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My Wife Has Banned Me!

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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 7:02:30 AM
I just recently moved in with a long time girlfriend and I'm not sure she realized how much of a gamer I really am. Just be firm in that gaming is important to you but you are willing to pencil her in for a few minutes between rounds and see how she takes it smiley: smile.

Seriously though, just express that gaming is important to you but you're willing (and be willing) to be flexible with your time. Nowadays I don't even turn my computer on until 10PM or later during the work week. Just make sure she knows important game release dates and that you need some regular time to game.
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 2:52:45 AM
My girlfriend simply doesn't really see the appeal in games...I cried and died a little inside when she admitted that she wasn't even sure what the Legend of Zelda was. smiley: sad

Although, it does depend just how much time you spend playing, and how much time you spend on her. I get away with gaming a lot as my girl and I don't see each other that often, as all the bus routes to each other's place have been scrapped recently. But seeing as she's your wife...Dunno, I'll brake the gamer mold and suggest it's time to sucker up to the lady and win some points back with her. Sound like you let her approval rating drop a bit too far, time to work on fixing that smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 2:48:02 AM
That's why I bought an XBox to my girlfriend. Now "quality time" has become synonymous of her interrupting my turns to show me this or that cinematic or having me defeat that real big hard monster for her. Golden. smiley: kitty
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 2:03:19 AM
The thing about introducing the missus to games is that you risk them occupying it instead of you. My girlfriend started playing Sims as a gateway drug - now she's squatting my poor computer half of the day smiley: sweat
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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 11:26:43 PM
And making the wife happy while still gaming is probably working best by getting her addicted to games herself, although you may end up being the one seeking attention.
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