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Influence on territory ...

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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 9:20:21 AM

Hi all. Can someone explain me, pls, a mechanic of Influence on territory?

In my current game I have a neighboring territory with 93% of my influence and only 7% of its owner influence.
What will happen when I'll get 100% influence?

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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 2:35:33 PM

The game generally does a poor job of communicating this, and other gameplay mechanics. I hope the developers invest in making their mechanics more transparent for release.

Ideally, clicking on the 'influence' overlay should detail how the player benefits from their influence over nearby regions, and how changes to their sphere of influence may affect them in the future. It's hard to care about a mechanic without knowing what's at stake.

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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 3:30:43 PM

When in a war capturing an any city that isn't under your influence passively drains war score, 1 per turn. I also believe enemies passively lose their war score if during a war you have influence over their cities. That's all that comes to mind immediately. I also think that it lowers stability when you have outside influence as the majority on your cities. It may also trigger grievances.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 4:18:09 PM

Nothing really happens at 100%, as you already are majority culture on that territory. Unless I'm missing something and there is a Grievance you can generate towards the player you are over influencing that goes along the lines of "Hey [Nation], are you really sure the people living on that land on the boarder are not Russian? From my view, that's Russian land.".

I think the game mechanic with influence starts applying when you have less than 50% cultural influence control on your territories, meaning that you cities begin to get osmosis events, where you either accept a civic change to the dominant culture's civics, losing the civic point you spend (which I think is fine as a consequence), or refusing and getting a pretty negligible debuf to your city (-50 Stability) which I really think the Devs should increase if the player is running away with stability points (I.E make it percentage based), like so often players do in Victor opendev.

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4 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 10:40:38 PM


Changlini wrote:

Nothing really happens at 100%, as you already are majority culture on that territory. Unless I'm missing something and there is a Grievance you can generate towards the player you are over influencing that goes along the lines of "Hey [Nation], are you really sure the people living on that land on the boarder are not Russian? From my view, that's Russian land.".

Yeah, this is one of the grievances, where you can occasionally request they give you the territory because they are mistreating your people, similar to how you can claim a religious grievance if you have majority religion in a city whose state religion is different. That said, I have yet to see any AI actually cede a territory for either of these grievances, so in the Victor Opendev, it's essentially just a way to increase war support.
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