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Civilizations : Beyond the Earth on steam !

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10 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 5:00:04 PM
Now that they have pushed back the MAC release... I'm even less interested. I might buy it when they finish development on it. It reminds me of CIV4: Colonization... only the FFH mod, and FFH looks more interesting.
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10 years ago
Aug 22, 2014, 5:40:34 PM
Kingsguard wrote:
I read PC gamer interview with Devs and it looks pretty similar to AC, similar enough to make me preorder it !

The gamestar preview melkathi is referring to pointed out many differences and the developer's reasoning on them:

  • Faction Design: AC had 7 very distinct factions with clear ideologies, BE allows you to build your own faction, taking nationality as base-ideology.
  • Techtree: AC had a classic or semi-random-access tree. BE will have a concentric tree with two additional levels per tech. That's one of the things I actually see as an improvement.
  • Units & Upgrades: AC had a unit-editor and you had to upgrade your units at a certain cost. BE will have instantaneous upgrades at no cost, once you hit a certain faction point threshold, without a unit-editor, but with binary choices per unit to specialise. That's one of the things I like the least.
  • Combat system: AC had the stack of doom, BE will have the Civ V combat system. I'm fine with that.
  • Terrain & Terraforming: Whatever you did to a field of the planet in AC, it had an impact on that field and often surrounding fields. In BE, there's flat old Civ-land with farms and mines. That's one of the biggest detriments of that game for getting me to buy it.
  • Government: AC had 16 blocks to build your government in 4 different categories with ups and downs. BE will have culture specialisations much like Civ V. I don't know how this will play out, maybe I'm nostalgic, but I liked to have those weird AC-combinations.
  • Diplomacy & Espionage: AC had rudimentary espionage, but the planetary council to sink the planet. BE has better espionage, but scrapped global diplomatic interaction. I'm not sure the espionage will outweigh my options to make everyone sink the planet and found a naval nation...
  • City building & Expansion: AC had cities on land and sea. BE will have cities on land, only, and those will form outposts, before becoming cities. While I'm fine with the latter, anything resembling AC should also feature cities on sea, really.
  • Story & Quests: AC's awakening planet and raging worms against BE's optional history quests and alien fauna.

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10 years ago
Aug 22, 2014, 5:41:12 PM

I dont know why you dislike them, anyway I have a lot of fun with their games, Civ V is actually the game I played (and enjoyed) the most in my Steam library (above the 65 others) so I will not complain smiley: smile

The gamestar preview melkathi is referring to pointed out many differences and the developer's reasoning on them:

Faction Design: AC had 7 very distinct factions with clear ideologies, BE allows you to build your own faction, taking nationality as base-ideology.

Techtree: AC had a classic or semi-random-access tree. BE will have a concentric tree with two additional levels per tech. That's one of the things I actually see as an improvement.

Units & Upgrades: AC had a unit-editor and you had to upgrade your units at a certain cost. BE will have instantaneous upgrades at no cost, once you hit a certain faction point threshold, without a unit-editor, but with binary choices per unit to specialise. That's one of the things I like the least.

Combat system: AC had the stack of doom, BE will have the Civ V combat system. I'm fine with that.

Terrain & Terraforming: Whatever you did to a field of the planet in AC, it had an impact on that field and often surrounding fields. In BE, there's flat old Civ-land with farms and mines. That's one of the biggest detriments of that game for getting me to buy it.

Government: AC had 16 blocks to build your government in 4 different categories with ups and downs. BE will have culture specialisations much like Civ V. I don't know how this will play out, maybe I'm nostalgic, but I liked to have those weird AC-combinations.

Diplomacy & Espionage: AC had rudimentary espionage, but the planetary council to sink the planet. BE has better espionage, but scrapped global diplomatic interaction. I'm not sure the espionage will outweigh my options to make everyone sink the planet and found a naval nation...

City building & Expansion: AC had cities on land and sea. BE will have cities on land, only, and those will form outposts, before becoming cities. While I'm fine with the latter, anything resembling AC should also feature cities on sea, really.

