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2 months ago Jan 23,2025, 19:04:40 PM

Beta - Achilles Update

7 451 Views

We’ve got a nice surprise for you today: A playable beta for the upcoming Humankind update, Achilles. 


Since the release of the game, we’ve received a lot of feedback about War Support, War Score, and surrender, and with this update we want to address some of the big frustrations. We want to avoid players feeling surprised by a warm ending with little warning, and create a clearer connection between demands, occupied territory, and available surrender terms. To achieve this, we made the following changes: 

  • All surrender proposals can be refused now, even if you are at 0 war support 

  • Both parties reaching 0 War Support no longer forces White Peace 

  • While at 0 War Support, empires take a Stability penalty scaling with era and number of turns spent without War Support 

  • While their enemy is ready to surrender (at 0 War Support), empires will take a penalty to their own War Support 

  • Centralized Power unlocks an empire bonus that reduces the impact of lost and destroyed units on war support, so wars can last longer. 

  • War Score now only depends on demands and occupied territory, not War Support 

  • You can now always declare surprise wars 

  • (Together We Rule) The Placate action is now forbidden during war 

  • Several new historical personas, like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, or Sun Tzu 


With these changes, you can keep fighting even if your enemy or your own people are ready to give up. You may have to deal with a few rebels if you push things too far, though. 


If you want to see these changes in action, you can already try the beta for this patch through the update_preview branch on Steam

Just go to the properties of the game, open the betas tab, and select the right branch. 

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 Hotfix [1.28.4599]

We have tried to make changes that preserve what players liked from the change while addressing the two most extreme behaviors reported: Weaponizing your already low War Support to bring other players down with you, and spamming legit surrender proposals with no consequence.

These are the concrete changes and their underlying design rationale:

  • Reduced the "My Opponent is at 0 War Support" War support penalty scale to a maximum of -5/turn
    • This decrease exists to incentivize belligerents with positive war support to send a Surrender proposal before they lose their advantage, however its scale made it a bit too surprising (as a reminder it climbed to -15/turns in 5 turns) and ended up being too easily weaponizable by belligerents with already low War Support.
  • Reinstated a one-time +10 War Support bump whenever an opponent that is at 0 War Support refuses a Surrender offer.
    • This is meant to combine with the above change to enable some defense against the dropping War Support, without being a full re-up.
  • Added a -10% Food, Industry, Money and Science War Weariness penalty on all Settlements for each refused Surrender while at 0 War Support.
    • To paraphrase @Sublustris, this is the "Hit them right in the FIMS" bit. This is more an indictment of Stability lacking the oomph to have any meaningful effects once you are deep in the red; Ideally the FIMS hit would be related from the lack of stability, but there was no clear way of implementing this. We believe that tying this penalty to refusing surrender offers when you really shouldn't is clear enough.
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2 months ago
Jan 23, 2025, 7:14:09 PM

Finally! All my stability stacking has a use!

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2 months ago
Jan 23, 2025, 7:41:08 PM

exciting! Do you know if this solves this scenario which I’m 99% confident I’m describing accurately:

I’m at war and winning, I win some battles which will drop their score to zero, i move troops into territories that I want to acquire during the force surrender, I hit end turn and next turn plan to make them surrender, but on the next turn they propose some type of surrender or peace that doesn’t do what I want (I want territories that they aren’t providing) so I decline their proposal, then bam they get war support and I lose some - the war continues

and this cycle repeats until they happen to not offer a surrender. 

if ur at zero war score, you shouldn’t be able to propose a surrender until after the winner has an opportunity to force you to surrender, IMO

thanks so much for investing in this game I love!

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Jan 23, 2025, 7:42:27 PM
Looking forward to seeing what this done to game pacing and relations immediately after war if the surprise war is no longer bound by war support.
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2 months ago
Jan 23, 2025, 11:21:30 PM

These changes look great. I like how having 0 war support impacts stability. An elegant solution.

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2 months ago
Jan 24, 2025, 11:51:26 AM

This is sad.

Not every criticism is a valid one, and most of the critique of the war support system has been coming from people who only played Civ and are hostile to anything that is different from Civ.

The game is already completely dominated by conquest. There is no point in doing anything other than massing military and snowballing your advantage over everyone else by taking over everything in sight. The multiplayer scene is also already all war and nothing else, and rushing to the units that win wars faster.

Placating was the only thing that at least gave a chance for non-military playstyles to be viable. Now that's gone and the ability becomes useless.

