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3 years ago Mar 24,2022, 15:05:43 PM

Festival of Colors: Holi Event Chapter 2

3 109 Views

The Holi event has been live for a week, and the second chapter has just arrived, alongside some tips on how to complete these challenges.


The second chapter, called Festival of Colours, includes the following challenges: 

  • Seven Colours: Earn at least one Era Star in each category during the same Era. 
  • Everybody Get Together: Use the Agrarian affinity 30 times in the same game. 
  • Houses of the Holi: As the Leader of the Hindu religion, have 10 Holy Sites in your Empire.


With a little over two weeks left, how can you easily complete all these challenges, or any you have left from the first chapter? Well, we have some tips for you: 

__ Chapter 1 __

Shrewd General: Set up a game with many AI players, two or three of which should be aggressive (e.g. Agamemnon, Beowulf) while the others should be peaceful (e.g. Tjilbruke, Midas, Makeda). You should also have about two to three times as many players as continents (don’t forget that the New World settings means one continent will be empty) to give the aggressive AIs a chance to vassalize their peaceful neighbors. Then you can declare war on them after they choose an expansionist culture. 

Smite the Wicked: “Hero” badges are earned for declaring war against an empire with the “traitor” badge, so remember to include a Traitorous AI (e.g. Gilgamesh) in your game. Don’t forget, your war declaration must be justified, and you must not already be at war with somebody else! You only need to earn the third level of the badge as Mughals, and if you need more time, you can also transcend. 

Famous: If you have trouble reaching the total Fame, consider playing on faster speeds to play an extra match or two. 

__ Chapter 2 __

Everybody Get Together: Even if you use the Agrarian Affinity every chance you get, you will probably still need to play as Agrarian for multiple eras. 

Seven Colours: Remember that you don’t have to immediately advance eras if you are close to earning the stars you still need. Otherwise, the Contemporary Era is a great time to earn at least one star in every category. 

Houses of the Holi: Cultural Wonders that count as Holy Sites count for this challenge, but you may still not be able to reach 10 Holy Sites just through construction. 


Have fun with the challenges! 

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3 years ago
Mar 30, 2022, 10:52:30 AM
Khaar wrote:

Thank you, this was worked for me, kinda of...

The trick to get a Level 3 Hero Badge is to Declare War and immediately Surrender! Then, open the Diplomacy Screen, go to the Treaties tab and propose a Non-aggression Pact. The AI will most likely refuse the proposal, causing a Grievance. Go to the Crisis tab and demand the Grievance. Next turn withdraw your Demands and propose a Non-aggression Pact again. Repeat this until you can declare a justified war (80 War Support) and surrender again.

Do this all three times and Level 3 Hero Badge is unlocked.


This worked great for me... I unexpectedly encountered an AI with lvl 2 traitor badge and this was the only reason that I was able to get it done!

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3 years ago
Apr 7, 2022, 4:54:52 PM

I got lucky with the event conditions.

I found the early Persians on another continent with a vassal. They had 7 stars but didn't advance before I brought over 20 units to wage war. The vassal also didn't rebel.

There was also a single traitor in my 8 player game (should've played with more). I got the hero badge from them in classical. In medieval I took the Aztecs get a high war support with everyone. Just as my badge was about to expire someone else declared a surprise war allowing me to get level 2 hero. I quickly won the war and hurried to refill the war support back to 80 so I could declare another war against them. I then advanced to the early modern era as the Mughals and declared the final war.

Had my Hero badge expired I would've had to dig through my save files to find a game in the medieval era with traitors.

I definitely had over 10 shrines if I counted the wonders. I did not see any notification, I even built 7 of my own and captured another 3 shrines (and built 5+ wonders).

But when I got the level 3 hero badge I quit to menu and the 10 shrine task was also completed. (so, no idea how many shrines it actually took)

For the agrarian task I had to play on blitz to activate the ability 30 times in the 75 turn limit. Not really fun.

For the 40k fame, it seems it was 'allowed' to earn the same fame again by reloading. I didn't want to play a 3rd game so I reloaded a bunch of times.

