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My 3D Renders Topic! \o/

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12 years ago
Oct 21, 2012, 7:54:39 PM

So, i am learning Blender via tutorials (can you guys recommend one to me?) and did these two renders form what i learned. smiley: biggrin

First this is some sort of stylish cube i did in 2 hours of tweaking at Blender. i find it quite nice. D:

This is a preview of my new spaceship, its awful, but im trying. xD

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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 10:21:08 PM
Beware the monstrosity! D:

To begin with, one of my recent creations of CB Model.






I need help to know how to transform this cg sculpture to an model that supports multiple textures. D:


obs: IIm using Cb Model, Blender and Keyshot right now.
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12 years ago
Oct 21, 2012, 8:36:52 AM
Mansen wrote:
Sleek, also known as smooth. It looks like it'd glide through space without any problems smiley: redface

Sleek/smooth/slim are similar - they mostly describe some small/thin/well adapted/well fitting objects smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 21, 2012, 8:32:31 AM
Sleek, also known as smooth. It looks like it'd glide through space without any problems smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 7:47:27 PM
Yea, i tought about it too.

but it is very hard to do it with such a basic modeler like Cb Model.

Im learning blender tough, so i can do more advanced thing.

But, what do you mean by "sleek"? i do not know this word. D:
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 7:45:46 PM
Mansen wrote:
Looks very sleek - not very functional, but very sleek. If you want to make that a functional model at any point, you're going to be having to think out some gunpoints, windows and whatnot. smiley: draw

Indeed - some gunpoints could be at the "Wings", between them and the ship smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 7:29:01 PM
Looks very sleek - not very functional, but very sleek. If you want to make that a functional model at any point, you're going to be having to think out some gunpoints, windows and whatnot. smiley: draw
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 7:21:28 PM
My new model, beware, the Battleship Nautilus! xD :



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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 6:49:08 PM
Madrox wrote:
I knew i was forgetting something important! xD

Dude, you can't just forget Jule Vernes smiley: biggrin
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