Hello everyone! 


We've got some cool news for you today, as we have a preview of the next update, and it's playable right now. With the George Sand Update, arriving in January, we want to give you more ways to customize your experience, from new map settings and personas to non-exclusive cultures and debug tools for our diligent modders.

So, what have we got for you? 

  • Culture Rebalancing: Many cultures from the base game, Together We Rule, and all DLCs have been tweaked 
  • Added a Dev Mode Menu: To help modders test their creations, we have added a dev mode tool (see below on how to use it) 
  • Non-Exclusive Cultures Option: A new game setup option to allow more than one empire to play the same culture 
  • More Map Generation Options: Map Ratio, Natural Wonder Density, and Independent People Density 
  • New and Rebalanced AI personas: We’ve added over a dozen new personas for you to play against 
  • Buffed Transcendence: Sticking to your culture will now also give you a permanent bonus based on your affinity 
  • Various Other Improvements and Fixes: Find the full list at the end of this post 


So, how can you try this Update right now? Just open the properties of the game in your Steam library, go to the betas tab, and select the update_preview branch. Steam should then download the beta version of this update. (If it does not, try restarting Steam or verifying the integrity of the game files.) 

If you’re a modder, want to create specific situations or scenarios, or maybe just want to prepare some nice screenshots, you might want to try the dev mode tools as well. To do so, you need to open the properties of the game and add the “--allowmodtools” launch option. With this enabled, you can access a dev menu by pressing Shift+F1, and select starting era and cultures during game setup. 

Have fun with the beta and let us know what you think! 

[] "George Sand Update" - Version Notes  (Click to expand)


  • Added the possibility to access a version of our Debug Menu, and the ability to chose your starting Era, through a Command Line. 
  • Added access to some Community Scenarios through the Main Menu instead of downloading a save from Games2Gether. 
  • Added a "Bug Report" button in the Main Menu and Pause Menu to allow you to report any occuring bug more easily. 
  • Added new stackable Neolithic Legacy Traits, one for each Era Star. 
  • Added new AI Personas to play against. 
  • Balanced existing AI Personas Difficulty Levels, Strengths & Biases. 
  • Added a new difficulty level for AI Personas, as well as a feedback of that difficulty in the lobby. 
  • Added a random AI Personas selection in the lobby slots when starting a new game based on your last world Difficulty Level. 
  • Added all new and existing AI Personas as Avatar Preset (exception of Victor Hugo and Lucy). 
  • Added the possibility to buy more things with Influence in Outposts such as Train Stations and Airports. 
  • Added an option to use non-exclusive Cultures during a game, meaning no more Culture rush. 
  • Added a "Buy All" button for Luxury Resources. 
  • Reworked the way Public Ceremonies work to make them more interesting by adding a big resource bonus. 
  • Added adjacency bonus on Holy Sites. 
  • Added a warning on a City pin when a Construction Queue is blocked. 
  • Added the automatic move of the victorious Army in the center of the conquered City. 
  • Added an improvement that allows to load a save made with an inactive but owned DLC. 
  • Added an option to Raze a City. 
  • Added an option to remove specific Districts. 
  • Added an option to remove Infrastructures. 
  • Added an improvement to ignore Train Stations and Airports in placement suggestion. 
  • Added a new icon for the Cultural Entente Embassy Agreement. 
  • Added a setting option to setup the density of Natural Wonders on the map. 
  • Added a setting option to change the map ratio. 
  • Added a setting option to change the spawn density of Independent People. 
  • Added a new Outgame View. 
  • Balanced a lot of different Cultures form all previous DLCs and Tentpole game. 
  • Balanced the Transcendence Legacy Trait to make them more interesting by adding an Affinity bonus in addition to the existing Fame bonus. 
  • Made Microbiolgy technology a prerequisite for Research Institute technology. 
  • Changed some era 5 tech position in the tech tree. 
  • Religious quarter: give a +1 FIMS bonus on basic FIMS districts, and reduced faith bonus to +2 



