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UI - Cannot Zoom In and Out using a laptop (no mouse-wheel)

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 11:57:09 PM


I use a laptop to play Humankind. As such I don't have a mouse wheel. I cannot figure out how to zoom in/out. In civ 6 I can do that by scrolling up and down with both fingers on the touch-pad, but this does not seem to work for Humankind. Is there a way to zoom in and out without using a mouse-wheel?

Thank you!

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 12:30:32 AM

Page Up and Page Down do this by default. If the two-finger scroll on your touchpad inputs mousewheel up/down (this is usually what it does) it should really work as well, perhaps the touchpad software is not passing that correctly to the game.

Additionally, you can bind different or additional keys to zoom in and out. I used C and V as they aren't used for anything else.

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