What I didn't like:

- not being able to track the event progress while in game (only in the main menu)

- the shrines not counting properly (my shrines + holy site wonders did not match the number in the event tracker)

- the 30 agrarian ability activations should have been 10 or 15 at most so that they could be achievable in any game speed

- the 40k fame task could've been toned down or changed to 'win a game with over 15k fame', maaaybe even 20k (there is 4200 fame available in every era from the stars)

- the situational tasks that depend on other empires doing something are not ideal, you don't want players going for something and feeling like they wasted time; maybe avoid these type on tasks, or provide a scenario or save file to the players

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3 years ago
Apr 7, 2022, 6:36:03 AM

I have to recommend changing the design philosophy for these events.

The missions are far too difficult, tedious, or worst of all luck-based and circumstantial. Which on a limited time period is really not good.

- People without a lot of time simply can't complete them in that amount of time.

- People with time (like myself) still find them extremely unenjoyable because they're not achieved through natural gameplay:

"Use the agrarian active 30 times in one game" is, with normal settings, literally impossible. 300 turn limit, 10 turn cooldown.

- The extremely situational based design of some of them is very anti-fun, especially on a time limit. (example: Mughals hero badge) 

The era stars and fame ones, no problem. Looking forward to future events!

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3 years ago
Apr 6, 2022, 7:04:31 PM

During my food blitz Gilgamesh the British vassalized another AI. It looked like challenge would be completed, except vassal immediately rebelled as soon as I won first battle against Gilgamesh. This particular challenge is extremely poorly designed. - we basically must use one of the few successful save files from reddit.

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3 years ago
Apr 4, 2022, 10:41:46 AM
Ansive wrote:

Everybody Get Together: Use the Agrarian affinity 30 times in the same game.

On slow speed the ability has a 15 turn cooldown empire wide.

Slow speed games have a limit of 450 turns.

15 * 30 = 450 turns

I feel like I'm getting trolled, lol.

I'll have to pick agrarian the entire game and keep playing past the turn limit.

You can turn off the Turn Limit.

You don't have to pick an Agrarian Culture every time, just transcend the culture you have.

If you set the Game Speed to very fast the ability has a cooldown of 2, so every second round you can use it.

Also set the game difficulty to very easy and only play against one enemy empire.

With this four tricks you can complete this challenge within 15 minutes. Just build one city and use the ability all the time. Easy.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 4, 2022, 12:56:24 AM

These event goals are ridiculous. If Humankind were the only game in my steam library they would still be a chore to accomplish, having said that, it is not and I don't play enough HMK a week to justify the absolute odious grind that these challenges represent.

If you're trying to increase your player count Amplitude I suggest you do so by throwing in some free content for your content-lacking game as well as roll out the much needed overhaul this game needs not giving us carrots on very very very long sticks.

Stop insulting our intelligence devs and/or community managers, or whoever is in charge of these mediocre 'events'.

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3 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 3:17:18 PM

I have Makeda the Egyptian -> Maya at war with Agamemnon the Mycenean ->Goth as my neighbors. I hope that Agamemnon will eventually move into expansionism.

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3 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 2:55:20 PM

Chapter one - "Shrewd General" looks very hard because of randomness. I've played seven games with no occasion to complete that quest. Please give use more time or more tips (maybe set some save file that make it easier?)... 

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3 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 2:43:07 PM
Iacs wrote:

Can somebody give advise how to get AI to vassalize another AI? I just finished standard speed builder-focused game in which I have completed 4 challenges out of six. Only ones left is "Everybody Get Together " and "Shrewd General". I had multiple militarists and traitors, however only one AI who vassalized anybody was peaceful Midas who took only agrarian cultures for the whole game. Now I will go for blitz agrarian run and want to get "Shrewd General" too, so what should I do? Aggressive AI and multiple AI per continent did not work the first time.