Story & Quests: AC's awakening planet and raging worms against BE's optional history quests and alien fauna.

Its not what I read on PC Gamer Dev' Interview (4 pages) smiley: wink

And you know what ? Only guys who preordered it will really know ! smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Aug 22, 2014, 5:51:19 PM
I don't really put much stock in PC Gamer. They are extremly biased. Not that Gamestar is amazing - they have their fair share of bought and sold reviews, especially ridiculous when they write negative opinions and then give an amazing score (ME3 comes to mind smiley: wink )
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10 years ago
Aug 22, 2014, 5:55:03 PM
melkathi wrote:
I don't really put much stock in PC Gamer. They are extremly biased. Not that Gamestar is amazing - they have their fair share of bought and sold reviews, especially ridiculous when they write negative opinions and then give an amazing score (ME3 comes to mind smiley: wink )

This is an interview, not a review ! Dont you trust the Devs themselves ? ^^
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10 years ago
Aug 22, 2014, 8:10:52 PM
Kingsguard wrote:
This is an interview, not a review ! Dont you trust the Devs themselves ? ^^

Ok, I misunderstood. Did the interviewers ask them specifically about similarities and differences?
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10 years ago
Aug 22, 2014, 9:07:23 PM
Ah, that interview. Yeah, was not impressed by it back then smiley: smile

edit: ok as articles go, but it had dev saying how great thei game will be - nothing more nothing less. Later interviews/articles had more to see, thus could ask more pointed questions and get more facts.
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10 years ago
Aug 23, 2014, 12:20:05 AM
Design It Yourself Equipment: The game is supposed to feature an improved version of the unit workshop from Alpha Centauri.

David McDonough: "In this game, you have a core cadre of units and classes, and you customize and upgrade them over the course of the game. You get new technologies and various perks from all kinds of activities. By the end of the game, your army reflects a unique blend of advantages and styles that represent all the decisions you’ve made. No two armies will be the same. You could be fighting head to head against your neighboring civ with armies that are radically different. They look different, operate differently, represent different people".

Here is what I found about Unit workshop !

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10 years ago
Aug 23, 2014, 9:32:58 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
  • Combat system: AC had the stack of doom, BE will have the Civ V combat system. I'm fine with that.

  • I'm not - I'd much rather have a balance of the two. Let's say a 4 unit stack with a leader slot. No unit stacking at all leads to the opposite issue - Carpets of Doom over Stacks of Doom.


    (Yes these can- and will happen on higher difficulties if you as much as consider military)

    Bring in the slide puzzle mechanics!

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    10 years ago
    Aug 23, 2014, 11:06:49 AM
    Impressive battle you have here smiley: smile

    I like the One tile one unit system of Civ V and I dislike the BIG STACK armies of Civ IV, it was very uninsteresting..

    Ye a balance could be better ! Hmm 4 units and one leader slot looks fine for me. But it will not happen :/

    By the way, the link I found (see below) is a true gold mine if you really wanna know what expecting from Civ : BE !
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    10 years ago
    Aug 23, 2014, 4:16:53 PM
    I expect that if CIV:BE sells well, and it might, the first expansion will add an aquatic layer to the game as well as 2 more factions. I watched the broadcast on Thursday and I really liked what I saw. I am hoping for more. I am still displeased by that awful color palette. My guess as to why you can't customize your units is that in most games where that is an option, the A.I. sucks horribly at it and ends up paying for it. Look at ES as an example.
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    10 years ago
    Aug 23, 2014, 7:54:51 PM
    An aquatic layer would certainly help - Too bad there's no heightmap based terrain, or they could implement global warming as a result of over-industrialization and nukes. That sort of thing.

    Maybe they'll implement it anyway in some way - turning marshland into shallow water and plains into marshes slowly. Drying the continents out slowly.

    They definitely need more factions - Since they aren't more diverse and detailed, they'll have to go the way of Civ. Many more nations with unique portraits, personalities and small unique bonuses.

    Edit: Another 50min gameplay session for those not subscribed to their social media.

