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Cannot load past turn 1 on custom map
3 months ago
Jul 23, 2024, 3:57:57 PM

I made a custom map that ive spent a few hours making & whenever I try to play it, it wont load past turn one. I will do the first turn & then click end turn and then says turn pending without ever going to turn 2.

General information
Pending Turn/Crash
Pending Turn
Game version
Steam - George Sand - Latest Version
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2 months ago
Sep 6, 2024, 1:59:20 PM
Steam - George Sand - Latest Version

I had the same issue. 

I made a custom Map (of the earth 300 millions year in the past with the Hercinian mountain chain along the equator). I made some little changes and optimizations and at a certain point it didn't work anymore. (didn't work = when using this map for a game the game cannot load the next turn of the game...)  I started analyzing the issue... One topic I'm still uncertain about map creation is the empty territories (or undefined territories). So I stated to test on the poles of my amazing Map!

CAUSE: At the top border of your map (south and north poles) when you do not put any territory the map is working fine. But when the empty territory goes over too much land tiles you can find this issue. 
SOLUTION: Reduce the empty territory tiles on land. I could not figure out the critical mass because testing it requires always launching a new game. This is boring...

The Map Validator don't check this issue. Could be improved...

I hope it helps! It solve my issue.

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Create a simple Tiny Map with big land mass from south pole to the middle of your map.
Step 2
Add Ocean teritories, Continent territories and empty terrirories along of your pole. 1 tile thick.
Step 3
Add the starting points of civilizations. And save the valid map "tiny_working_map".
Step 4
Launch a game with "tiny_working_map" try to past the first round. Should work!
Step 5
Edit again your "tiny_working_map" and extend more undefined territory on half of the land mass.
Step 6
Correct the territories and starting points so that the validator accept your map.
Step 7
Save as "tiny_bugy_mapy" and launch a game with it.
Step 8
You should not be able to past the first round. Loading never ends.
Step 9
If you cannot reproduce try with more empty territory on land mass.
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