Wait until Gilgamesh chooses expansionism to enter ancient times, and then follow up the game. If Gilgamesh chooses commercialism, return to the interface and start again。Avoid wasting time。In my version, 4-players game, national difficulty, two islands, make sure Gilgamesh is not on the same island as you. In ancient times, I destroyed the AI on the same island as me, and then waited for Gilgamesh to subordinate another AI on another island. You can set up an additional unknown island to avoid AI being destroyed by Gilgamesh instead of being a vassal。however,Someone in reddit offers to save documents, you can take them off the shelf。

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3 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 11:53:06 AM

Can somebody give advise how to get AI to vassalize another AI? I just finished standard speed builder-focused game in which I have completed 4 challenges out of six. Only ones left is "Everybody Get Together " and "Shrewd General". I had multiple militarists and traitors, however only one AI who vassalized anybody was peaceful Midas who took only agrarian cultures for the whole game. Now I will go for blitz agrarian run and want to get "Shrewd General" too, so what should I do? Aggressive AI and multiple AI per continent did not work the first time.

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3 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 4:46:46 AM

Anyone else running into events not being completed when you do them? I had to get 11 religious sites. And I just had a Expansionist surrender that had a vassal and that one isn't being completed.

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3 years ago
Apr 2, 2022, 5:00:29 PM

Everybody Get Together: Use the Agrarian affinity 30 times in the same game.

On slow speed the ability has a 15 turn cooldown empire wide.

Slow speed games have a limit of 450 turns.

15 * 30 = 450 turns

I feel like I'm getting trolled, lol.

I'll have to pick agrarian the entire game and keep playing past the turn limit.

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3 years ago
Apr 1, 2022, 10:29:00 AM
Baalshazar wrote:
Daarkarrow wrote:

Hi @Baalshazar ,

As @zhugejingqi mentioned to you, when selecting a new tenent you can change your religion (see picture). For this challenge you will need to change to Hinduisim (this will change the visual aspect). 

Not seeing the option, quite annoying.

Duuuude, DEV Daarkarrow already told you: "when selecting a new Tenet you can change your religion."

So click on a Tenet! Select one and then the drop down menu for changing your religion appears.

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3 years ago
Mar 31, 2022, 9:24:14 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:

Hi @Baalshazar ,

As @zhugejingqi mentioned to you, when selecting a new tenent you can change your religion (see picture). For this challenge you will need to change to Hinduisim (this will change the visual aspect). 

Not seeing the option, quite annoying.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Mar 24, 2022, 3:41:12 PM

Honest question: If you're having to give tips for Chapter 1 of this event, how many people have actually completed it?  I'm thinking it's not that many.

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3 years ago
Mar 27, 2022, 3:05:55 PM

Smite the Wicked challenge was a nightmare. Only two AI earned Traitor badge during medieval era. When I have defeated the second one, I had to take Imperialism, then rush his remaining wandering armies, take religious hostility, give up two territories conquered in first war to get additional 20 war score and still barely managed to gather required 80 on the last turn of his Traitor's badge. Then I have made save file, as I still wanted to build khmer Barai's in cities, conquered during first war... In main save i kept khmer, and built my barays, then went Mughals as rank 3 hero. In throwaway save i went to war as Mughals, completing Smite the Wicked.

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3 years ago
Mar 26, 2022, 3:29:07 PM


I had the same problem, building 11 holy sites fixed the issue for me.

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3 years ago
Mar 26, 2022, 12:20:22 PM
Daarkarr0w wrote:

Hi @Baalshazar ,

As @zhugejingqi mentioned to you, when selecting a new tenent you can change your religion (see picture). For this challenge you will need to change to Hinduisim (this will change the visual aspect). 

However, I have a problem myself. Although I became the religious leader of Hinduism and had ten holy sites, I couldn't complete the task.   It was stuck forever.

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3 years ago
Mar 26, 2022, 11:14:07 AM
Tyrenium wrote:
If I counted correctly, the Houses of the Holi challenge is possible to achieve if you can build all cultural wonders that count as holy sites first. But it is of course much easier to just conquer some foreign holy sites.

Not all of them, just five because you can already build five normal holy sites from your religion. Building them is much easier then conquer them because if you build them they are already part of your own religion.

Updated 3 years ago.
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