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3 years ago Apr 21,2022, 14:15:48 PM

The DaVinci Event and Vitruvian Update

9 351 Views

When we launched Humankind, we already knew we wanted to support the games for a long time with free updates. Today, we are releasing the next of these, the Vitruvian Update. As a recap, here are the main improvements included in this update: 

  • Notifications can now be set to not automatically expand even if the ribbon is open 
  • Improved the tenet screen to make picking a Historic Religion easier and enabled the AI to do so 
  • Restricted Builder and Scientist active abilities to one city at a time, increased payout of Aesthete and Merchant active abilities 

You can read the full patch notes here.

In addition to the update, we are launching the DaVinci event, another set of in-game challenges that let you unlock a new persona to play against: None other than Leonardo DaVinci himself! Since DaVinci was a remarkable artist, engineer, and “natural philosopher,” the challenges are focusing on these themes.  

The event runs until May 16th, and on this occasion you will have both chapters available to complete from day 1.  

Chapter 1: 

  • Science and Industry: Own a city netting over 1000 Industry and 1000 Science per turn 
  • Machines of War: Destroy the fortifications on 10 tiles during the same game. 
  • Flight of Birds: Own a Biplane as an Early Modern Era Culture. 

Chapter 2: 

  • Live with Passion: Max out all 4 Ideology Axis, on either side.
  • Eternal City: Own a city with Cultural Wonders from all six eras 
  • La Serenissima: As Venetians, trigger the Science End Condition 

As usual, completing each chapter will unlock player symbols and decorations for you to use, while completing both will earn you the Leonardo DaVinci persona.  

We hope you will enjoy this new challenge, and the improvements of the Vitruvian Update. If you want to know more about what else we have in mind for Humankind in the next few months, be sure to check out the post about What’s Next. We’ve already started working on many points on that list, like the improved War Support and Surrender system for example, and if you look closely at the previews for the Vitruvian Update, you might even spot a few teasers... 

Have fun, 

The Amplitude Team 

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2 years ago
Apr 25, 2022, 9:00:39 PM
MCFisher wrote:

Help -  I completed La Serenissima: but it doesn't register for the event. . . .  

Did you trigger another ending before the science ending? Load your save file and check the settings.

To be safe turn off all other end conditions while setting up a new game.

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2 years ago
Apr 22, 2022, 2:27:46 PM

As many have already stated, instead of focusing your efforts on these events to artifically boost player numbers, you should work on a major upgrade of the game. I too have the game sitting in my Steam library and waiting for your to do something radical to make it worth playing.

Player counts will improve if you release a meaningful DLC addressing, not one, but all major complaints players have brought up so far. The game is dull and lacks depth (depth is not about having repetitive content). This must be fixed somehow, and nobody can really help you out with this, other than your own imagination. EL and ES2 had something special (the last 2 ES2 expansions don't count) and it kept players playing no matter the flaws. Unfortunately HK roadmap doesn't inspire confidence, we have yet to see some really creative and deep content (economy, pollution, diplomacy, dynamic/evolving terrain all need major expansions).

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 22, 2022, 3:52:57 PM
Picrasso wrote:

The update isn't starting for me, the game is still in the old version and no mention of the Da Vinci event. i've tried restarting Steam a few times, but no luck so far.

Is it possible that you've opted before to use a beta version under Game Properties>Betas section?

Also, did you try verifying game files? It usually solves a lot of issues after updates of any game.

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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 4:50:56 AM
JerrievanHidermand wrote:

Does "destroy fortification" include ransacking,or bombardment only?And does it mean garrison district only?

Any answers?

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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 7:42:49 AM
verdebloom wrote:
JerrievanHidermand wrote:

Does "destroy fortification" include ransacking,or bombardment only?And does it mean garrison district only?

Any answers?

  • Machines of War: Destroy the fortifications on 10 tiles during the same game.

I too would like to know? 

I have ransacked 3 fortifications (Strongholds) and the bar is not progressing for this achievement in the menu?

Can anyone elaborate on how this is done/if you have done it? It seems very vague...

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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 8:04:53 AM

Pretty sure destroying fortifications counts only dropping it to 0 during battle, via Siege Weapons or heavy ships, not destroying a tile that also happens to be fortified.

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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 12:09:55 PM
SimKlay wrote:
verdebloom wrote:
JerrievanHidermand wrote:

Does "destroy fortification" include ransacking,or bombardment only?And does it mean garrison district only?

Any answers?

  • Machines of War: Destroy the fortifications on 10 tiles during the same game.

I too would like to know? 

I have ransacked 3 fortifications (Strongholds) and the bar is not progressing for this achievement in the menu?

Can anyone elaborate on how this is done/if you have done it? It seems very vague...

