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What is your favorite Space TV Show?

Battlestar Galactica (classic)
Battlestar Galactica (revised)
Stargate Atlantis
Star Trek (TOS)
Star Trek Next Generation
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12 years ago
Jun 29, 2012, 9:25:29 PM
Bab 5 and Firefly are my favorites.

Space above and beyond was killed when it became interesting ( end of first season ) Think firefly and space were both canceled by FOX.

New BSG is ok, old BSG was not that bad too. Likes the darkness of the new one.

Star Trek - ok. Likes TOS most. Some parts of TNG and DS9 are good too.

Ent and Voy did not reach the quality of TNG or DS9.

Dislike Andromeda, to much Hercules in space feeling and a crappy ship design.

Farscape - not much seen, only a few movies. Not bad.

Lexx - strange.

Stargate - average.

Doctor Who - english is not my native language, not many parts were translated into other languages, the few I saw were ok.

Torchwood - average - children of men ( last season - great )

Think they made after the last 3rd season a new 4th one. But i have a bad feeling. First production moved from GB to USA/Canada and second there are different versions for the USA and the GB. Sometimes the GB episode have more scenes sometimes the US episode. So no Season Box includes all.

think I forgot some, but I can really not remember them...

Best wishes

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12 years ago
Jul 1, 2012, 8:38:58 PM
No Babylon 5? It is the best show of them all! None of travel back in time excuses, none of the...problem solve because I came up with a better modulator!
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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 8:46:00 AM
How dare you leave out Stargate Universe! A shame they didn't bring about a 3rd season.
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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 6:04:11 PM
Doctor Who is better but not on this rashly closed list. Of the provisional choices I would be forced to say BSG. Firefly* would beat them all though.

*Assuming I could find one of those dimension gates from SG-1 and find a reality where it got a fair chance, was aired in the correct order, had promos, and got the 12 seasons it deserves.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 4:42:35 PM
There's not really a good Space TV show right now IMO. I used to like ST but something modern should come out and something with a higher budget. Stargate I don't like at all, Stargate the Movie was and still remains one of my favorite sci-fi movies, the TV series just don't come anywhere close to the movie. And a bunch of low budget TV shows I've watched an episode or 2 from and will never do so again... Seriously somebody should make some good sci-fi series, there's a hole right now in this genre that has to be filled.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 5:28:12 PM
Honestly the only good stuff on TV right now is going for realism and everyday life. Makes me sick, but at least we have a zombie show.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 11:41:29 PM
If you put "Star Trek" I would have voted, I love TOS, TNG, and Enterprise
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 2:00:54 AM
SteveTheWild wrote:
This. Also SG1 is clearly the greatest, it has space Macguiver after all

MacGuiver became MacUseless as his had many chances to build a nuclear reactor (with sticks, gum and an empty water flask) on the many alien planets he has visited :P

BSG 2004 all the way, more realistic (main characters die, similar situation to real world with issues that include xenophobia, intolerance, racism etc..) and characters that you can relate to.
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 2:04:34 AM
onel4stkill wrote:
How dare you leave out Stargate Universe! A shame they didn't bring about a 3rd season.

SGU is that not the mini series show they have on TV from time 2 time??

Jk jk jk, but seriously I could not "get" into that show since whenever my local stations whenever they decide to show SGU it gets cancelled 5 episodes down the track lol

Trashy programs (neighbors, home & away) never seem to disappear though smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 5:22:57 AM
I say Firefly, but only based on the merits what my imagination pictured the series to become. smiley: frown haha..
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 8:01:33 AM
I'd have to give it to the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. Wanted to get into Stargate a few times but never ended up watching it. Judging by the poll it may not be such a bad idea, I always see the DVDs for really cheap nowadays.
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