These changes make the game significantly worse.

I personally would much prefer expanding on casus beli instead, and requiring a claim on a territory for being able to keep it after a won war, with special casus beli for Militarist and Expansionist cultures.

And if a player wants to have warfare even more broken than it was before this change, they should actively work for it and pay opportunity cost by picking civics with big downsides compensating for it. Or at least deliberately enabling it through checkboxes in the match settings.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Jan 24, 2025, 5:30:13 PM
@-deleted-136208- >Hm, interesting.

I don't personally think that this was something that needed changing but there have been a lot of threads about it, so there is a certain sense in addressing it.

A stability penalty for refusing a surrender at 0 war support is quite an elegant solution and I can certainly live with that, depending on the implementation. What frustrated me more in the few instances when I experiened it was that I didn't even get a confirmation screen. The terms just happened on me at the next turn.

What I disagree with is a penalty for the victor of continuing the war, IFF they imposed their conditions. Like, I want to end this war and I gave my terms. Why am I being punished if my crushed enemy refuses to yield? It makes no sense. I hope this is just in instanes where the "victor" did not submit an offer.

Interesting move to separate war score from war support. That could actully work well. But in that respect, is there now a separate way of occupying territories, distinct from the cities they are attached to? So far, you can just ransack them, right?

Is Centralised Power a civic choice or technology? I'd prefer the former. And I really like dragora's suggestions around requiring trade-offs in this transition to the new system. There seens quite a wealth of options for defending and attacking, eg more war score for demands/territories held (or lower cost for demanding them at resolution), lower stability penalities for keeping up the fight, maybe amplifying some of the existing war support effects like cultral or religious pressure, gains/losses for killing/losing units.

Also, yay to new historic personas! Keep them coming!

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2 months ago
Jan 24, 2025, 11:47:33 PM

Love the change for war support impacting stability, great move.

Edit: And yeah, big supporter of the historical AI personas. I love everything about this game except the awkward, detached personas system. Historical presets at least lets us side-step the system a little bit.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Jan 25, 2025, 8:39:49 AM

Unfortunately, with these changes it is completely impossible to play in multiplayer against real players. The patch is designed for those who play with AI and it makes AI significantly weaker. Here is an example of how this works in a game with real people. 

I started a war with 80+ war support against 50 for the enemy. I spend a lot of resources on the army and captured the city. Unlike playing against AI, when playing with a real opponent you cannot just go and capture all the cities with one army. Assaulting a city requires a lot of resources, and the captured city must be held, leaving an army in it. After 10 turns, my opponent's war support drops to zero, I still have about 40 military support left. I can put forward my demands to give up territories, but my opponent simply rejects them :)

Yes, he gets a penalty of -10 stability on the first turn, -20 on the next, -30 on the next, etc. At the same time, due to the fact that he has 0 war support, I begin to lose my own war support. -3 on the first turn, -6 on the second, -9 on the third. It's easy to calculate that in 6 turns I will lose 63 war support (whaaat?!). At the same time, my opponent doesn't need to do anything, he just waits. During this time, he will have a penalty of -60 to stability, which doesn't have a significant effect, because stability decreases gradually. My war support drops to 0 and now we both have 0 military support and guess what... I cannot make demands on him anymore! I have an Offer Surrender button available, but in fact I cannot surrender, because my opponent has no war score :D Or we can go with a white peace and I will not receive anything, although I captured the city and I had dominance in war support. At the same time, my opponent can surrender on the terms that are convenient for him. For example, just pay off 1000 gold for the city and three regions around (100 war scores).

So I captured the city and won the war with a 40 war support advantage. And my opponent just needs to wait 5 turns for the war to end on his terms. Otherwise, I will lose stability, just like him. Seriously... Has anyone tried to play with this patch without AI?

I agree that the previous logic also had its drawbacks. But overall it worked well enough and you could play and fight in multiplayer with it. Now the game is completely broken in multiplayer. And to play just with AI even on Humankind difficulty AI is very weak and useless.

There are a lot of ways how it can be fixed. At least the penalty for 0 military support from the enemy should not be so big. Just make it -3 per turn? not growing each turn It is stupid. The penalty for refusing to demand should be harsh. For example growing -5 FIMS and influence in each city per turn in the first era, -10 in the second, etc. This will give you a reserve of 5-10 turns if you have something to make a comeback with. But this will not allow you to just sit and do nothing.

