For our anniversary scenario, we wanted to create an experience focused on exploration and (scientific) discovery. Antartica was a great candidate for this, as the existence of a “Terra Australis Incognita” had already been suggested thousands of years ago, yet it was only discovered a few hundred years ago, and is an important location for scientific research to this day. It also allowed us to add themes of pollution and preservation, which are quite important to us (as you may be able to tell from our choice of charity for Amplified). 

In this scenario, you will start in the Early Modern era and compete with five other empires to discover Antarctica and gain access to its valuable resources. In fact, all late game resources are located in Antarctica, so you should expect some fierce competition. The game will end if any empire researches the end game technologies or gains all contemporary era stars... or perhaps pollution will end your expedition early if you are not careful. We’ve also added some special rules to this scenario to make exploring and exploiting Antarctica more challenging while encouraging research and cooperation. 



Scenario Conditions 

  • Difficulty: Metropolis 

  • Speed: Blitz 

  • End Conditions: Science, Era Stars, Pollution 

  • Game version: No DLC, no Mods 

  • Score Submission Deadline: February 20th


Special Rules 

This scenario features some special rules: 

  • Game Start 

  • The game starts in the Early Modern Era 

  • A narrative event will provide you with a ship on the first turn 

  • Fame 

  • Scientist and Merchant Era Stars are worth 250 Fame at base 

  • Aesthete and Expansionist Era Stars are worth 150 Fame at base 

  • Antarctic territories 

  • Units have reduced movement and vision range 

  • Outposts are more expensive to create 

  • Cities are capped to 5 population maximum 

  • All districts produce +1 Pollution 

  • Resource Deposits provide additional Science 

  • Forests cannot be planted 

  • No Independent People will spawn during the scenario 


How to play the scenario: 

  1. Start the scenario from the new Scenario screen (No need to manually download a save this time!) 
  2. Play to win the scenario with as much Fame as possible 
  3. Submit a score to the leaderboard, as described below 


How to Submit your Score to the Leaderboard 

  1. On your victory turn, create a manual save with your G2G username and turn number in the name 
  2. Take a screenshot of your victory screen 
  3. Create a thread in the Scenario 03 Contest Section, please mention your victory turn in the title or text 
  4. Include the save and screenshot in your submission post 
  5. If you have played again and wish to submit a new score: 
  • Reply to your existing thread with a new post including save and screenshot 
  • Do not edit your original post with the new score 
  • Please do not forget to update your own submission thread, even if you have shared your new score somewhere else 


Important Note: Please do not rename the save file through your OS. If you rename the save file through your OS (instead of changing the name in game when saving), this change will not display correctly in game if we have to check the save for any reason. 

All entries will be added to the leaderboard, ranked by Fame score. In case of a tie, victory turn will be used as a tie breaker, with faster victories placing higher. 

While everybody will be entered into the Leaderboard displayed in the contest section after the challenge ends, only the top players will be worthy of entering the “Hall of Fame” and receiving a special Games2Gether badge to commemorate their success. Please note that the badges may not be ready by the end of the challenge, and you may receive them later.