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    10 years ago
    Aug 23, 2014, 9:13:16 PM
    Indeed, more sponsors ( "factions") would be a good thing.

    But I think It will very easy to add some sponsors, its only a buff and some name localization after all !

    And by the way, the list looks made for more options, it looks empty at the moment smiley: smile

    About global warming I saw this somewhere :
    Global Warming: The trailer for the game shows the Great Pyramids of Giza being flooded as a result of climate change

    Thanxs for the link smiley: wink
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    10 years ago
    Aug 29, 2014, 2:14:27 PM
    I'm not gonna buy Beyond Earth until maybe sometime its on sale. It seems like CIV5 just with another skin... I never liked the direction civilization were going. I fail to see the meaning of using real nations, when people hardly play on real maps, and even the starting locations are random when you actually do.

    This is exactly why I love fantasy factions(like in EL) way better. And not to forget Alpha Centauri now that we talk about Sid Meier, which is his best game so far imo.
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    10 years ago
    Aug 22, 2014, 5:39:19 PM
    Kingsguard wrote:
    I read PC gamer interview with Devs and it looks pretty similar to AC, similar enough to make me preorder it !

    If with similar you mean basic Civ concept on a different planet smiley: smile

    But I hope you will enjoy it. We can't all like the same games. But Firaxis has lately turned from a developer who I trusted to produce amazing things, to a developer who I trust to dumb down old classics. I doubt there is another studio I dislike as much as them at the moment.
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    10 years ago
    Aug 29, 2014, 8:16:14 PM
    Nasarog wrote:
    Now that they have pushed back the MAC release... I'm even less interested. I might buy it when they finish development on it. It reminds me of CIV4: Colonization... only the FFH mod, and FFH looks more interesting.

    This is pretty normal with DirectX game developers - Mac tends to get pushed back because they have to redo a lot of the engine. This is why several developers have embraced Mantle and OpenGL (again, again again)

    I'm a little surprised Microsoft haven't released a DX for Mac yet. It's not like Apple is threatening the gaming market with their low end GPU combos. smiley: smile
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    10 years ago
    Aug 29, 2014, 9:33:50 PM
    Nasarog wrote:
    Now that they have pushed back the MAC release... I'm even less interested. I might buy it when they finish development on it. It reminds me of CIV4: Colonization... only the FFH mod, and FFH looks more interesting.

    Im sorry to say (you have heard it hundred of times ^^) but basicly if you want to play the last available games with the best compability, the best choice is Windows, not MAC :/

    Some of my friends are really annoyed cause of their MAC...
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    10 years ago
    Aug 30, 2014, 11:29:33 AM
    Kingsguard wrote:
    Im sorry to say (you have heard it hundred of times ^^) but basicly if you want to play the last available games with the best compability, the best choice is Windows, not MAC :/

    Some of my friends are really annoyed cause of their MAC...
    Thousands of time, but it's irrelevant to be honest with you. I am not annoyed at all. I got my mac for a reason and I use it accordingly. 9 months ago, everything changed when my daughter was born. I can't dedicate the time to sit in front of my gaming (PC) rig and play because when I am home, I have a million things to do. That's why I like 4x games.I can play a turn here or 5 turns there and not have to deal with firing up my console or gaming rig just to do that. Hence why I have been gaming a lot of my laptop. I just can't justify (but I can easily afford) a nice gaming laptop where it's only use will be to game. When the time comes for me to replace my gaming rig, I might consider a laptop.

    Back to the point - it's okay the CIV:BE won't release for the mac anytime soon because it means I can concentrate on Endless Legend (when the mac port is out). Kalypso studios also just ported Tropico 4 to the mac, and I own the whole thing with every expansion. I'll give that game some attention as well.
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    10 years ago
    Aug 30, 2014, 12:52:02 PM
    I'll see it AFTER the release.

    Honestly, CIV5 was really really bad. They constantly improved the game with DLC's but, it was more a roll-back than improvment. And like Cat-o-nine tales said, the "no mod in multi" was unnaceptable.

    And don't even mention CIv: colonization...
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