahead and login 
    2. If you do not have an account, please create one 
  3. Steam connect your G2G account on the rewards page here . If you have already connected your account in the past, you may need to re-sync 
  4. Once the OpenDev begins on the 15th, click on the “Lucy OpenDev” reward and hit Redeem. 
  5. Go back to your Steam library, and Humankind – OpenDev should appear there automatically

You will be playing as Lucy in this OpenDev, but when the game releases you will be able to customize your own avatar and share it with your friends to play against. We’ve been working with some of our favorite Twitch streamers to create special avatars for them, and you can unlock them as AI opponents through Twitch drops by watching their streams. Watch enough Humankind streams on Twitch, and you might even win a key to try the Lucy OpenDev yourself! 

Of course, OpenDev is all about getting your feedback, so we’d be remiss not to tell you what we’ve learned from our Stadia OpenDev and how we plan to address it. 

  • Many of the OpenDev players were excited by the potential of combining different cultures, both thematically and mechanically, and we have seen numerous speculation threads since then. 
  • Events and Civics remain a popular way to gradually shape your civilization over the course of the game. 
  • Most players found that they moved too quickly through the eras and the technology tree. We agree that the pace of the game is currently too fast in those respects and are working to balance this. 
  • While the underlying systems of Diplomacy and Trade were popular with players who dug into them, we received a lot of feedback that these systems are difficult to follow and understand. We are adding additional interface elements to help players keep track of their diplomatic relations and trade deals, for example a history of interactions you can access on the Diplomacy screen. 
  • Many players also found it difficult to judge how well they were doing compared to other civilizations, so we are looking into ways to display the Fame of other civilizations to the player. 
  • We have received a lot of feedback on the balance of cultures and are working to address this. For example, many players felt the Celts and Huns were much stronger than the other cultures, so we are reining them in. 
  • Some players found the stability system difficult to understand, while others thought that it was too easy to maintain high stability. We are doing a balancing pass on Stability to address these issues. 
  • While the religion system as a whole was fairly popular, many players felt there were not enough tenets to choose from and it was too easy to reach the highest tier of tenets. To address this, we are adding new tenets and a new tier. 
  • Many players were confused by the Historic Religions and why they are taken as a Tenet. We have changed this so that players can choose a Historic Religion when they adopt another tenet, rather than doing so instead of adopting a Tenet. 
  • While most appreciated the presence of the Independent Peoples, many were disappointed that they were divided into only two groups. We are going to further differentiate the Independent Peoples through Ideologies. 
  • A lot of players found that conquering Independent People was quick and easy, assimilating them was difficult and obscure. We’re working to make conquest more difficult and assimilation more rewarding, while improving the clarity of the User Interface. 
  • As many found it strange and potentially tedious or exploitable that you could field an unlimited number of armies, we will likely return some limit on the number of armies you can field without penalties. 
  • Many players also felt that they could take too much from other civilizations after only a handful of battles in a war. We are still working to balance the Morale gains and losses as well as costs to address this issue.

We hope you will enjoy this new OpenDev scenario and keep providing us with constructive feedback!

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4 years ago
Dec 15, 2020, 2:28:24 PM

Hi, until now I am not able to get the reward. Is there something wrong or should I wait? I have HUMANKIND in my Steam libary and g2g is connected to steam...

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4 years ago
Dec 15, 2020, 3:29:59 PM


I followed all the steps, I sync my accunt and I hit redeem but the game doesnt download on steam. what should I do? what did I do wrong?

Also is it possible to stream the lucy opendev on twitch or youtube?

thank you.

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4 years ago
Dec 15, 2020, 3:32:04 PM

Hi, i just bought the Humankind Deluxe Edition and i don't have the reward to play my Luce OpenDev ^^'

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4 years ago
Dec 15, 2020, 6:08:10 PM

It is a great concept to give the community the chance to play, test and enjoy the hard work the amplitude team has done so far.

I hope they will get good information to make Humankind a great game!

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4 years ago
Dec 19, 2020, 12:40:11 PM

I'm assuming the Lucy OpenDev is only for Windows? I followed all the steps and downloaded it but can't install it on Steam for Mac...

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4 years ago
Dec 20, 2020, 7:44:55 PM

Hey.  Just purchased and looking forward, but disappointed to discover that the OpenDev is available only on PC (not Mac, which I'm running).  Do I have that right?

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4 years ago
Dec 23, 2020, 10:25:37 AM

You are right RabbiBlake. No Mac support. I pre-ordered just to jump on the Open Dev and was disappointed to find we have been excluded on the OSX side of things. I am assuming they will loop us in for Beta at some point as I am sure OSX versions will bring up various technical issues that a good Beta will expose.

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4 years ago
Dec 26, 2020, 1:46:09 AM

My Suggestions for Lucy Opendev

Hello, Dear Developers! I am a fan of HUMANKIND from China, sorry for trying hard to make myself understood. I speak for our forum to feedback our suggestions for the Lucy Opendev, hoping to help with the game development! You are really doing a good job!


● Babylon's EU replaces spearmen, so it doesn't have any anti-cavalry units in Ancient Era.In Early Modern Era, Edo Japan has the same problem, with EU Samurai replacing Halberdier.

● In Ancient Era, Zhou's EQ produces too much research points, even more than the reserach quarter coming out in Classical Era. That's very imbalance.

● In Early Modern Era, Lucy Opendev has 19 units, but in your Troop Tree, there should be 20 units, so where is the missing one? Is it privateer?

