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Is there a way to skip actions such as war resolution and religious tenets?

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3 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 11:42:08 PM

Is there a way to skip actions such as war resolution and religious tenets?

For example, if a diplomatic "proposal" comes up because an enemy's War Support is at zero, is there a way to skip this "proposal" for a turn or two?

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 4:08:43 AM
Arghhhhhhhhh wrote:

Is there a way to skip actions such as war resolution and religious tenets?

For example, if a diplomatic "proposal" comes up because an enemy's War Support is at zero, is there a way to skip this "proposal" for a turn or two?

Sorry no. The designers of this game decided in their anti-war infinite wisdom to force you into a surrender on your enemies terms. And, to top it off the designers made it so that you can never take all the stuff you actually occupy, even if your war support is at 100. Oh, should also point out that if another civ forces your enemy to surrender you are also forced to take it on horrible terms. And, you should also be aware that you can be in a situation where you occupy most of an enemy, leading the war massively, but if your war score reaches 0 then you are forced into surrender where your enemy takes your cities and you get nothing.

Fun, eh? :)

Updated 3 years ago.
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