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Galactic Civilizations III Announced

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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 11:58:06 PM
murph wrote:
Great news!! Can't wait smiley: biggrin

So, being 64-bit this would not run on a 32-bit OS, correct?

Not on a 32bit system - or Processor. So ... that's not a lot of people these days. Steam says around 14% of users are using a 32bit system of Vista or later.
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11 years ago
Oct 21, 2013, 6:19:36 PM
rockmassif wrote:
Just gonna wait for a discount. I'm sure I can buy it for less then 25usd.

Power to the buyer, man.
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11 years ago
Oct 20, 2013, 7:48:36 PM
Ok, I know they have had some bad releases, but at least they kept supporting / fixing the games.

And the games they make are not bad.
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11 years ago
Oct 20, 2013, 7:20:35 PM
Tredecim wrote:
I'm just wondering, would anybody of us here spend the 100 USD ? It's almost a bit too high for me..

If it was just software I might, but no game warrants 100 USD. Period. I remember Planetary Annihilation asking like $90 bucks for alpha access when its basically WZ2100 but for $90 more, and slightly better graphics lol
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11 years ago
Oct 20, 2013, 6:05:33 PM
Tredecim wrote:
I'm just wondering, would anybody of us here spend the 100 USD ? It's almost a bit too high for me..

Outside of a Kickstarter in return for something exclusive and worth the added cost? Oh hades no.
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11 years ago
Oct 20, 2013, 3:25:09 PM
rockmassif wrote:

100 USD for Alpha Access.

WOW. $100 is ridiculous. How do they justify such a cost?

Seriously, base PC game ($50) + Expansions (2x$20) + DLC (?). Still doesn't justify paying that much before any are in a completed state. The "Founders Edition" is even more laughable; $40 bucks to play beta for 3-5 months and a $10 off coupon?

I refuse to pre-order just based on principle. They're just going to lower the price after the diehard fans shell over the benjamin. Now I will be waiting for the reviews, regardless. This just turns buyers like me off...


Edit : So it took over 2 years after the release of GalCivII to release its 2 expansions. Just to keep in mind if anyone is considering this. Also of note, there is no option to just pre-purchase the base game, its either beta access + coupon, or you have to buy everything (likely YEARS before you actually get what you 'paid' for)
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11 years ago
Oct 20, 2013, 12:03:26 PM
Tredecim wrote:
I'm just wondering, would anybody of us here spend the 100 USD ? It's almost a bit too high for me..


I am going to wait until the game has been out for a year, and it's on a steam flash sale for 75% off before I even consider it. StarDock will never get a full purchase from me again. They have lost my trust.
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11 years ago
Oct 17, 2013, 4:37:17 PM
Nasarog wrote:

Most recent is Elemental: War of Magic and that prolonged beta test.

Divine_Moments_of_Truth wrote:
They release unfinished, very buggy games.

Well then, I guess I'll have to try before I buy.

The only game from StarDock I've played is GCivII + expansions, so my experience with the company begins and ends there. I'll have to read up on the game's progress, and not be tempted by pre-order bonuses. Hopefully it will turn out nothing like their Elemental game supposedly did. Though from the game's wiki page, they seemed to go the same direction as ES - where game is continually updated with new features and expansions are included.
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11 years ago
Oct 17, 2013, 1:50:21 AM
murph wrote:
And I guess I don't keep up with Stardock enough. Why are you guys against pre-ordering/trusting Stardock? (quick summary?) Please let me know, I may pre-order....

Most recent is Elemental: War of Magic and that prolonged beta test.
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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 6:18:22 PM
In this thread:


I said:

"Endless Space was a nice addition to the genre and I've had a blast playing over 300 hours of it. Unfortunately, it only took us about halfway to fulfilling the potential of a truly great 4x space strategy game. It's such an underserved market. I hope someone else takes up the challenge."

Well, I'm pleased to report that someone else had indeed taken up the challenge. Stardock just announced Galactic Civilizations III which will be exclusive to 64 bit PC's.


I hope this motivates Amplitude to take Endless Space to the next level instead of spending their resources on other games.

Even if they don't, this is good news for fans of 4x space strategy games.
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 9:49:30 PM
I love ES I really do, but.....

There is so much potential to be acted upon that it is mind blowing.

What I would love most of all, and would really set ES out from ever 4X out there is a massive expansion to how thE player deals with the people within their empire, the political party's, terrorists, criminal underworlds, pirates, religion and the different species.

Most 4x games focus on the combat, expansionist side of building empires but Id really love to see how players can manage their empires and make the game less about who colonises the most, or who shoots better but more about who's empire can be better managed to produce the results the player wants without causing all kinds of upheaval and civil war that might even destroy players and replace them with NPC computer empires who follow different beliefs and ideals.
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 9:13:04 PM
Good news. But I'm still not much happy about it.

Would've have preferred another expansion pack for ES from Amplitude. ES is probably the most underrated game I've ever played in my life. Deserves much more attention from the audience.
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 8:51:45 PM
murph wrote:
Great news!! Can't wait smiley: biggrin

So, being 64-bit this would not run on a 32-bit OS, correct?
correct .
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 8:27:40 PM
And I guess I don't keep up with Stardock enough. Why are you guys against pre-ordering/trusting Stardock? (quick summary?) Please let me know, I may pre-order....
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 8:22:55 PM
Great news!! Can't wait smiley: biggrin

So, being 64-bit this would not run on a 32-bit OS, correct?
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11 years ago
Oct 16, 2013, 7:19:35 PM
I'll definitely not preorder anything made by Stardock. But I'll certainly keep an eye on it.
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