● Assyrian LT is too weak. Should we have one more land move speed to patrol the vast realm conveniently?

● As a Militarist Civilization, Hittite's LT deserves Combat Strength +2. +1 is not bad, but we have Huns'LT +3 combat strength on mounted units.

+1 combat effectiveness is too weak compared with other civilizations of the same period, and it is not easy to match later.

● We find Militarist and Expansionist' EQs are useless in Ancient Era. We spent several turns to build them that provide no return.

● Huns's EU in civilization selection and construction interface shows that its attack range is 3, but the actual attack range is 1. Mongolia's EU has a similar problem with an actual attack range of 2.

● Ming's EU needs 3 saltpeters. It's hard to find more than 2 saltpeters, so it have to rely on trade.

● Some challenges are easily to be done, but some are terrible. For example, the Expansionist star means a hard burden.

● Independent peoples only provide militia employment, resources , and nothing else. And they have only militias which could hardly survive in the AI's invasion.Please enhance their combat strength.


● When calculating industrial production, the industrial districts are possibly regarded as expolitations, resulting in double counting.

● After dozens of turns, the Merchant(or Builder) civilization will accumulate a horrible production in money(or industries), far beyond the general demand. That spoils gameplay a lot.

● The upper limit of the city districts should have a corresponding relationship with the current population, otherwise even 1 population can rely on high industry or money production to "build" a lot of districts.It is anti-common sense and destroy the balance of the gameplay.

● The research pace in Ancient Era is too fast, when the cities should spend 5-6 turns to construct 1 building. So we have more and more buildings left to be done, making us anxious.

● No generals in Lucy Opendev. Be cancelled or no more generals?

● Barracks reduce the industries production cost of units by 5%, but it takes 100 industries to build itself, which is hard to pay back.

● The FIMS provided by the religion easily exceeds the FIMS provided by populatioin and districts. So the production of the religion should be lowered and limited.


● After the lens Angle is turned up, the edge moves slowly and the feeling of stagnation is more serious.

● The Territory's boundary is not conspicuous enough, and the connecting plot is disjointed and floating empty.

● we can't see the most of the constructable infrastructures in the city UI at first glance. Only a few part of the screen is left to show them,even the list mode doesn't help us to tell the function of an infrastructure icon. There should be some tips on the icons to tell the meaning of each one, for example, the border color matching the FIMS. 

● The outpost has not construction queue.

● The current Angle of view is not easy to tell the terrain height difference, resulting in wrong operation.

● Some players have the situation of halfway back.

● Late game easy to jam.

● In the early stage of the game, the unit will automatically explore in the sea and die in the deep sea area without warning.

● The discovery of new civics depends on coincidence, there should be some tips to guide how to discover them, leaving players more choices. We prefer to approach the specific civics at the beginning.

●The cavalry needs more spaces to show its advantage, so we think the battlefield could be wider when a cavalry unit running into the battle.

The above are our major feedbacks. Thanks for reading. Merry Christmas,this is our Christmas present and we hope all you staff could keep on making HUMANKIND a representative of 4X game.

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4 years ago
Mar 27, 2021, 11:25:31 PM

I am very excited to play Humankind!

There is so much promise here. I have played all Civilization games (1-6) and here are some thoughts for humankind:

The AI in Civilization 5 and 6 was terrible. The computer had no idea how to handle combat, with artillery units randomly spawning and not tactics or strategy at all. I hope the combat system in humankind will be much better. The stacks of doom in Civ4 were tactically better. Oh, and the AI would send land units over water without naval protection. Terrible

I love the idea of culture switching. Great concept. Still, will we be able to name our civilization? There should be an option to name our civilization or nation, rather than switching from Egyptians to Romans without any control what our civilization is called.

The mid-game of civilization often felt stale. Just a race towards more production (especially building lots of industrial complexes in Civ6 gave an inevitable advantage, as everything else would be easier to build eventually, outcompeting the AI). Maybe lots of random events, like natural disasters, plagues, ethics shift changes, dynamic wars and skirmishes .... united nations decisions, military pacts .... there are so many things that can happen and make the game more dynamic.

Balance was always an issue in Civ. I think Civ4 was well balanced and then it all went downhill. I hope humankind will be more balanced.

I love the army system you implement. It will be fun if there are a lot of different units, unique to players, and also units that evolve (so they basically change depending on the cultures you have adopted, and not just defined by the culture you're in) ... civ was always very limited with the units.

Little videos when wonders are built were fun in civ, I missed that in Endless legend 2. Would be nice to see that in humankind.

it would be nice to give some control over the territories. It would be nice if there is a mechanic to annex parts of enemy territories (not just the whole territory), to basically split them ... 

Will there be a colonization mechanic of a new continent? Colonies splitting off to form powerful nations and new players (such as the USA for instance)?

I personally love detail and if the game has an epic length. Obviously, technological progress increases with time, but it would be good if all the eras are balanced, so that one can stay for a long while in the renaissance, the industrial eara, the WW1 era, the WW2 era ... and that units do not become obsolete too fast in the later game.

In the modern age, it would be nice to see some human rights issues (suffrage, gay rights, appartheid ... you name it) ...

Thank you for developing this game.

It already looks amazing

I cannot wait to see the final product


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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 2:45:20 AM

I get to do another breakdown video! But also... I get to do another breakdown video... c'est la vie mon ami

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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 3:12:31 AM

Great Christmas present to play while in a COVID-19 Lockdown...

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