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Which is your Top 5 favorite game ?

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12 years ago
Sep 30, 2012, 4:10:43 AM
Starfox 64 was another great game. I wish I had some way of playing it again, the way you can with the old Banjo-Kazooie games (they were ported to XBLA).

Although in fairness, you may very well be able to play Starfox on a newer Nintendo console - I just don't really use them. I know there was a DS version for Super Mario 64.
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12 years ago
Oct 23, 2012, 6:34:09 PM
I already had posted my top 10 in this thread:

adder wrote:
Any game in a persons top 10 is a good game.

Therefor I wish not to sort them 1 to 10 because they simply are

equally good; I just love them. smiley: smile

Therefor here's my top 10 sorted by playtime (the more, the higher):

1) - Age Of Empires I & III (PC)

I Played this game a lot when I was younger and it really amused me; It became more then just the game,

I started creating my own levels and campaigns, started fantasizing about my own civilization and stuff..

Ah, these where beautiful days! I never bought the 2nd one but years later I gave AoE III a try.

The game is definitly a good one, but.. It never gave me the feelings the 1st one did (and the editor is damn hard to use).

Despite that I also have a huge amount of playtime in AoE III and had alot of fun with the game, just less then with the original

2) - Trackmania Sunrise & United (forever) (PC)

Slightly ahead of Mass Effect and Gran Turismo in playtime, this game really made an awesome impact on me.

I got Sunrise for Christmas gift (hell, it was only for 5 euro's, them greedy basterds)

and to be honest is was thinking
"Bah what a Crap game, only 5 euro's..". But i was wrong!

The moment I installed this beauty and played it I knew it was right on. As time passed I realized

the game was already old, so I moved on to United Forever (which was 20 euro's at that time).

There I joined clans made new friends, aahh.. just fabulous.

With the overtake of Nadeo by Ubisoft the community has slightly died off because of acts

such as "Freezone" and other Ubi decisions.. A shame. smiley: cry

3) - Gran Turismo (series) (Ps 1 / Ps 2 / Ps 3)

The second game I owned for my ps1 (after lego racers). I have 3 save cartridges with only Gt 1 and 2 Save files,

Playing this game meant that I was at my dad's place, and it might have been the main reason I enjoyed going

there. Despite I have few to say; I love these games (I have all of them ^^).

4) - Mass Effect (series) (PC - Xbox 360 - Ps 3)

When I first got this game, I knew nothing about it (was already released 2 years).

And to put it simply: I was blown away because of it's epicness!

I don't know what to say, the game is just.. perfect

And yeah ME3's ending is not what most expected it would be; BUT realize that most

of you are not mad with the ending, but with the fact that there is a ending.

I too want the game to continue; but this is just the way it is my friends, deal with it.

5) - Metal Gear (series) (Ps 1 / Ps 2 / Ps 3)

I've played the series for the first time on the ps1, the "Metal Gear Solid" episode with the Shadow Moses Incident.

At first I didn't really liked it because I was simply too young to decently play the game. But man.. What an experiance

The story is just fabulous and gives a different (not completely realistic) view on war. Its also a game that illustrates

that a single man cannot perform takes such as taking out an entry army (As other games and movies do attempt).

The tactical element is a good variation in the giant amount of games available!

6) - Advance wars I & II (gameboy advance)

The strength of this game is it simplicity and high fun factor, and the fact that it is a gameboy game.

A gameboy game almost directly means
"Only Played with friends". I traded this game with a friend

for and extra copy of AoE: Gold Edition that I had lying around. Now, every time I play this game

I always think back at these wonderful moments I had with my friends.

7) - Lego racers (PC - Ps 1)

I had this game both on ps 1 and on pc (at both my parents their places).

In these days I was still a little boy and I was utterly bad at gaming,

I took me months to beat the first "boss" (the pirate), and I believed you would be able to make

your own tracks if you had beaten the final boss (Rocket Racer). So I kept on drawing

tracks on paper for when I would finally beat him.. Which turned out to be false, and I was quite

disappointed when I found out.. ahh being young; it was fun!

8) - Call of Duty I & IV (PC - OsX - Ps 3 - Ps 2 - Xbox - GameCube - Xbox 360)

With my did in the military, I had grown up with stories about it. And with my being fond of WW2

(He bought CoD 1 actually for himself) I have played CoD1 quite a lot of times, but I never touched

the multi-player. Cod 4 Meant a big change for the series and was and is one of the better games around,

too bad the series has been turned into a money making machine over time, rather then staying a game...

9) - Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (PC)

Never played the 1st one and 3 didn't had the "feeling" that rollercoaster II has.

This game has consumed much of my time when I was about 12.

I don't really enjoy it anymore, but oh boy.. the fun I had back then.

Creativity... I like it!

