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Old games that you can't seem to put down

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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 5:23:05 PM
Tales series is pretty fantastic. Mmm Deus Ex.

Oh and Harrel! You might want to check out Heroes of Might and Magic 6. It's a flawed game and it's start was deplorable-- but recent updates/patches have made it rather enjoyable--they added those town screens back into the game!
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 5:09:21 AM
defekt wrote:
For me retro gaming harks back to a period in gaming history when the landscape was pretty much an independent one. The technology was a burgeoning one and at the time it wasn’t able to produce photo-realistic representation of its subject matter thus it relied on story and game-play, and left your imagination to fill in the gaps.

Today my favourite games are almost all independently developed because as far as I can see only the indie devs do a ‘good enough’ job with the technology and mostly hold on to the old ethic of: game-play first. The PC is also the perfect platform for such developers, and e-distro tools like Steam give indie devs a route into the market like no other. The AAA developers have enormous customer bases to keep happy thus the games that they churn out may look super-sharp but they’re very often dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Indie devs take a concept and try to make the very most of it; however, the AAA devs tend to take a good concept and do the bare minimum with it (then milk it with day 1 DLC that should have been in the game to begin with – EA, I’m looking at you here).

There's also the fact that some old games are unique. So if you want to play such kind of games... you have nothing "new" to play with.

For instance there's no game like King of Dragon Pass. And that's a shame.
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 1:01:26 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
There's also the fact that some old games are unique. So if you want to play such kind of games... you have nothing "new" to play with.

For instance there's no game like King of Dragon Pass. And that's a shame.

They did re-release it tho.

"An updated version of the game was released for iOS on September 8, 2011. (This version was updated for iPad on September 6, 2012.) The original Windows version was re-released by GOG.com on August 28, 2012."

From wiki
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 4:57:46 PM
Just to update my own self here, lately I've been absorbed in the old GameBoy Color game MagiNation. Don't know why, or how, but I found my old GBC with the game in it, and my downtime between classes has been so much more enjoyable now.

Now I just wonder if my old GBA with Final Fantasy 4 or 6 is still around...
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 5:39:44 PM
Most of my old GBA games like YuGiOh the Sacred Cards, Pokemon Emerald and Golden Sun.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 5:48:22 PM
CNC Tiberian Dawn.

No matter how much people complain how the series changed they are almost always talking about CNC TibSun to CNC 3, I feel the change from the original to TibSun completely changed the setting and removed a lot of the settings from the original, it just felt too different in my opinion.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 7:34:14 PM
One thing that never seemed to change was Joe Kucan/Kane lol. Guy doesn't age! Vanilla CNC also had one of the best sound tracks ever. We have Frank Klepacki to thank for that! Act on Instinct is probably still my favorite.

I loved the Brotherhood of Nod. I'm sad that I won't be playing another game featuring them.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 10:45:55 PM
System Shock 2, Deus Ex, and some of the pokemon games, and I guess Mass Effect 1 if you consider that an old game.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 10:53:35 PM
Insolentius wrote:
Original War. That game was criminally underrated.

Hostile Waters fits that category, good game play and fantastic story.

If you looking for something to watch there is a silent LP of it from start to finish (Silent as in no commentary) and allows you to watch the whole story.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 10:55:39 PM
HI friends my name is ven cruise and Mario is that game for ever because it remembered me my chilhood days..................
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 1:25:37 AM
Tetris on my gameboy color.

Ascendancy on my iPAD.

Sid Meier's Pirates on my pc.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 1:50:13 AM
The only really old game I still manage to find agreeable to play after all these years is... Dune 2. Such a classic! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 4:02:22 PM
What are some older you games you enjoy that you just can't have a PC without installing? Even if it's just a once every six month fling?

Master of Orion 2:

This one comes up in a lot of my posts now that I think about it. I think it's because Endless Space reminds me a great deal of it, as different as they may be. Hands down has to be my favorite 4x/civ game of all time. It just has so many different layers that come into play when you're playing, makes it truly feel like no game ever goes the same way twice. Several years of playing and I'm still squeezing fun out of it on average at least a weekly basis if not more. Espionage, diplomacy, custom factions, interesting and radically game changing faction traits. Just all around great game. It's held up for me after all these years! Many people claim this game is the yard stick measured up against 4x space civs. I'm inclined to agree.

Black Isle Studios:

(Baldur's Gate, Planescape, Fallout, Icewind Dale)

It would have taken far to long to list every game by Black Isle I love. I figured this would be far more simple. This developer was the Pre-EA Bioware of their time. Only, that would be an understatement, as I believe even Pre-EA Bioware pales in comparison. Everything this studio touched was gold. RPGs and immaculately seductive enthralling storytelling that would forever leave an impression on me. I miss this dedication to storytelling in gaming. I really do. I can go on forever on a tangent about these games, but I won't. All I will say is that I highly ---highly--- recommend them. You can bet your life that one or more of these games are always on my current PC. If you haven't expereinced the original Fallout series or Baldur's Gate then you're no gamer. "Boo! Go for the eyes Boo!" Most of these guys work for Obsidian these days. Brain Fargo himself is with InExile.

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura:

Troika only ever put out handful of games (Most notably this one and VtM: Bloodlines).. But damn, were those games great. I particularly enjoyed this one. It was your typical fantasy setting with a very fun twist. Orgres, Orcs, Dwarves, Humans, Elves---and 1700s Victorian influenced steam punk. We're talking flying machines, zeppelins, clockwork tech, ect. You designed your character with magic or tech in mind on the principle that one cancels out the other. Magic bends reality. Tech harnesses reality. Neither can work together. Being a crafting nut in RPGs, this one was great. You could literally enter town, rummage through the trash bins, and build explosives and weapons in preparation for your next big undertaking. Furthermore, it has great replay value---Selecting different dialogue options, playing towards a certain moral alignment, playing a stupid character(changes your dialogue, quite funny), playing magic, playing tech, playing skill based? I still load it up every now and then. The soundtrack was also very pretty. The man theme, being this bleak and yet hopeful violin music.

Cid Mier's Alpha Centuari:

This one never got a sequel, which is sad. I hardly ever find myself playing the traditional earth-based Civilization Series. Something about being on earth is off-putting to me. The scale is to small perhaps. Or maybe I can't wrap my head around the Aztecs winning WW2. Or maybe I'm just a scifi nut? For me, Alpha Centauri was the awnser. You are the survivors of a human expedition to Alpha Centuari---presumably, the rocket launched under the victory condition in the Civilization series--Someone assassinates the captain and those with a following develop into several different factions that function differently (Your typical Sceince, Industry, Military, Population, ect based factions.).. You're often at odds not only with each other, but with the planet. Fun tiimes!


And well... You all know this one! No need for commentary!

What are some of yours?
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:01:11 PM
Is Command and Conquer: Generals an old game?

I've also been playing Star Wars: Empire at War since it came out... although again, not sure if that's as "old" as we're talking about.

But Diablo 2 is old, right? I still hop into that once in a while (less often after my account got deleted and i lost my full vampire necro set)
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