I used Aerodromes with Biplanes and then used the "Air Strike" action to destroy some enemy districts. Very easy.

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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 12:27:41 PM

I just sailed some battleships to coastal Independent People, which reminded me that units with ability to destroy fortifications still can't target units standing on destroyed fortifications.

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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 2:21:52 PM

This event was (thankfully) much easier to complete than the previous ones, took me about 3 hours on blitz to do all challenges. 

Some things to note: 

  • "Machines of War" requires you to destroy fortifications during battles, such as when besieging a city, and is most easily done with siege weapons.
  • "Flight of Birds" requires that you pick a science culture to able to research the techs of the next era, as the Biplane tech is in the industrial era.
  • "Live with Passion" is easily done by enacting the civics furthest out on the civics screen as they swing the Ideology Axis the most.
  • "Eternal City" requires that all the wonders are within ONE city, and can therefore not be spread out across your empire, but this can be circumvented by absorbing cities later on.
  • "La Serenissima" requires that you be the Venetians, which is an Early Modern Era culture, so you must therefore transcend twice, in the Industrial Era and Contemporary Era respectively, in order to achieve it. The "Science End Condition" in this case is researching all techs in the tech tree, not building the Mars Colony national project, so to make things easier it is beneficial to pick science cultures before you reach the Early Modern Era to reduce the amount of grinding to produce science later in the game.
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2 years ago
Apr 23, 2022, 7:34:01 PM
Qscaxz wrote:
"Flight of Birds" requires that you pick a science culture to able to research the techs of the next era, as the Biplane tech is in the industrial era.

I can confirm that you just need an Early Modern Era culture (transcended), as I got it as Industrial Venetians.

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2 years ago
Apr 25, 2022, 6:21:12 PM

The Civ Engineer- 

Live with Passion: Ideologies can be on either side mixed together as long as all four are maxed out. 

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2 years ago
Apr 22, 2022, 1:48:17 PM
USSER wrote:
ya'll are gonna be bying skins in teh next Endless Dungeon game. 

To be completely honest, this whole event saga with Humankind is starting to make me really worried about Endless Dungeon.  They already ditched the pixel art style of Dungeon of the Endless in favor of something that resembles the style used in some of the more the trendy microtransaction-laden PvP games that are all the rage amongst the casual/eSport crowd these days, and they also replaced the turn-based strategy concept with a more action-oriented twin-stick approach.  So if this Humankind event stuff is just a clumsy warmup for adding even more live-service elements to Endless Dungeon in hopes of taking advantage of the "teenagers buying cosmetics using their parents' credit card" segment of the action shooter market, then those of us who have been here for a while are going to be in for quite a disappointment.

I really hope I'm wrong here, but Amplitude refuses to listen to fan feedback on these limited-time events despite the facts that they make no sense in the context of 4X, positive comments about these events are rare both here and on Steam, and these events are definitely not boosting the player count.  So it's starting to feel like there is another more sinister motive behind all of this.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2022, 12:59:19 AM
TheCivEngineer wrote:

Just to confirm - the 

  • Live with Passion: Max out all 4 Ideology Axis, on either side.
This requires that you are either entirely to the left or the right on all 4?

I just got this achievement by maxing out all 4 Ideology's to the left at the same time. What I don't know is if you're required to do all 4 at the same time, or just do all 4 at some point in the same game.

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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2022, 1:24:37 AM

So I just got the last tech and game didnt end; seems it was set was set to space race. Any way to fix this? Or do I have to start all over in which case Ill probably just blow it off.

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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2022, 7:18:02 PM
verdebloom wrote:

So I just got the last tech and game didnt end; seems it was set was set to space race. Any way to fix this? Or do I have to start all over in which case Ill probably just blow it off.

I changed to easy and blitz and pounded through. An interesting experience cause I hadnt tried that before but rather unsatisfying

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2022, 7:47:19 AM
gilbie01 wrote:
TheCivEngineer wrote:

Just to confirm - the 

  • Live with Passion: Max out all 4 Ideology Axis, on either side.
This requires that you are either entirely to the left or the right on all 4?

I just got this achievement by maxing out all 4 Ideology's to the left at the same time. What I don't know is if you're required to do all 4 at the same time, or just do all 4 at some point in the same game.

You have to have in a point in the game the 4 maximized (no matter if its on the left or the right) at the same time.
For example in my game I already have max the first 2 and I am on my way to max the others (waiting for some events and civics to move the other 2 axis).

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2 years ago
Apr 27, 2022, 9:45:38 PM

Problem with La Serenissima:  I've completed it twice now but it hasn't been recognized for the event, I've also completed Flight of birds and Machines of War in the same game which were recognized, so it isn't a problem with the connection to G2G. I even loaded a save game and completed it again but still not recognized. 

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