  • Fixed an issue where Neolithic map curiosities bonuses were not received when the unit is spawned on them. 
  • Fixed an issue where claimed island territories displayed a 0% influence. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Era Star money value was displayed as negative value past 2.1 million gold. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the save to be corrupted and couldn't be loaded anymore. 
  • Fixed an issue where the End Turn was blocked because of an unskipable mandatory action on a Army movement. 
  • Fixed an issue where Liberating a City that has a Paper deposit cause a Pending Turn. 
  • Fixed an issue where Ransacking Satelites's and Space Exploration's Shared projects didn't cancel the construction. 
  • Fixed an issue where we were unable to access an Iron Resource with the Power Investor. 
  • Fixed an issue where Agreements were available with an enemy vassal if an agreement has been sent just before becoming a vassal. 
  • Fixed an issue where Salted Beef's bonus on upkeep was listed as Unknown in the breakdown. 
  • Fixed an issue where in a certain case a Cyclopean Fortress that belonged to an enemy can keep its ZoC once the Player took the territory. 
  • Fixed an issue where often the Close button was missing in the Empire screen. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Polar Base tooltip did not include that it does not require to be adjacent to other districts. 
  • Fixed an issue where Thermonuclear weapons did not unlock the Bring The Heat deed. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Mississippians' Legacy Trait wasn't computed in the Placement Preview. 
  • Fixed an issue where a session of a player ends just one turn after the player has reach Era VI. 
  • Fixed an issue where there were no loot when the Unit you finish a battle with dies even if there are other Units left alive. 



  • Fixed an issue where a save game that was started with DLC-content cannot be loaded without an internet connection. 
  • Fixed an issue where an exception error was generated when a Client attacked another empires City when a few seconds were left on the End Turn timer. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Cultured Land deed is not unlocked when influencing an entire continent. 
  • Fixed an issue that occured when attempting to refresh the persona collection while having no internet connection. 
  • Fixed an issue where Decorations and Symbols are missing from Multiplayer. 
  • Fixed an issue where the applied functionality of the Trade Insurance and WorldWide Exchanges empire unlocks is unclear to the users. 
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect wording is displayed when an enemy army is poaching one of your Trade nodes. 
  • Fixed an issue where Violent Independent Peoples can ransack Trade Nodes of Empire they have a 2nd tier Treaty with. 
  • Fixed an issue where Maori emblematic Unit (Waka Taua) tooltip provided misleading information. 
  • Fixed an issue where Trade view's International Trade window doesn't correctly update when loading saves. 
  • Fixed an issue where Byzantines Emblematic Quarter only gives +1 Money per access to Horses instead of +2. 
  • Fixed an issue where "An Envious Eye" can trigger before the player has met any other Empire. 
  • Fixed an issue where disrupted Resource Deposits aren't listed in the ongoing Disruption in the Trade view. 
  • Fixed an issue where Temporary cities' Status are not applied on their last turn. 
  • Fixed an issue where the game doesn't remember player settings for World Generation. 
  • [Mods] Fixed an issue where overriding a localization key reset the search result in the localization database. 
  • Fixed an issue where Stability from Units only applies after moving. 
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect visual for Independent People Harbor was used on map scheme view. 
  • Fixed an issue where wrong Combat Strength value was displayed for destroyed Units in the Battle aftermath UI when fighting Independent People. 
  • Fixed an issue where there was a spelling mistake in "Formidable Steeds" culture trait. 
  • Fixed an issue where manufacture's build condition mention counting the number of "Deposits" while it's counting "Access". 
  • Fixed an issue where unexpected visuals appear on Porcelain deposit when building an extractor. 
  • Fixed an issue where Unit health and damage taken each turn is no longer displayed if the total is 0. 
  • Fixed an issue where Caribbean Pirates Main Plaza asset protrudes from the edge of a cliff under certain angles. 
  • Fixed an issue where loading a manual save causes Food, Industry, Money and Science prediction to ignore certain bonuses. 
  • Fixed an issue where an unclear message was displayed when trying to do an Air Strike using planes attached to an Aircraft Carrier in Battle. 
  • Fixed an issue where Faulua's sail becomes invisible depending of its orientation. 
  • Fixed an issue where the city of the Visigoths Independent People and the first City of the Spanish were both called "Toledo". 
  • Fixed an issue where Transcendance bonus was unclear. 
  • Fixed an issue where there is a Tile mismatch between the visual and actual location for parts of the Bungle Bungle Natural Wonder. 

