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What is your favourite role playing game?

Dungeon and Dragons
Star Wars
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 4:26:19 PM
I am playing Pathfinder 3.75 right now. Its fun but cant agree more 2nd E was far better. A little less balanced but far better in general with more options it the "RP" element.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 3:47:38 PM
Executus wrote:
Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition!!!

This. I've played D&D 4e, and after the games I've been through with the guy who got me started on D&D...4e is just so boring, in my opinion. I was able to be a lot more creative in the 2e. Although, how much of my opinion is based on my old 2e group (very fun, very good DM, awesome people all around) compared to my 4e group (more or less the opposite of the 2e group...) is unknown. :P

I'm really going to miss my 2e games...
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