10) - Need For Speed Underground 2 & Most Wanted (PC - Ps 2 - Xbox - Xbox 360 - Mac - Gamecube - Gameboy advanced)

Don't be fooled by it being last on this list; I still have played these game well over 100 hours.

They are the only 2 I have from the series, and I believe they are the 2 best.

nfs most wanted is the better of the 2 by my meaning, I just love(d) being chased by these stupid cops

that crashed into everything they could spot. ^^

You see Endless Space isn't in the top 10 yet,

but things can change. There has to be a reason though..

you don't get into my top 10 without some emotional attachment to the game smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 22, 2012, 4:17:37 PM
Hmm Top 5 is hard but ill try:

Baldurs Gate 2 Shadows of Amn (whole series but this one really shines)

Gothic 1+2+3(with community patches)

Poxnora (early years)

Final Fantasy X ( I just love it, the story just got me, Yuna!)

Imperium Galactica 1 (very old but great)

damn 5 isnt enough, so many great games... your evil for making it Top 5... smiley: sadblue
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12 years ago
Oct 15, 2012, 7:25:13 AM
My top 5 in no particular order are;

Lords of Midnight, Skyrim, Ascendancy,Halo Wars and Star Wars.

smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 15, 2012, 2:00:31 AM
Picking a top 5 is difficult because there are more than a dozen tied for first. :P I would have to say, in no particular order, the following 5 since they have the most replay value.

Garrys Mod

Guild Wars 2

Endless Space


Stronghold 2
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12 years ago
Oct 15, 2012, 1:08:05 AM
BlueTemplar wrote:
Well, you do realize that SupCom2 was like a slap in the face to all the TA, Spring and SupCom1 fans?

It completely abandoned the vision of it's predecessors by trying to copy games like C&C and Starcraft. (Which are not necessarily worse games, but are so different as to be almost a separate RTS genre...)

I have been a TA fan for a good long time, But in the end I agree.

The only thing bad about SupCom 2 is that it was supposed to be SupCom, but came off as a kind of knock off version.

Its a good RTS game, one of the best in fact, just don't expect it to be the next SupCom 2 game.
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 9:14:51 PM
Well, you do realize that SupCom2 was like a slap in the face to all the TA, Spring and SupCom1 fans?

It completely abandoned the vision of it's predecessors by trying to copy games like C&C and Starcraft. (Which are not necessarily worse games, but are so different as to be almost a separate RTS genre...)
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 6:41:46 PM
BlueTemplar wrote:

Don't tempt me lad, I prefer SupCom2 to the originals any day.

Frankly the only flaws in comparison is map size and air unit health (Having more HP then a building is ridiculous).

And with upcoming mods, the game only gets better. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 5:21:33 PM
Supreme Commander 2

Sim City 4

Dungeon Keeper 2

Civilization 5

And as for the moment: Endless Space (Currently with mods however)
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 4:59:52 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
Starfox 64 was another great game. I wish I had some way of playing it again, the way you can with the old Banjo-Kazooie games (they were ported to XBLA).

Although in fairness, you may very well be able to play Starfox on a newer Nintendo console - I just don't really use them. I know there was a DS version for Super Mario 64.

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12 years ago
Oct 13, 2012, 8:19:59 PM
Heroes Of Might And Magic 3

World Of Warcraft



Thief: The Dark Project
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 10:21:44 AM
Hello Friends !!!

My name is Marvin Cole.I play many game.My favorite game is Mario.I play many time this game.

It is very best game.When i get free time then i play this game.I hope you like this game.It is very easy to play.

Also i like many game.Need For Speed,The Tank,Mario,Super Man, Mexico etc.
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12 years ago
Sep 30, 2012, 3:58:18 AM
Super Mario 64, lots of good memories playing that one. And, of course, Ocarnia of Time and Starfox 64. Nothing better than classic N64.

Of the newer stuff, Love Skyrim and Halo Reach. I always make time for some RTS action on the PC, though. Lovin Endless Space, as well as Civilizations and Crusader Kings 2.
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12 years ago
Sep 29, 2012, 11:20:16 PM
i like old games with good gameplay and RP like gothic 1, gothic 2, mana, freelancer the ones who know it must agree with me that it´s awsome and of cours as

last and fifth ES
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12 years ago
Sep 28, 2012, 12:58:36 PM
Madrox wrote:
Ogame is only any good if you havea private server and make some tweaks to be more fast paced. D:

yea been looking to get some server software my self.

Tho they do have 4x uni in the main game.
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 6:48:12 AM
Beda wrote:
Ah i remember when Ogame was new. Still play it.

Ogame is only any good if you havea private server and make some tweaks to be more fast paced. D:
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 1:48:15 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Top 5 hmmm (no particular order) - Stronghold 1, ES, Skyrim, OGame & Tyrant.

Ah i remember when Ogame was new. Still play it.
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