Hotfix - 20 December

  • Fixed an issue where the Public Ceremonies tooltip status where not localized.
  • Fixed an issue where the winning siege Army didn't teleported to the city center after an instant resolve.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reinforcement pin was showing even when a Battle was ongoing.
  • Fixed an issue where an error on Razing District povented it from downgrading to Ruins.
  • Fixed an issue where you coud assimilate an Independent People while you City was under Siege.
  • Fixed an issue where the Diplomat Transcendance bonus was reducing the Leverage action cost by less than 5%.
  • Fixed an issue where the Stability bonus was not applied on Districts.
  • Fixed an issue where the Avatar Presets of Influencers and Historical figures where editable.
  • Balanced the gains on the Hunter and Growth Neolithic Era Star events.
  • Fixed an issue where all folders in the mod.io folder where not fully remove when deleting mods.



  • Assyrian LT: Add a 100% ransack bonus. 
  • Egyptian EU: Reduce Combat Strength (-2).  
  • Harappan LT: Food bonus now only applies to dry grass 
  • Olmec EU: Reduced Combat Strength (-1). 
  • Zhou China EQ : Reduced science bonus per near mountains to +4 and added +1 influence bonus per adjacent mountains.  
  • Celtic LT: boost food bonus to +3 per farmers. 
  • Goth LT : Upped the ransack to science bonus.  
  • Mauryan EU: changed resource prerequisite (copper). 
  • Byzantine EU: Boost Combat Strength (+2). 
  • Byzantine EQ: up money bonus per horse access to +2. 
  • Teuton EU: Reduced Combat Strength (-1). 
  • Haudenosaunee EU: Boost CS (+2). 
  • Mughal EQ: Reduced industry bonus per industry workers to +1 and make religious quarter, give +2 culture and +1 faith per population. 
  • Persian: LT: reduced the industry bonus for common projects from 25% to 10%. 
  • Russian LT: add -25% outpost attachment cost 
  • Russian EQ: add +3 influence per adjacent district 
  • Russian EU: up CS to 48. 
  • Zulu EU: Lowered CS. 
  • American EQ : Changed extension type to science district, lowered the science bonus on garrison, apply its bonus to all garrison of the settlement.  
  • Chinese LT: up money bonus to 15%. 
  • Egyptian EQ: Add +3 science bonus per cultural wonder in settlement. 
  • Soviet EQ Luxury: Boosted the weapon luxury militia bonus from 5% to 10%. 
  • Indian LT: The money bonus only applies on capital and is up to +3%. 


  • Garamantes EQ : added +2 food per adjacent rocky fields & stone fields. 
  • Nigerian EQ : +5 oil access  
  • Nigerian LT : +3 industry per farmers. 


  • Caralan EU : boost healing to +10. 
  • Taino LT : lowered food per territory to +3 and add +2 food on common quarters. 

Together We Rule 

  • Han Chinese EQ : add +2 science per Paper access. 
  • Bulgarian EQ : applied : +3 science +3 faith. 
  • Singaporean EQ : +1 workplace per adjacent base district. (the workplace fims is define by the fims of the distric). 


  • New Zealand : lowered Legacy Trait science bonus on coastal water from +20 to +8. 


  • King Arthur 
  • Salomon 
  • Tarquin the Elder 
  • Jimmu 
  • Māui  
  • Queen of Shebah 
  • Brynhildr 
  • Tomyris 
  • Khaina 
  • Arawelo 
  • Alii Ranni 
  • Kiviuq 
  • Malsumis
  • Hunor 
  • Dushyanta 
  • Shennong 
  • Nokomis