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3 months ago Nov 28,2024, 14:58:55 PM

Enheduanna Update Out Now

20 110 Views

​Hey all,

The Enheduanna patch (version 1.27.4539) is now officially out across Steam, EGS, and GamePass!

This Update contains many quality of life changes and a bunch of balancing (especially on the Civics), but we don't want to keep you for long, since we're sure you're eager to get playing. So here’s a short list of notable improvements (Find a complete overview and patch notes in last week's beta blog):

  • Custom AI Opponents
  • New Growth Formula
  • Ambush Improvements
  • Civics Rebalancing
  • Missile Relocation
  • Naval Nuclear Tests
  • Train Connection Preview
  • More New Game Settings
  • Disable the Congress of Humankind
  • Disable Vassalization
  • Enable instant army movement on the world map (for technical reasons, this setting cannot be changed in a running game)
  • Rebalanced Merchant and Aesthete Affinities
  • Mod Compatibility Check
  • Encyclopedia Update
  • Cloud Saving on G2G

We also have a new scenario for you to check out in game in the Scenarios menu: Test your leadership by leading the Persians into the Industrial and Contemporary Eras despite internal unrest in the Industrial Uprising scenario. Recommended for beginners and regular players.


Have fun,

The Amplitude Team

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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 4:52:08 PM

What about the PS5 version? When can we expect an update on this platform? Will the update fix the constant late game crashing?

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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 5:17:38 PM

Pingon15 wrote:
Vip modpack by DocktorKain is broken  .-.

He mentioned that is working on updating the mod (probably out today or the next day)

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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 5:36:20 PM

Pingon15 wrote:
Vip modpack by DocktorKain is broken  .-.

Hello! The main mod will be updated probably tomorrow (I'm trying to do it today but can't promise 100%), but for now you can use the VIP BETA mod (only on steam workshop sadly) which was made to be used with the Enheduanna beta

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 5:38:34 PM

The upload and download game data UX is very rudimentary. 

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3 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 7:12:03 PM

No info on the PS5 update timeframe? Or is the lack of response your way of saying no such update is incoming for PS5?

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 10:34:45 AM

it’s interesting daarkarrow will repond to questions about mods, but not about the fundamentally broken PS5 version of the game in which you cannot get to the end of the game because it crashes.

Very disappointing, it feels like they are avoiding saying anything because they are afraid of lawsuits. What is it called again when you sell something of which you are aware it is fundamentally broken and unusable?

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3 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 12:45:24 PM

Spokesman wrote:

it’s interesting daarkarrow will repond to questions about mods, but not about the fundamentally broken PS5 version of the game in which you cannot get to the end of the game because it crashes.

Very disappointing, it feels like they are avoiding saying anything because they are afraid of lawsuits. What is it called again when you sell something of which you are aware it is fundamentally broken and unusable?

TBH I think they should drop the PS5 version, this type of strategy games is more suited to be played on a pc/mac, they were likely pushed into the PS5 release by SEGA and now that they parted ways probably they no longer have resources to maintain it. The reason they don’t respond is likely because they are weighing in their options, also note that the game was branded as legacy (i.e. end-of-life) as things didn’t really pan out as they hoped (small player base).

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 1:23:43 PM

Po aktualizacji gra się nie uruchamia. Po aktualizacji sterowników bez zmian. Wróciłem do poprzedniej wersji, dzięki funkcji „rollback” na steam i normalnie mogę grać. Proszę o pomoc. Jak korzystać z najnowszej wersji? 

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 3:25:53 PM

Nevensky wrote:

Spokesman wrote:

it’s interesting daarkarrow will repond to questions about mods, but not about the fundamentally broken PS5 version of the game in which you cannot get to the end of the game because it crashes.

Very disappointing, it feels like they are avoiding saying anything because they are afraid of lawsuits. What is it called again when you sell something of which you are aware it is fundamentally broken and unusable?

TBH I think they should drop the PS5 version, this type of strategy games is more suited to be played on a pc/mac, they were likely pushed into the PS5 release by SEGA and now that they parted ways probably they no longer have resources to maintain it. The reason they don’t respond is likely because they are weighing in their options, also note that the game was branded as legacy (i.e. end-of-life) as things didn’t really pan out as they hoped (small player base).

The game is still being sold in the PlayStation store… the bare minimum they should do is make it so it’s actually playable. It’s easy to say they should drop the PS5 version when you are unaffected by this, those PS5 owners who spent money on this might feel they deserve a game which is actually playable. Currently the game just crashes, and when you load a game and reach the same turn count… it crashes, so there is no way to continue. Very easy to say they should drop the PS5 version when it works on your platform, unfortunately it says a lot about you and your mentality.

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 11:12:38 PM

docktorkain wrote:

Pingon15 wrote:
Vip modpack by DocktorKain is broken  .-.

Update done, you can now play with it

Thanks :D, I really enjoy the game with your mod.

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2 months ago
Dec 2, 2024, 11:16:38 PM

Spokesman wrote:

Nevensky wrote:

Spokesman wrote:

it’s interesting daarkarrow will repond to questions about mods, but not about the fundamentally broken PS5 version of the game in which you cannot get to the end of the game because it crashes.

Very disappointing, it feels like they are avoiding saying anything because they are afraid of lawsuits. What is it called again when you sell something of which you are aware it is fundamentally broken and unusable?

TBH I think they should drop the PS5 version, this type of strategy games is more suited to be played on a pc/mac, they were likely pushed into the PS5 release by SEGA and now that they parted ways probably they no longer have resources to maintain it. The reason they don’t respond is likely because they are weighing in their options, also note that the game was branded as legacy (i.e. end-of-life) as things didn’t really pan out as they hoped (small player base).

The game is still being sold in the PlayStation store… the bare minimum they should do is make it so it’s actually playable. It’s easy to say they should drop the PS5 version when you are unaffected by this, those PS5 owners who spent money on this might feel they deserve a game which is actually playable. Currently the game just crashes, and when you load a game and reach the same turn count… it crashes, so there is no way to continue. Very easy to say they should drop the PS5 version when it works on your platform, unfortunately it says a lot about you and your mentality.

Does the same happen on PS4? On XBOX Series S, you can play without problems, although it does not have mouse support, you can only play with a controller.

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