I really like Humankind, its style and concept and my personal opinion is that it is a way more better than Civ 6. Especially in terms of wars and fights. I spent 800+ hours playing it in multiplayer with friends. But this patch is non sense :) If you not gonna change it please at least make it possible to turn it off in the settings and to use the previous logic.

With all my respect and love to Humankind devs <3

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2 months ago
Jan 25, 2025, 10:26:10 AM

Concerning update - the main threat of declaring war against a player with lots of Leverage against you is that you can use diplomatic pressure to end the war sooner. What is the purpose of Placate if you can't use it on someone who has declared war on you? I thought the entire purpose of the war score feature was to give a diplomatic cost to war - that war could only be declared in certain ways and with the right leverage?
Will test this out but worried that it will go like the last poster said. Taking a stability hit to drain my opponent's war score seems like a bad exploit to war. Especialy bad is I'm concerned that you won't get war score for retreating anymore. Will this impac tthe religions that are affected? Again like poster above, mostly concerned with how this works in multiplayer vs humans. 

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2 months ago
Jan 25, 2025, 11:53:05 AM

Mhm, seems like in concern for people calling bullshit on being forced by a pretty transparent War Support system to surrender because they overextended and just romped through enemy territory with little care for logistics or holding it (which isn't exactly a thing in-game, but the penalties for War Support on holding territories under enemy influence simulated well enough), we basically got rid of War Support altogether and now it's just kind of a timer for when Stability penalty for being at war starts ticking.

The fact that you can repel an invasion, drop the sneaky attacker to 0 WS and be forced to get an 'empty' Surrender, because you had no grievances and maybe aren't really interested in now barging in to take their cities completely aside.

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a month ago
Jan 26, 2025, 10:27:24 PM

As a HUMANKIND console player, just wondering if we are going to receive any of the updates to the game at any point, as we are missing most of the new features. Love the Game, but probably would play more with update.

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a month ago
Jan 28, 2025, 9:14:22 AM

First of all, thank you all for checking out the update beta, especially in multiplayer! As you can imagine, our multiplayer tests for in-progress builds have to be made against people at Amplitude, who already know each other very well in multiplayer contextes. As a result, we are not able to test the full range of human behavior or game situations that may arise in the wider playerbase. 

The fact that @ThePrettycool and other brave people took the time to test it and the feedback provided is very helpful and is exactly the reason why we have betas!

Now to acknowledge the issue at hand: while it is a stated design goal of the change that human players may always refuse a surrender proposal, I agree the consequences for doing so are too weak or too dependent on City Stability (which players can build huge surpluses of). The WS penalty on the "winning" player also seem unfair in that context since they have made at least an offer to end the war, so they shouldn't be punished for that. 

At the very least it should enable the player with the upper hand to maintain the status quo long enough for the consequences to start being quickly untenable for the side with no war support!

I am less fond of making the behavior switch be optional, as it is not a straight "on/off" thing, like disabling the congress or pollution.

So what we'll do is that we'll start looking for starker consequences for refusing a surrender before we ship the update as default. We are obviously open to suggestions, especially things that could "stick" in multiplayer settings!

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a month ago
Jan 28, 2025, 10:36:00 AM

I am very glad to see that the developers have paid attention to the players' requests. Thank you!

It will be interesting to see the new proposed mechanics that will be applied in case of refusal to surrender.

I can also describe another point that we identified in the multiplayer game. Since war score is now given for the number of captured territories, this makes it possible for one trick. Usually in multiplayer you always understand that a city will be asaulted soon. So my opponent simply detached all the areas from the city one turn before the assualt, and when I captured the city, I received only 25 military points for it. 

I understand that on the one hand, he spent influence on this. On the other hand, this made the capturing the city itself practically meaningless cause you'll get only 25 war score for a lot of efforts :) This is a cheat that a lot of people will use in multiplayer, which will make the capture of cities less significant. Outposts are now practically invulnerable during the war. A detached outpost cannot be captured in any way so it is impossible to receive any military points for it. But this is not as critical as the ability to instantly detach territories from the city. 

Perhaps it is worth adding a restriction under which it will not be possible to detach an outpost during a war if there is an enemy army present in this territory. By the way, this will make the mechanics of storming cities more interesting and deep, since it will require encirclement and control of adjacent territories by secondary armies. You can think about this idea, and in the meantime we will continue testing the new patch :)

Thank you!

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