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Old games that you can't seem to put down

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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 5:10:33 PM
By my count, yes.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 8:45:53 PM
No really old games - I enjoy my eye candy as well as good gameplay so I tend to only play modern games. But I do play Hearts of Iron 2 from time to time and recently got Arsenal of Democracy to see if it improves things. However I havent tried that yet as Ive been playing ES and Shogun 2 recently.

Other than that the only other oldish game is Falcon 4 which I dip into now and again but I played it to death years ago so I dont really pick it up much these days.

I have tried the odd really old games I used to play like Lords of Midnight and Jet Set Willy on the Spectrum gaming sites but I just cannot get into them now. Even though I loved all those old games I cant face playing them again. Probably because with the best games I played them to death when I bought them, and the slightly not so good games I didnt play a great deal then anyway. And either way, the graphics and resolutions of old games are so terrible comparedt o recent games that they make me cringe. They looked so great in those days though! I mean even quite modern games like Rome Total War and Medieval 2 look terrible now! You dont notice the degree of improvement in gaming until you look back at games like that, even ones that are only a few years old.

I will never understand retro gamers. Whats that all about?
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 8:56:20 PM
You usually don't compare them to modern examples, and just enjoy them for what they are and were.

Personally I quite enjoy the worse graphical games as they often emphasized actual game play overlooks that only needed to be functional instead of actually good.

Nothing like seeing a characters face form the 90's!
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 8:57:09 PM
nats wrote:
I will never understand retro gamers. Whats that all about?

I think because it's easier to appreciate an 8-Bit sprite rather than a brand-new 3D model whose hair clips a bit.

Plus, in older games, developers had to spend less time on graphics than in new games. I mean, Banjo Tooie (sequel to Banjo Kazooie) came out two years after the first game. How long was the wait time on Diablo 3?

I also think developers of old cared a bit more about their games than current-gen developers. The amount of time and effort put into Super Metroid almost definitely exceeds the amount of effort put into Metroid: Other M. It's another reason indie gaming has recently begun so popular: indie devs seem way more passionate about their games than publishers. Just compare Endless Space to the annoying frequency of new Call of Duty games.

It's a lot easier to be passionate about a game made by a developer who was passionate about it. Unless you're a non-thinker, like many CoD fans I've spoken to.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 9:05:22 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
I think because it's easier to appreciate an 8-Bit sprite rather than a brand-new 3D model whose hair clips a bit.

Plus, in older games, developers had to spend less time on graphics than in new games. I mean, Banjo Tooie (sequel to Banjo Kazooie) came out two years after the first game. How long was the wait time on Diablo 3?

I also think developers of old cared a bit more about their games than current-gen developers. The amount of time and effort put into Super Metroid almost definitely exceeds the amount of effort put into Metroid: Other M. It's another reason indie gaming has recently begun so popular: indie devs seem way more passionate about their games than publishers. Just compare Endless Space to the annoying frequency of new Call of Duty games.

It's a lot easier to be passionate about a game made by a developer who was passionate about it. Unless you're a non-thinker, like many CoD fans I've spoken to.

I would disagree on the comparison, while the fans may be questionable the COD series is a highly profitable multplayer shooter and is one of the most successful to date, its just smart business they would make more, it just more profit from what people want and with Blops2 (Black Ops 2) actually starting to majorly change the series we can kinda conclude the developers care about their game, after all it plays really well when you do it casually with some friends and looks cool.

Just because it is successful doesn't mean its a total cash cow, innovation still lives in the series and i can see it surviving for another decade or so before sales drop.

smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 9:12:30 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I would disagree on the comparison, while the fans may be questionable the COD series is a highly profitable multplayer shooter and is one of the most successful to date, its just smart business they would make more, it just more profit from what people want and with Blops2 (Black Ops 2) actually starting to majorly change the series we can kinda conclude the developers care about their game, after all it plays really well when you do it casually with some friends and looks cool.

Just because it is successful doesn't mean its a total cash cow, innovation still lives in the series and i can see it surviving for another decade or so before sales drop.

smiley: smile

I'm not saying it's not profitable. In fact, that's the exact problem: In today's gaming industry, profits are more important than the games themselves. Publishers don't care if their game is memorable or is still being played ten years from now, they only care about how much money they can stuff in their pocket after its release.

CoD may be profitable, but the games aren't exactly graceful. There are insane balance issues, multiplayer issues, etc. The kind of issues that don't exist in Halo, at least, not to nearly the same incredible extent.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 10:13:55 PM
Wah! I forgot about it, but it's still installed on my laptop somewhere: Lords of Magic! oO'

God knows that game was good. Mightily good! If anything like this exists somewhere, please people, I beg you to tell me! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 11:03:03 PM
Star Control series...

Decent Series...

FreeSpace Series...

Total Annihilation Series...

and the list goes on....
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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 12:19:57 AM
nats wrote:
I will never understand retro gamers. Whats that all about?

Its all about reviving the feelings you had for a game when you were a kid. That's what its about for me, heck I still miss being able to play YuGiOh cards because no one plays it any more.

I mean you can't tell me that if you fired up the first game you obsessed over you wouldn't enjoy it? Its like a an old favourite song that you got bored of long ago and forgot it, you can play it 10 years later and it brings back all those memories.

Also shiny graphics aren't the only things a game needs to be great, I mean I'd take GBA graphics over 3DS graphics any day. (may also have something to do with the nauseating effect that 3D has on me)

Then again while re-reading your post I can tell we're talking about two different games of soldiers, I go back and play my gameboy and you're talking about computer games, which do age a lot faster IMO. Probably because they were considered graphical marvels in their day whereas with the GBA you never had that, it was just about the game.

Oh and just for the record Igncom CoD sucks and has brought down my favourite modern gen shooter game gears to a casual pile of poo. Just saying, devs are casualising their games to try and get at the CoD market and it annoys me.
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