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Grievances / Demands / Renounces -- Diplomacy is a mess!

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4 years ago
Dec 16, 2020, 7:18:16 PM

So I get a Grievance against another player.  I click on the Grievance and two further buttons pop up (why?? why not just put these buttons on the previous UI???) that say Demand and Renounce.

Hover over Demand and it says "Demand reparation for this injury! A trade embargo will be enforced and your borders will close [blah, blah]"

Trade is literally non-existent.  I can buy items but not sell them or TRADE MINE FOR THEIRS.  Do the devs even know the meaning of trade?  So who cares about a Trade Embargo, it's only going to screw me over.

And then to top it all off, hover over Renounce and it says "Renounce to create a Demand from this Grievance."

*literally facepalm so hard I kill myself*

Can you PLEASE overhaul the diplomacy already.  It is absolutely TERRIBLE.

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